
From Tales of Maj'Eyal
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Effect Types

Most effects fall under one of the three types of (in order of relevance) physical, mental or magical. The type has nothing to do with the method by which the effect was caused - most spells produce physical, not magical effects. It does determine what type of Wild Infusion is needed to remove the effect. Physical is probably the most important, and also the type of the starting Wild Infusion most races get. After that comes mental and finally magical - although magical effects, though rare, can be extremely dangerous. Effects if the type "other" are notable in that they cannot be removed by infusions and are also unaffected by various duration-reducing talents.

Beneficial Effects


Arcane Storm

The target is the epicenter of a terrible arcane storm. Gives arcane resistance.

Earthen Barrier

Reduces physical damage received.


Increases global action speed by %d%% and casting speed by a certain percentage, depending on the effect's power.


Improves/gives invisibility with a certain power, depending on the effect's power.

Mana Overflow

Increased maximum mana.


Regenerating mana per turn.

Molten Skin

Reduces fire damage received.

Reflective Skin

Magically returns a percentage of any damage done to the attacker.



Can apply shield block value against the next physical attack - and if the shield provides the right resistance for it, also non-physical damage. It does not have to be a melee attack. If this completely negates damage, the attacker is set up for a Counterstrike (see under Detrimental Effects).

Dwarven Resilience

Increased armour, physical and spell saves. Usually granted by the Dwarven talent Resilience of the Dwarves.


Grants a flat chance (depending on power) to completely negate melee attacks, independent of accuracy and defense.

Free Action

Immunity from stun, daze and pinning (this includes variants such as Frozen or Immobilized).


While under the Heroism effect, your Life can go into the negatives, but you will not die. How far below zero you can go depends on the effect's power. Instead of your current negative Life rating, three question marks (???) are displayed. Being at negative Life when Heroism runs out or is dispelled is fatal. Heroism also boosts your physical power, mindpower and spellpower.


Regain a small amount of Life each turn and have the effectiveness of additional healing increased. Usually gained from being at low Life and having the talent Vitality from the Conditioning tree.


Regain some Life each round.

Pain Suppression

Reduces all damage taken by the specified amount. Usually granted by using a Wild Infusion.


Allows detection of all Actors even through walls, darkness and similar, within the specified range. Usually gained via the talent Tracking from the Field Control tree. It is also granted by several items.


Increases global action speed by a certain percentage, depending on the effect's power. This effect is usually granted by the Shalore talent Grace of the Eternals.

Wild Speed

Your movement speed is greatly increased (typically by a factor of five to ten). Any action other than moving (or opening doors and moving levers) will cancel the effect. Typically this is gained by Movement Infusions (which additionally grant Free Action when Wild Speed ends).

Wrath of the Eternals

Increases all damage dealt while at the same time reducing all damage taken. Thaloren racial talent.


Continuum Destabilization

Despite the dangerous sounding name this is actually a good thing, protecting you from Paradox magic to a small extent. Conversely, if your enemies get this, it is slightly annoying.

Fade From Time

Grants some resistance to all damage types and reduces the duration of negative effects at the price of lowered damage output. Usually provided by the talent Fade From Time of the Paradox Mage tree Paradox Mastery

Detrimental Effects

Cross-tier Effects

These effects are automatically conferred when an attacker greatly outmatches the defender in a specific comparison of attributes, depending on the kind of attack.

  • Off-guard occurs when a melee or archery attack hits, and the attacker's Accuracy is in a higher tier than the defender's Defense.
  • Off-balance occurs when a physical talent hits, and the attacker's Physical Power is in a higher tier than the defender's Physical Save.
  • Spellshocked occurs when a magical talent hits, and the attacker's Spellpower is in a higher tier than the defender's Magical Save.
  • Brainlocked occurs when a mental talent hits, and the attacker's Mindpower is in a higher tier than the defender's Mental Save.

Cross-tier effects are removed on a "buy one get one free" basis by Wild Infusions of the appropriate type, when another effect is being removed. E.g. if a physical Wild Infusion is used to remove Stunned, and the target is also Off-guard, Off-guard will also be removed.


Decrepitude Disease

The target is infected by a disease, reducing its dexterity and doing blight damage each turn.

Rotting Disease

The target is infected by a disease, reducing its constitution and doing blight damage each turn. Reduced constitution also lowers maximum and effective life.


All damage resistance is reduced by a certain percentage, usually 20%.

Weakness Disease

The target is infected by a disease, reducing its strength and doing blight damage each turn. If you were carrying close to your maximum encumberance, the weight of your possesions may now prevent you from moving.


The target has been turned to stone, making it subject to shattering but improving physical(+20%), fire(+80%) and lightning(+50%) resistances.



Take an increasing amount of mental damage per turn.


Renders a random talent unavailable. No talents will cool down until the effect has worn off.


The target is confused, acting randomly (with a certain percentage chance) and unable to perform complex actions. Talents with "instant" activation as well as items can still be used reliably.


Acid Splash

Does a constant amount of acid damage per turn. Accuracy and damage are lowered for the effect's duration.


