Mutated hand (talent)

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Mutated Hand
Mutated Hand.png
Game Version -
Category Type Demented
Category Tentacles
Requirements Mag (18, 24, 30, 36, 42)
Use Mode Passive
Cost -
Range -
Cooldown -
Travel Speed -
Use Speed -
Description Your left hand mutates into a disgusting mass of tentacles. When you have your offhand empty you automatically hit your target and those on the side whenever you hit with a basic attack. Also increases Physical Power by 10–50gtl, and increases weapon damage by sqrt((1–5gtl)/5)*50% for your tentacles attacks. Each time you make an attack with your tentacle you gain 10 insanity. You generate a low power psionic field around you when around civilized people that prevents them from seeing you for the horror you are.

Your tentacle hand currently has these stats:

  • Damage Type: Darkenss
  • Uses Stats: 100% Mag
  • Damage Min: 10–40cTS
  • Damage Range: 1.4
  • Physical Crit. Chance: 2–12cTL:25
  • Speed: physspeed = 1