Spacetime tuning (talent)

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Spacetime tuning
Spacetime tuning.png
Game Version -
Category Type Chronomancy
Category Other
Requirements Chronomancy (category)
Use Mode Activated
Cost -
Range Melee/Personal
Cooldown -
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed -
Description Use to set your preferred Paradox. While resting you'll adjust your Paradox towards this number over (20 - Spell Power / 10) turns.

The time it takes you to adjust your Paradox scales down with your Spellpower to a minimum of 10 turns.

Preferred Paradox  : X
Paradox effect multiplier  : X%
Willpower failure modifier  : X
Paradox after Willpower  : X
Current Failure chance  : X%
Current Anomaly chance  : X%
Current Backfire chance  : X%