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'''Wyrmics have been significantly updated since the guides below were written. Many of the talents now operate differently. Use advice with caution!'''
==Guide 1==
==Guide 1==
Post: http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3457973&userid=0&perpage=40&pagenumber=186#post422424831
Post: http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3457973&userid=0&perpage=40&pagenumber=186#post422424831
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Generic points: Whatever good racials you want, otherwise pump fungus to 5/1/5/1 and chain two regeneration infusions on auto-use all the time. Upgrade them whenever you find one with better total healing. Fungus will keep them going to the point that you will always have one up. Keep a point in meditation to help you ditch equilibrium when you need to. Nature's touch is an okay panic button heal. Earth's eyes is not great, but not bad to put on autocast when you're exploring for some free mapping. The last skill is pretty good, when it's 5/5 it takes a shitload of your nature talents off of cooldown. Otherwise, pump the combat tree and go antimagic. The whole antimagic tree is good but aura of silence is exceptional. AM shield is probably less great because you're going to be pumping your equilibrium pretty high with your class talents.
Generic points: Whatever good racials you want, otherwise pump fungus to 5/1/5/1 and chain two regeneration infusions on auto-use all the time. Upgrade them whenever you find one with better total healing. Fungus will keep them going to the point that you will always have one up. Keep a point in meditation to help you ditch equilibrium when you need to. Nature's touch is an okay panic button heal. Earth's eyes is not great, but not bad to put on autocast when you're exploring for some free mapping. The last skill is pretty good, when it's 5/5 it takes a shitload of your nature talents off of cooldown. Otherwise, pump the combat tree and go antimagic. The whole antimagic tree is good but aura of silence is exceptional. AM shield is probably less great because you're going to be pumping your equilibrium pretty high with your class talents.
[[Category: Class Guides]]

Latest revision as of 11:42, 5 July 2023

Wyrmics have been significantly updated since the guides below were written. Many of the talents now operate differently. Use advice with caution!

Guide 1

Post: http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3457973&userid=0&perpage=40&pagenumber=186#post422424831

I love the shit out of Wyrmic and while I am not an expert I feel I'm pretty well versed in it. Going down the trees, here's my recommendations:

Class Talents

Shield Offense / Two-Hand: Pick one. I prefer Shields, and funny enough shields are actually more offensive overall! If you go shields: 2-4/4/1/1. 2 and 4 are the stun duration breakpoints on the first talent, I believe it's 4 in riposte for the second counterattack and the others do enormous damage with single point investments. If you go two-hand, I... really don't know. Berserker needs to be maxed and it synergizes with Higher Draconic very well for immunities. I've never played two-hand all the way through.

Combat Veteran: Skip, you get plenty of regen from Fungus. If you absolutely have nowhere else to put points (you won't), the buffed Fast Metabolism will shore up your resist.

Sand Drake: 1-5/1/1/5. Swallow is a point of contention amongst people, but personally I don't like it as more than a one point wonder. I've played with and without it and I never noticed a difference. Talents 2 & 3 are utility that are fine with one point. Sand Breath is one of your best abilities and you need to max it. It hits hard and last I checked the blind was guaranteed unless they were immune.

Fire Drake: 5 in bellowing roar, skip rest. Devouring Flame has minor gimmick usages in conjunction with Elemental Harmony, but the tree is weak overall beyond bellowing roar. Max roar as your first ability, it is early bread and butter and will clean up.

Cold Drake: 1 in Ice Claw, get it to 4 later when points are more free. Gives you another early attack, useful later on with the freeze as filler. Ice Armor is debatable, I'll have a section at the end. If you do take it, I forget exactly where the scaling slows down, but I think it was after 3 or 4 points. It is also still solid at 1 point. Skip the rest of the tree.

Storm Drake: 3 points in Lightning Speed. You're done. The rest of the talents are pathetic, especially the breath. The chance to daze sucks and the damage is very variable.

Venom Drake: Get 1 point in the first talent, max the second, eventually max three and four. The third synergizes amazingly with shields and the fourth is a solid breath.

Combat Techniques: Not worth the cat point. Rush can kinda be useful but you do have Lightning Speed to close distances (or leave).

Higher Draconic: 4/1/5/5. First talent's breakpoint is at 4 points, second talent is debatable but I am not a fan. Can be useful against things that heal. Other two are self explanatory, immunities and damage!


Fungus: 5/1/5/1. I used to cat point this. Don't. It's fucking stupid. If you go AM (you probably should!) you will get 1.2, it is more than enough. The last talent is a one point wonder that is a nice heal.

Call of the Wild: 1/X/0/0. X is to taste. I try to get as much of X from escorts as I can.

Combat Training: Max Thick Skin, max weapons mastery, accuracy AS NEEDED (juggle points here you can drop them later), max armor training.

Racials: Thalore and Dwarf are the best here. Thalore go 1/1/5/1, same for dwarf. I think Thalore is better but both are solid. Dwarf's 4th talent will give you an oh-shit escape button if you don't find a psychoport item.

Anti-Magic: Hotly debated. I like taking AM period. Resolve is good at one point but is an excellent dump spot for excess points which you will have. Don't max silence, it has a breakpoint at 4. You don't need an extra 3 tiles of distance. AM Shield and Clash are both useful for extra points. Don't prioritize Clash, though. Some people say either pick AM Shield or pick Ice Armor. I experimented with them and ran both without issue.

Mindblades: Gimmicky tree, never tried the gimmick. Heard it works. Would give you a hefty boost in stats with good mindstars.

