The game has 5 difficulty settings:
Provides an easier game experience. Use it if you feel uneasy tackling the harder modes.
- All damage to the player decreased by 30%
- All healing for the player increased by 30%
- All detrimental status effects durations reduced by 50%
- Player starts at level 1 with 15 gold
Achievements are not granted, and thus any unlock dependent on an achievement cannot be obtained. Specific unlocks affected are mentioned on the unlockables page.
Provides the normal level of challenges.
- Player starts at level 1 with 15 gold
Unfair game setting
- All zone levels increased by 50%
- All creature talent levels increased by 30%
- Player starts at level 1 with 100 gold
- Rare creatures are slightly more frequent
Player can earn Nightmare version of achievements if also playing in Roguelike or Adventure permadeath mode.
Similar rules to Nightmare, but with more random bosses!
- All zone levels increased by 50% + 1
- All creature talent levels increased by 50%
- Rare creatures are far more frequent and random bosses start to appear
- Nonrandom bosses will have randomly selected talents
- All enemies have 20% more life
- Player starts at level 2 with 250 gold
Player can earn Insane version of achievements if also playing in Roguelike or Adventure permadeath mode.
Absolutely unfair game setting. You are really mentally ill and wish to get worse to play this mode!
- All zone levels increased by 150% + 1
- All creature talent levels increased by 170%
- Rare creatures are far more frequent and random bosses start to appear.
- Bosses will have randomly selected talents
- Player is being hunted!
- Randomly all foes in a radius will get a feeling of where she/he is.
Player can earn Madness version of achievements if also playing in Roguelike or Adventure permadeath mode.