T4 Modules Howto Guide/Character Sheet Dialogs

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Character Sheet

Player Display

A Player Display is the sidebar usually on the left that gives you a quick summary of your stats and status.

In order to create your own Player Display, create and copy the following code into your module's /class/PlayerDisplay.lua file.

 require "engine.class"

module(..., package.seeall, class.make)

function _M:init(x, y, w, h, bgcolor, font, size)
    self.display_x = x
    self.display_y = y
    self.w, self.h = w, h
    self.bgcolor = bgcolor
    self.font = core.display.newFont(font, size)
    self:resize(x, y, w, h)

--- Resize the display area
function _M:resize(x, y, w, h)
    self.display_x, self.display_y = x, y
    self.w, self.h = w, h
    self.font_h = self.font:lineSkip()
    self.font_w = self.font:size(" ")
    self.bars_x = self.font_w * 9
    self.bars_w = self.w - self.bars_x - 5
    self.surface = core.display.newSurface(w, h)
    self.surface_line = core.display.newSurface(w, self.font_h)
    self.texture = self.surface:glTexture()

    self.items = {}

function _M:makeTexture(text, x, y, r, g, b, max_w)
    local s = self.surface_line
    s:erase(0, 0, 0, 0)
    s:drawColorStringBlended(self.font, text, 0, 0, r, g, b, true, max_w)

    local item = { s:glTexture() }
    item.x = x
    item.y = y
    item.w = self.w
    item.h = self.font_h
    self.items[#self.items+1] = item

    return item.w, item.h, item.x, item.y

function _M:makeTextureBar(text, nfmt, val, max, reg, x, y, r, g, b, bar_col, bar_bgcol)
    local s = self.surface_line
    s:erase(0, 0, 0, 0)
    s:erase(bar_bgcol.r, bar_bgcol.g, bar_bgcol.b, 255, self.bars_x, h, self.bars_w, self.font_h)
    s:erase(bar_col.r, bar_col.g, bar_col.b, 255, self.bars_x, h, self.bars_w * val / max, self.font_h)

    s:drawColorStringBlended(self.font, text, 0, 0, r, g, b, true)
    s:drawColorStringBlended(self.font, (nfmt or "%d/%d"):format(val, max), self.bars_x + 5, 0, r, g, b)
    if reg and reg ~= 0 then
        local reg_txt = (" (%s%.2f)"):format((reg > 0 and "+") or "",reg)
        local reg_txt_w = self.font:size(reg_txt)
        s:drawColorStringBlended(self.font, reg_txt, self.bars_x + self.bars_w - reg_txt_w - 3, 0, r, g, b)
    local item = { s:glTexture() }
    item.x = x
    item.y = y
    item.w = self.w
    item.h = self.font_h
    self.items[#self.items+1] = item

    return item.w, item.h, item.x, item.y

-- Displays the stats
function _M:display()
    local player = game.player
    if not player or not player.changed or not game.level then return end

    self.items = {}

    local h = 6
    local x = 2
    self:makeTexture(("%s#{normal}#"):format(player.name), 0, h, colors.GOLD.r, colors.GOLD.g, colors.GOLD.b, self.w) h = h + self.font_h

    self:makeTexture(("Str/Dex/Con: #00ff00#%3d/%3d/%3d"):format(player:getStr(), player:getDex(), player:getCon()), x, h, 255, 255, 255) h = h + self.font_h
    h = h + self.font_h

    self:makeTextureBar("#c00000#Life:", nil, player.life, player.max_life, player.life_regen * util.bound((player.healing_factor or 1), 0, 2.5), x, h, 255, 255, 255, colors.DARK_RED, colors.VERY_DARK_RED) h = h + self.font_h

    self:makeTextureBar("#ffcc80#Power:", nil, player:getPower(), player.max_power, player.power_regen, x, h, 255, 255, 255, colors.DARK_BLUE, {r=colors.DARK_BLUE.r/2, g=colors.DARK_BLUE.g/2, b=colors.DARK_BLUE.b/2}) h = h + self.font_h

    if savefile_pipe.saving then
        h = h + self.font_h
        self:makeTextureBar("Saving:", "%d%%", 100 * savefile_pipe.current_nb / savefile_pipe.total_nb, 100, nil, x, h, colors.YELLOW.r, colors.YELLOW.g, colors.YELLOW.b, 
        {r=49, g=54,b=42},{r=17, g=19, b=0})

        h = h + self.font_h


function _M:toScreen(nb_keyframes)
    core.display.drawQuad(self.display_x, self.display_y, self.w, self.h, 100,100,100, 200)
    for i = 1, #self.items do
        local item = self.items[i]
        if type(item) == "table" then
            if item.glow then
                local glow = (1+math.sin(core.game.getTime() / 500)) / 2 * 100 + 120
                item[1]:toScreenFull(self.display_x + item.x, self.display_y + item.y, item.w, item.h, item[2], item[3], 1, 1, 1, glow / 255)
                item[1]:toScreenFull(self.display_x + item.x, self.display_y + item.y, item.w, item.h, item[2], item[3])
            item(self.display_x, self.display_y)


