Sanguisuge (category)

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This page is about the Corruptor and Reaver talent; for the Alchemist talent, see Life Tap Golem.

Life Tap
Life tap.png
Game Version 1.7.4
Category Type Corruption
Category Sanguisuge
Requirements Level (12,13,14,15,16) Magic (36,38,40,42,44)
Use Mode Activated
Cost 40 Vim
Range Melee/Personal
Cooldown 20
Travel Speed instantaneous
Use Speed Instant
Description Feed on the pain you cause your foes.

For 2 turns you gain [4]30%cTSpD lifesteal on all damage dealt.

The lifesteal will increase with your Spellpower.

Absorb Life
Absorb life.png
Game Version 1.7.4
Category Type Corruption
Category Sanguisuge
Requirements Level (8,9,10,11,12) Magic (28,30,32,34,36)
Use Mode Sustained
Cost 5 Vim
Range 10
Cooldown 30
Travel Speed instantaneous
Use Speed Instant
Description Absorbs the life force of your foes as you kill them.

As long as this talent is active, vim will decrease by 0.5 per turn and increase by 6–16cTS for each kill of a non-undead creature (in addition to the usual increase based on Willpower).

Game Version 1.7.4
Category Type Corruption
Category Sanguisuge
Requirements Level (0,1,2,3,4) Magic (12,14,16,18,20)
Use Mode Activated
Cost 0 Vim
Range 6–10cTL:10
Cooldown 5
Travel Speed 15
Use Speed Spell
Description Fires a bolt of blight, doing [25]200cTSpD blight damage and replenishing 20% of it as vim energy.

The amount of vim regained depends on the target's rank (higher ranks give more vim).

The effect will increase with your Spellpower.

Vim returned is damage * 0.2 * size_multiplier (see below for multiplier)

Rank Multiplier Monster Type
1 0.7 Normal
2 1 Rare
3 1.2 Unique
3.2 1.2 Boss
3.5 2.2 Elite Boss
Blood sacrifice (talent)