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m (Torque Powers: Fix header width)
m (Totem Powers: Fix header width)
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! width=12% | Name
! width=12% | Name
! width=3% | Rarity
! width=3% | Rarity
! width=5% | Level Range
! width=7% | Level Range
! width=70% class="unsortable" | Ability
! width=70% class="unsortable" | Ability
! width=10% | Cooldown
! width=10% | Cooldown

Revision as of 22:50, 6 March 2023

ToME Version: 1.7.4

All torques, totems and wands have a charmpower, which is randomly decided on item generation and its range is tied to material level.

Material Level Charmpower Range
1 10-25
2 20-40
3 30-55
4 40-70
5 50-85

Torque Powers

Name Rarity Level Range Ability Cooldown
psionic shield 15 1-50 Setup a psionic shield, reducing all damage taken by 3 + 2 * charmpower for 5 turns 25
clear mind 20 1-50 Remove 1 confusion or silence effect and prevent the application of 1 + charmpower / 20 (round-down) detrimental mental effects for 5 turns 25
gale force 10 1-50 Project a gust of wind in a radius 4 cone knocking enemies back (no save) 6 + charmpower / 10 (round-down) spaces and dealing 50 + 5 * charmpower Physical damage 15
mindblast 10 1-50 Blast the mind of an enemy within range 10 dealing 50 + 5 * charmpower Mind damage and silencing it (using mindpower) for 4 turns 15

Totem Powers

Name Rarity Level Range Ability Cooldown
healing 8 1-50 Heal yourself and all friendly characters within 10 spaces for 50 + 6 * charmpower 15
stinging 8 1-50 Sting an enemy (no save) within range 10 dealing 50 + 6 * charmpower Nature damage over 7 turns and reducing its healing by 50% 15
thorny skin 16 1-50 Harden the skin for 7 turns increasing armour by 5 + charmpower and armour hardiness by (20 + 10 * material level)% 20
summon tentacle 12 1-50 Summon a resilient tentacle in a radius 3 circle within range 5 for (3-13) turns. Each turn the tentacle will strike a random enemy within range 3 dealing Physical damage and attempting to pin it.

Tentacle stats: additional life: (90-490) + 10 * charmpower; base damage: (45-145) + 5 * charmpower; armor: (0-50); resist all: (0-50)%


Wand Powers

Name Rarity Level Range Ability Cooldown
clairvoyance 20 1-50 Reveal the area around you, dispelling darkness (radius 8 + charmpower / 10 (round-down), power 8 + charmpower / 10 (round-down) + 25–75cSS:Magic), and detect the presence of nearby creatures for 10 turns 15
lightning storm 10 1-50 Create a radius 3 storm within range 8 for 5 turns. Each turn, creatures within take 10 + 1.2 * charmpower Lightning damage and will be dazed (using the highest of accuracy/spellpower/mindpower) for 1 turn 15
conjuration 10 1-50 Fire a magical bolt (range 8) dealing 50 + 5 * charmpower Fire/Cold/Lightning/Acid (selected on item generation) damage 15
shielding 8 1-50 Create a shield absorbing up to 50 + 6 * charmpower damage on yourself and all friendly characters within 10 spaces for 4 turns 20

Charm Egos

All charm egos have a lesser and a greater version between which there's no difference. A certain item can only have one instance of each ego, regardless of the lesser or greater version. The random ranges of "quick", "supercharged" and "overpowered" egos use uniform distribution regardless of material level.

Name Rarity Level Range Ability
quick 15 1-50 Multiplies cooldown by (60-80)% (round-up)

Multiplies charmpower by (60-90)% (round-up)

supercharged 15 1-50 Multiplies cooldown by (110-130)% (round-up)

Multiplies charmpower by (130-150)% (round-up)

overpowered 16 1-50 Multiplies cooldown by (120-150)% (round-up)

Multiplies charmpower by (160-190)% (round-up)

focusing 12 1-50 Reduces (1-3) talent cooldowns by 2 on use
extending 12 1-50 Increases the duraction of (1-3) beneficial effects by (1-2.5) on use
evasive 12 1-50 Gains a (10-40)% chance to evade weapon attacks for 2 turns on use
soothing 12 1-50 Heals for (30-110) (which can mind-crit) on use
cleansing 12 1-50 Cleanses (1-3) total effects of type disease, wound or poison on use
piercing 12 1-50 Increases all resistance penetration by (10-30)% for 2 turns on use
powerful 12 1-50 Increases all damage by (10-30)% for 2 turns on use
innvervating 18 1-50 Reduces fatigue by (20-60)% for 2 turns on use

Wand Egos

This is a greater ego and it's not unique.

Name Rarity Level Range Ability
warded 12 20-50 Grants Ward at level 1 with (2-6) wards for 4 randomly selected damage types