The class is now defined, but your game still has to be told to display it. Add the following near to the top of your Game.lua file:

 local PlayerDisplay = require "mod.class.PlayerDisplay" 

Then in the run function add

 self.player_display = PlayerDisplay.new(0, 0, 200, self.h, {30,30,0}, "/data/font/VeraMono.ttf", 12) 

Also modify the LogFlasher's x position so it does not render underneath the PlayerDisplay. Change it as following:

 self.flash = LogFlasher.new(208, 0, self.w, 20, nil, nil, nil, {255,255,255}, {0,0,0}) 

And finally find the display method and insert the following line:


And you are done, you should now have a working PlayerDisplay that you can modify to suit your needs.

Character Sheet

In the example module, you may notice that pressing 'C' causes an exception to occur due to a missing /dialogs/CharacterSheet.lua

Following is two example CharacterSheet Dialogs you can use in your own module. Simply paste one of these into your /dialogs/CharacterSheet.lua, start the game and press 'C' to see how it looks.

Simple example

This example is a very basic bare-bones Character sheet that can be customized any way necessarily. Simply update the drawDialog method with the information you wish to display of your own module.

 require "engine.class"

local Dialog = require "engine.ui.Dialog"
local Talents = require "engine.interface.ActorTalents"
local SurfaceZone = require "engine.ui.SurfaceZone"
local Stats = require "engine.interface.ActorStats"
local Textzone = require "engine.ui.Textzone"

module(..., package.seeall, class.inherit(Dialog))

function _M:init(actor)
    self.actor = actor
    self.font = core.display.newFont("/data/font/VeraMono.ttf", 12)
    Dialog.init(self, "Character Sheet: "..self.actor.name, math.max(game.w * 0.7, 950), 500, nil, nil, font)
    self.c_desc = SurfaceZone.new{width=self.iw, height=self.ih,alpha=0}

        {left=0, top=0, ui=self.c_desc},
    self.key:addBind("EXIT", function() cs_player_dup = game.player:clone() game:unregisterDialog(self) end)

function _M:drawDialog()
    local player = self.actor
    local s = self.c_desc.s


    local h = 0
    local w = 0

    h = 0
    w = 0
    s:drawStringBlended(self.font, "Name : "..(player.name or "Unnamed"), w, h, 255, 255, 255, true) h = h + self.font_h
    s:drawStringBlended(self.font, "Role : "..(player.descriptor.role or player.type:capitalize()), w, h, 255, 255, 255, true) h = h + self.font_h
    h = h + self.font_h -- Adds an empty row
    h = 0
    w = self.w * 0.25 
    -- start on second column
    s:drawStringBlended(self.font, "STR : "..(player:getStr()), w, h, 0, 255, 255, true) h = h + self.font_h
    s:drawStringBlended(self.font, "DEX : "..(player:getDex()), w, h, 255, 0, 255, true) h = h + self.font_h
    s:drawStringBlended(self.font, "CON : "..(player:getCon()), w, h, 255, 255, 0, true) h = h + self.font_h
    self.changed = false

Complex example

This example is a cut down version of the character sheet used in ToME. It includes tabs, tooltips and the ability to dump your character to a text file. Simply update the drawDialog method with the information you wish to display of your own module.

To see how the ToME character sheet performs some of its more advanced functions, refer to its source code.

 require "engine.class"

local Dialog = require "engine.ui.Dialog"
local Talents = require "engine.interface.ActorTalents"
local Tab = require "engine.ui.Tab"
local SurfaceZone = require "engine.ui.SurfaceZone"
local Separator = require "engine.ui.Separator"
local Stats = require "engine.interface.ActorStats"
local Textzone = require "engine.ui.Textzone"

module(..., package.seeall, class.inherit(Dialog))

function _M:init(actor)
    self.actor = actor
    Dialog.init(self, "Character Sheet: "..self.actor.name, math.max(game.w * 0.7, 950), 500)

    self.font = core.display.newFont("/data/font/VeraMono.ttf", 12)
    self.font_h = self.font:lineSkip()

    self.c_general = Tab.new{title="General", default=true, fct=function() end, on_change=function(s) if s then self:switchTo("general") end end}
    self.c_attack = Tab.new{title="Attack", default=false, fct=function() end, on_change=function(s) if s then self:switchTo("attack") end end}
    self.c_defence = Tab.new{title="Defense", default=false, fct=function() end, on_change=function(s) if s then self:switchTo("defence") end end}

    local tw, th = self.font_bold:size(self.title)

    self.vs = Separator.new{dir="vertical", size=self.iw}

    self.c_tut = Textzone.new{width=self.iw * 0.6, auto_height=true, no_color_bleed=true, font = self.font, text=[[
Keyboard: #00FF00#'d'#LAST# to save character dump. #00FF00#TAB key#LAST# to switch between tabs.
Mouse: Hover over stat for info