Reduces Willpower and Cunning. If the target is not the player, it uses a simpler form of AI for the duration ("The target is in extreme anguish, preventing them from making tactical decisions").


Take a constant amount of physical damage per turn.


The target is blinded, unable to see anything (while blind your map screen is completely black). Blinded monsters move about at random, and blinded spellcasters will fire spells in all directions. Note: This effect is often inflicted by Sun Infusions together with Luminescence (reduces stealth), and a Wild Infusion will randomly clear one, but not both.


Take a constant amount of fire damage each turn.


The target is constricted, preventing movement and making it suffocate (target loses 'air level' each turn).


Reduced Accuracy, Armour and Defense for the duration.


The next incoming melee attack will do double damage. Usually caused by being blocked (see Beneficial Effects: Blocking) by a shield-user.


Reduces the speed of combat actions, spells and mind powers. Basically everything except movement. In previous versions of the game, it reduced accuracy and physical power.

Crushing Hold

Take physical damage each turn. Usually applied together with Grapple and possibly Strangle Hold.

Cursed Wound

Take a constant amount of physical damage per turn and suffer reduced healing efficiency.


Unable to move, and halves all damage done, defense, saves, accuracy, spell, mind and physical power. Any damage taken will remove the daze.

Deep Wound

Take a constant amount of physical damage each turn and suffer reduced healing efficiency.


Movement speed and physical power are reduced.


The target is maimed, unable to correctly wield a weapon.


The target is encased in ice. All damage done to you will be split, 40% absorbed by the ice and 60% by yourself. Your defense is nullified while in the ice and you may only attack the ice but you are also immune to any new detrimental status effects. The target can not teleport or heal while frozen. The iceblock has a number of hitpoints before it is destroyed.

Frozen Feet

A weaker form of Frozen that only prevents movement, same as being Pinned.


Unable to move (but teleportation is still possible) and suffer from reduced defense and accuracy.


Like Pinned, you are unable to move, this time the reason is telekinetics. Still a physical effect though.

Insidious Poison

Take some nature damage each turn and suffer reduced healing efficiency.

Lowered Foo Resistance

Resistance against damage type Foo is lowered by the specified amount. Negative resistances increase damage taken.


Reduces stealth.


All damage dealt is reduced, in addition to a 30% penalty to global speed.


Global speed is reduced by 15%.


Attacker gains 10% critical chance and power.


The target is unable to act.


The target is pinned to the ground, unable to move. Teleportation is still an option, however.


Take some nature damage each turn.


Loose one beneficial physical effect per turn, and also take a constant amount of physical damage per turn. Usually this was caused by talents from the Solipsist Distortion (category) tree.

Set Up

More likely to be critically hit, and all saves are reduced.


Reduces global action speed by a certain percentage.

Slow movement

Movement speed is reduced by the specified amount, but other actions (melee attack, spells, etc.) are unaffected.

Spell Disruption

A chance to fail any spell it cast and a chance each turn to lose spell sustains.

Strangle Hold

Cannot cast any spells and also suffer physical damage each turn. Usually applied together with Grapple and Crushing Hold.


While stunned:

  • all damage done is reduced by 70%
  • movement takes twice as long
  • up to four random talents are put on cooldown (instant use talents like shield runes or wild infusions are exempt from this)
  • no talents come off cooldown for the duration

Sunder Armour

Armour value is reduced for the duration.

Sunder Arms

Accuracy is reduced for the duration.


All damage reduced by the specified amount.


Damage Smearing

Protects from all damage (except that with type temporal) for the duration. Once it wears of, it will return the damage as temporal damage over a number of turns. See the detrimental effect "Smeared" for how this works. Usually Damage Smearing is provided by the talent of that name from the Temporal Warden tree Temporal Combat.

Infusion Saturation

This effect increases the cooldown of your Infusions. It is caused by using Infusions and gets stronger if you use infusions while it is active. Ultimately it serves to limit how much you can use Infusions without taking a rest. Since it's of the type "other", it can't be cleared with Wild Infusions or reduced in duration with Timeless. There are parallel saturation effects for Runes and Taints.

Runic Saturation

This effect increases the cooldown of your Runes. It is caused by using Runes and gets stronger if you use infusions while it is active. Ultimately it serves to limit how much you can use Runes without taking a rest. Since it's of the type "other", it can't be cleared with Wild Infusions or reduced in duration with Timeless. There are parallel saturation effects for Infusions and Taints.


The target is silenced, preventing it from casting spells and using some vocal talents.


The price for using Damage Smearing. Will inflict the damage shielded by Damage Smearing as temporal damage over the specified number of turns. See the beneficial effect "Damage Smearing."

Summoning Destabilization

Increases the cooldown for summoning talents.


This effect increases the cooldown of your Taints, similarly to the saturation effects for Infusions and Runes.

Temporal Wake

The price you pay for having used a Time Shield. Delivers the damage taken by the shield in the form of temporal damage, distributed over the effect's duration.

Time Prison

The target is removed from the normal time stream, unable to act but unable to take any damage. Time does not pass for this creature.