Veins of the Earth

From Tales of Maj'Eyal
Revision as of 15:14, 22 September 2013 by Zireael (Talk | contribs) (Veins update)

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The Veins of the Earth is a module for T-Engine 4.0.1. It is inspired by d20 and Incursion by Julian Mensch.

Veins of the Earth
Developer Zireael
Current Version 0.0.14 (22 Sep 2013)
Engine Version 1.0.4
Standalone Version N/A
Module Page [1]
Forum Link [2]

The standalone version (T-Engine + module) can be downloaded from The ModDB site downloads come later due to their authorization process.

The game is a playable beta.

Contributors WANTED! The to-debug branch contains WIP code which isn't working properly for some reason. Any help debugging it is welcome!

Just fork the repo, make your changes and then make a pull request back. There's a list of issues (bugs and ideas) available on git, too.

Remember, do NOT include anything that's not OGL (i.e. no kuo-toa or illithids).

Anything that IS OGL - for example, SRD, Incursion, or the D&D Wiki portions marked as Open Game Content - is fine.

Any contributors will be credited in the Readme.

Features currently implemented include:

  • brand-new start-up screen and menu [standalone version only]
  • controls displayed automatically at game start
  • 8 classes: fighter, rogue, mage, ranger, cleric, barbarian, druid, warlock
  • 2 prestige classes: shadowdancer, assasin
  • 13 races: human, half-elf, half-drow, halfling, gnome, elf, dwarf, half-orc; drow, duergar, deep gnomes
  • a random name generator, taking into account your race and sex
  • working ECL (Effective Character Level)
  • multiclassing & prestige classes & favored classes
  • colored character sheet with tooltips displaying rules info
  • randomized unarmed and weapon damage; archery and weapon finesse
  • attack roll & AC & critical hits & offhand attacks & iterative attacks
  • saving throws [Seb]; now take the best of two stats (Dex-Int; Con-Str; Wis-Cha)
  • hp, exp, dungeon level on-screen display
  • inventory & encumbrance
  • spellbook, an iconed hotbar for spells, some 0 and 1st level spells [Seb]
  • armor spell failure chance; key stat must be 9 to cast spells
  • attributes roller before character creation; now guarantees higher stats
  • some monsters up to CR 1; CR displayed in tooltips; monsters drop equipment and corpses
  • feat and skill select [Seb]
  • skill checks and opposed checks, including armor check penalty and racial bonuses; more skill points at first character level
  • skill tests printed to log; max skill ranks implemented
  • most weapons from SRD; magic armors and shields; light sources; amulet of natural armor; cure x wounds potions [Seb]
  • ranged weapons as starting equipment; deep-dwelling races no longer get a torch
  • most melee & skill enhancing feats from SRD
  • working Intuition skill and item identification
  • colored in-game help screen; legend screen
  • stairs have a chance of not changing the dungeon level [Seb]
  • calendar
  • colored tooltips (color-coded relative monster stats and CR); colored log messages;
  • item tooltips
  • terrain effects
  • speed bonuses