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(Created page with "{{:Flare (talent)}}{{:Scatter shot (talent)}}{{:Pinning shot (talent)}}{{:Crippling shot (talent)}}<noinclude>Category:Category</noinclude>")
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{{:Flare (talent)}}{{:Scatter shot (talent)}}{{:Pinning shot (talent)}}{{:Crippling shot (talent)}}<noinclude>[[Category:Category]]</noinclude>
{{:Flare (talent)}}{{:Crippling shot (talent)}}{{:Pinning shot (talent)}}{{:Scatter shot (talent)}}<noinclude>[[Category:Category]]</noinclude>

Revision as of 14:54, 27 May 2013

Flare 2017.png
Game Version 1.5.2
Category Type Technique
Category Marksmanship
Requirements Lvl (8,9,10,11,12) Dex (28,30,32,34,36)
Use Mode Activated
Cost 4 Stamina
Range Archery Range
Cooldown 7
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed Archery Speed
Description Fire a shot at the target tile that blinds enemies for 2–4cTS turns, marks them for 2 turns, and illuminates the area within radius 2 for 4–7cTS turns. Enemies within the illuminated area lose [10]60cTStD:Dex defense and stealth power and cannot benefit from concealment.

The status chance increases with your Accuracy, and the defense reduction with your Dexterity.

Crippling shot
Crippling shot.png
Game Version 1.4.5
Category Type Technique
Category Archery Prowess
Requirements Lvl (4,5,6,7,8) Dex (20,22,24,26,28)
Use Mode Activated
Cost 15 Stamina
Range Archery Range
Cooldown 10
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed Archery Speed
Description You fire a crippling shot, doing 100–150%cTWD damage and reducing your target's speed by 10-40% for 7 turns.

The status power and status hit chance improve with your Accuracy. The slow effect scales as (Accuracy * 0.15 * Talent Level)% within the given bounds.

Note: Be careful of overinvesting in this talent as the slow effect is capped at 40%. This cap will be reached with accuracies of 267, 133, 89, 67, 53 for talent levels 1 through 5 respectively.

Pinning shot
Pinning shot.png
Game Version 1.4.5
Category Type Technique
Category Archery Prowess
Requirements Lvl (8,9,10,11,12) Dex (28,30,32,34,36)
Use Mode Activated
Cost 15 Stamina
Range Archery Range
Cooldown 10
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed Archery Speed
Description You fire a pinning shot, doing 100–140%cTWD damage and pinning your target to the ground for 2.3–5.5cTS turns.

The pinning chance increases with your Accuracy.

Scatter shot
Scatter shot 2017.png
Game Version 1.5.2
Category Type Technique
Category Archery Training
Requirements Lvl (12,13,14,15,16) Dex (36,38,40,42,44)
Use Mode Activated
Cost 15 Stamina
Range Melee/Personal
Cooldown 12
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed Archery
Description Fires a wave of projectiles in a radius 5.5–7.5cTL:10 cone, dealing 70–150%cTWD weapon damage. All targets struck by this will be knocked back to the maximum range of the cone and stunned for 3–5cTL:10 turns.

Each target struck has a 20% chance to be marked.
The chance to knockback and stun increases with your Accuracy.