Harmony: Meh. I don't use this tree. One point in the first talent if you aren't Thalore.

Mobility: Can be useful with good light armor. I forget right now if the good Wyrmic armor later is light or heavy. Plan on using this in my current run for shits and giggles. 1/5/0/0.

Build Advice

For prodigies, I fucking love Spell Shield. Spine of the World, Superpower, Unbreakable Will and Tricky Defenses can be solid too.

For gear, get whatever healing mod you can since it amplifies your regen. Appropriate resists and immunities as needed. Girdle of Calm Waters and Thalore Wood Cuirass are insanely good early game fixedarts that you will see very often. Will/Cun/Con/Str gear is all good. Str is probably the least important of the bunch but still quite useful.

Guide 2

Post: http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3457973&userid=0&perpage=40&pagenumber=186#post422423502

Wrymics are awesome. I wrote the (poorly made) guide on them: http://forums.te4.org/viewtopic.php?f=55&t=36069

Ideal wyrmic is a thalore. The passive blight resist and disease immunity are amazing. The tree buddies are nice too.

For trees you want

  • Shield offense 5/4/1/1 (put spare points in assault if you got any)
  • Sand drake 1/1/1/5
  • Fire drake 5/0/0/0
  • Ice drake 4/1/1/0 or 1/0/0/0 depending on if like the armor, freeze chance, and a oh shit button
  • Lightning drake 3/0/0/0
  • Acid drake 1/5/3/5 you can put more in the third skill if you want
  • Combat technique 5/1/1/5
  • If you want higher drake then 1/1/5/5
  • If not go combat veteran 1/5/5/0

General skills are pretty easy.

  • Fungal 5/1/5/1
  • Call of the wild 1/1/1/0
  • Thalore 1/1/5/1
  • Combat training 5/5/5/5/0
  • Anti magic 1/5/0/0
  • Harmony 1/0/0/0 (only if you are not thalore)

Prodigys superpower and spell feed back. Feed back isn't needed, so change it if you want.

Basically bellowing roar, sand breath, silence and acid breath weaken entire groups of enemy making them easy pickings. They also deal decent damage rapidly to groups if you want to do that. Corrosive mist is a great little general life improvement. You are huge tank that constantly heals and has a ton of resist making you very difficult to kill. You have plenty of panic buttons if things turn south. And you really only need 2-3 before your back on your feet. Equilibrium is never a problem so just spam attacks as you see fit. You also have great moblilty and can control terrain better than any class. Is that Mage at the end of a hallway? Make a new hallway! Are you surround by enemies use quake and only fight 1 or 2 at a time. Wyrmics never deal a ton of damage but they control the field better than any class.

Post: http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3457973&userid=0&perpage=40&pagenumber=178#post421772009

Gottago kinda medium fast wyrmic is the class I always find myself returning back to. It a mixed mindcaster and melee user. It has so many lock down abilities that just let you sweep up enemies with ease. I start off with Bellowing roar to confuse everyone. Beat the shit out of guys while their too busy wasting their turn or killing their buddies. Once then recover from confusion, blind them. When they recover from that disarm/silence them. By that time bellowing roar is pretty close to off cool down and repeat the cycle. With superpower you can so much mind power that status effect usually stick. Nothing like silencing the last boss while you beat him down.

Thanks to lightning speed, rush, and a movement infusion you are always move around and killing targets in melee range. If yo are in a bad situation use quake or ice wall. You are healing 200+ hp a turn thanks to the fungal tree that you start with, so you only need to not be hit for a turn or 2. Or you can use dig and lightning speed/movement infusion and literally walk through any digable walls you want. I like sneaking up of caster on the end of a long hallway with that combo.

Thalore wyrmic is a goddamn tank too. 100% disease immune and 60% blight resist from passive racial. Wyrmic actives will like get you something like 10% physical, 10% fire, 5-10% cold, 4-6% lightning resist. Then 15% resist from the armor generic tree. Then anti-magic gives decent resist equipment and skills. Then shields give great resist too. Blight, darkness, and fire are the most important resist to get. With belt of calm water you are set for blight. Just focus on fire and darkness and you are basically invincible.


Post: http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3457973&userid=0&perpage=40&pagenumber=139#post411957223

Stats: Will/Str/Con

Class points: 5/5 bellowing roar right away. The rest of the fire tree is kind of shitty. Corrosive mist is really good. Sand breath is the best of the breath abilities, corrosive breath is pretty good too though. Dissolve is also pretty bad ass when it's maxed out. Consider dropping a single point into some of the one-target elemental attack skills to give yourself something to do aside from bump when your AOE skills are cooling down. Go sword and board and put points in the shield offense tree as you see fit. Get a good shield and block a lot.

Generic points: Whatever good racials you want, otherwise pump fungus to 5/1/5/1 and chain two regeneration infusions on auto-use all the time. Upgrade them whenever you find one with better total healing. Fungus will keep them going to the point that you will always have one up. Keep a point in meditation to help you ditch equilibrium when you need to. Nature's touch is an okay panic button heal. Earth's eyes is not great, but not bad to put on autocast when you're exploring for some free mapping. The last skill is pretty good, when it's 5/5 it takes a shitload of your nature talents off of cooldown. Otherwise, pump the combat tree and go antimagic. The whole antimagic tree is good but aura of silence is exceptional. AM shield is probably less great because you're going to be pumping your equilibrium pretty high with your class talents.