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[[Category:Game Mechanics]]
= Introduction =
= Introduction =
The character sheet can be found by pressing 'c' ingame.
The character sheet can be found by pressing 'c' ingame.

Revision as of 10:06, 26 March 2013


The character sheet can be found by pressing 'c' ingame. It has 4 tabs:

  • general
  • attack
  • defence
  • talents

These provide an overview of your character and its abilities. You can also hover your mouse over your own character, or use the 'L'ook command on yourself to see some of these stats.

Accuracy and defense

Accuracy determines your chance to hit your target as well as knock your target off-balance when measured against the target's Defense. When you use Accuracy to inflict temporary physical effects on an enemy, every point your opponent's relevant saving throw exceeds your Accuracy will reduce the duration of the effect by 5%.

Defense represents your chance to avoid physical melee attacks and reduces the chance you'll be knocked off-balance by an enemy's attack. It is measured against the attacker's Accuracy.

Ranged defense represents your chance to avoid physical ranged attacks and reduces the chance you'll be knocked off-balance by an enemy's attack. It is measured against the attacker's Accuracy.

Power and saves

There are 5 tiers. It costs more to increase scores that are in higher tiers. For each tier, here's the cost of increasing your score by one:

  • Tier 1: 1 point, from 0 to 20
  • Tier 2: 2 points, from 20 to 40
  • Tier 3: 3 points, from 40 to 60
  • Tier 4: 4 points, from 60 to 80
  • Tier 5: 5 points, from 80 to 100

Physical power measures your ability to deal physical damage in combat. When you use Physical power to inflict temporary physical effects on an enemy, every point your opponent's relevant saving throw exceeds your physical power will reduce the duration of the effect by 5%.

Spellpower represents how powerful your spells are. In addition, when your spells inflict temporary detrimental effects, every point your opponent's relevant saving throw exceeds your spellpower will reduce the duration of the effect by 5%. Increases chance to shrug off physically-induced effects. Also reduces duration of detrimental physical effects by up to 5% per point, depending on the power of the opponent's effect.

Mindpower represents how powerful your mental abilities are. In addition, when your mental abilities inflict temporary detrimental effects, every point your opponent's relevant saving throw exceeds your mindpower will reduce the duration of the effect by 5%.

Physical saving throw increases your chance to shrug off physically-induced effects. Also reduces duration of detrimental physical effects by up to 5% per point, depending on the power of the opponent's effect.

Spell saving throw increases your chance to shrug off magically-induced effects. Also reduces duration of detrimental magical effects by up to 5% per point, depending on the power of the opponent's effect.

Mental saving throw increases your chance to shrug off mentally-induced effects. Also reduces duration of detrimental mental effects by up to 5% per point, depending on the power of the opponent's effect.

Armour and armour hardiness

Armour value is a damage reduction from every incoming melee and ranged physical attack. Absorbs (hardiness)% of incoming physical damage, up to a maximum of (armour) damage absorbed.

This is countered by armour penetration and is applied before all kinds of critical damage increase, talent multipliers and damage multiplier, thus making even small amounts have greater effects.

Resistance, resistance penetration and immunity

Resistances (or "resists") allow a character to reduce a fraction of damage taken based on the type of damage it is. For example, fire resistance decreases the damage taken from any kind of fire damage -- a fire drake's breath, or an archmage's Flame talent, etc.

Resistance penetration decreases the effective level of your opponent's corresponding resistance. For instance, if your opponent has 30% fire resistance, but you have 10% fire resistance penetration, and you hit your opponent with fire, his effective fire resistance will be reduced to 27%.

"Resist all" is applied independently of single elemental resists. If you have 15% resist all and 20% fire resistance, you will resist 1 - ((1 - 0.15) * (1 - 0.20)) or 32% of all fire damage (in the absence of any fire resistance penetration on your opponent).

Resists also have a cap. The standard resistance cap for the player is 70%, which is applied after the 1-(1-a)*(1-b) step shown above. This means that if you have 60% fire resistance and 30% resist all, your combined total resistance would be calculated as 1-(1-0.60)*(1-0.30) = 72%, but then the resistance cap would lower this to 70%. Some equipment or talents may raise the resistance cap for specific elements. In the previous example, if the player wore armor that gave +5% fire resistance cap, then the full 72% would take effect, as that is under the new fire resistance cap of 75%.

Immunities give a flat chance to resist an effect. They're a bit like saves, insofar as passing a check makes the effect not happen, but they operate completely independently of physical power, physical save, mindpower, etc. 25% stun immunity is always a flat 25% chance to resist a stun (or any talent that checks stun immunity, such as Freeze), before saves are checked.