    self.c_desc = SurfaceZone.new{width=self.iw, height=self.ih - self.c_general.h - self.vs.h - self.c_tut.h,alpha=0}

    self.hoffset = 17 + self.c_tut.h + self.vs.h + self.c_general.h

        {left=0, top=0, ui=self.c_tut},
        {left=15, top=self.c_tut.h, ui=self.c_general},
        {left=15+self.c_general.w, top=self.c_tut.h, ui=self.c_attack},
        {left=15+self.c_general.w+self.c_attack.w, top=self.c_tut.h, ui=self.c_defence},
        {left=0, top=self.c_tut.h + self.c_general.h, ui=self.vs},

        {left=0, top=self.c_tut.h + self.c_general.h + 5 + self.vs.h, ui=self.c_desc},



function _M:switchTo(kind)
    self:drawDialog(kind, cs_player_dup)
    if kind == "general" then self.c_attack.selected = false self.c_defence.selected = false
    elseif kind == "attack" then self.c_general.selected = false self.c_defence.selected = false
    elseif kind == "defence" then self.c_attack.selected = false self.c_general.selected = false

function _M:updateKeys()
    _TAB = function() self:tabTabs() end,
    __TEXTINPUT = function(c)
        if c == 'd' or c == 'D' then

        EXIT = function() cs_player_dup = game.player:clone() game:unregisterDialog(self) end,

function _M:tabTabs()
    if self.c_general.selected == true then self.c_attack:select() elseif
    self.c_attack.selected == true then self.c_defence:select() elseif
    self.c_defence.selected == true then self.c_general:select() end

function _M:mouseTooltip(text, _, _, _, w, h, x, y)
        { x=x, y=y+self.hoffset, w=w, h=h, fct=function(button) game.tooltip_x, game.tooltip_y = 1, 1; game.tooltip:displayAtMap(nil, nil, game.w, game.h, text) end},
    }, true)

function _M:mouseZones(t, no_new)
    -- Offset the x and y with the window position and window title
    if not t.norestrict then
        for i, z in ipairs(t) do
            if not z.norestrict then
                z.x = z.x + self.display_x + 5
                z.y = z.y + self.display_y + 20 + 3

    if not no_new then self.mouse = engine.Mouse.new() end

function _M:drawDialog(kind)


    local player = self.actor
    local s = self.c_desc.s


    local h = 0
    local w = 0

    if kind == "general" then
        h = 0
        w = 0
        s:drawStringBlended(self.font, "Name : "..(player.name or "Unnamed"), w, h, 255, 255, 255, true) h = h + self.font_h
        s:drawStringBlended(self.font, "Role : "..(player.descriptor.role or player.type:capitalize()), w, h, 255, 255, 255, true) h = h + self.font_h
        h = h + self.font_h -- Adds an empty row
        -- Draw some text with an attatched tooltip
        self:mouseTooltip([[#GOLD#A Tooltip!!#LAST#]], s:drawColorStringBlended(self.font, ("#c00000#Life: #00ff00#%d/%d"):format(player.life, player.max_life), w, h, 255, 255, 255, true)) h = h + self.font_h
        h = 0
        w = self.w * 0.25 
        -- start on second column
        s:drawStringBlended(self.font, "STR : "..(player:getStr()), w, h, 0, 255, 255, true) h = h + self.font_h
        s:drawStringBlended(self.font, "DEX : "..(player:getDex()), w, h, 255, 0, 255, true) h = h + self.font_h
        s:drawStringBlended(self.font, "CON : "..(player:getCon()), w, h, 255, 255, 0, true) h = h + self.font_h
    elseif kind=="attack" then
        h = 0
        w = 0
        -- draw the attack tab here

    elseif kind=="defence" then
        h = 0
        w = 0
        -- draw the defence tab here


    self.changed = false

function _M:dump()
    local player = self.actor

    local file = "/character-dumps/"..(player.name:gsub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_-.]", "_")).."-"..os.date("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")..".txt"
    local fff = fs.open(file, "w")
    local labelwidth = 17
    local w1 = function(s) s = s or "" fff:write(s:removeColorCodes()) fff:write("\n") end
    --prepare label and value
    local makelabel = function(s,r) while s:len() < labelwidth do s = s.." " end return ("%s: %s"):format(s, r) end

    w1("  [MyModule Character Dump]")
    w1(("%-32s"):format(makelabel("Name", player.name)))
    w1(("%-32s"):format(makelabel("Role", player.descriptor.role or player.type:capitalize())))
    w1(("STR:  %d"):format(player:getStr()))
    w1(("DEX:  %d"):format(player:getDex()))

    w1(("CON:  %d"):format(player:getCon()))


    Dialog:simplePopup("Character dump complete", "File: "..fs.getRealPath(file))

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