Artillery (category)

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Rocket Pod
Rocket pod.png
Game Version 1.7.6
Category Type Steamtech
Category Artillery
Requirements Lvl (10,11,12,13,14) Dex (22,24,26,28,30)
Use Mode Sustained
Cost 6 Steam drain
Range Steamgun range
Cooldown 20
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed Steamtech
Description You equip an automated, shoulder mounted rocket launcher. Each turn it will launch rockets at up to 2 enemies in weapon range, dealing 20–60%cTWD steamgun damage as Fire.

The rockets will pass harmlessly through allies, but on-hit effects triggered by them only deal 50% of their usual damage.

Incendiary Powder
Incendiary powder.png
Game Version 1.7.6
Category Type Steamtech
Category Artillery
Requirements Lvl (14,15,16,17,18) Dex (30,32,34,36,38)
Use Mode Passive
Cost -
Range -
Cooldown -
Travel Speed -
Use Speed -
Description Augment your rockets with highly flammable materials, causing them to burn targets for [15]150cTStmD Fire damage over 3 turns. Subsequent shots against burning targets refresh the effect of the duration[sic] (but do not stack) and inflict additional Fire damage equal to half of the burn damage.

Targets affected by this burning that fall below 25% life enter a state of panic, giving them a 15–30%cTS chance each turn to flee in terror from you.

The Fire damage will increase with your Steampower.

Lock On
Lock on.png
Game Version 1.7.6
Category Type Steamtech
Category Artillery
Requirements Lvl (18,19,20,21,22) Dex (38,40,42,44,46)
Use Mode Activated
Cost 30 Steam
Range Steamgun range
Cooldown 12
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed Instant
Description Lock on to your target with your rocket pod for 5 turns.

While locked on your regular rocket pod attacks are disabled. However, each turn you automatically fire a rocket barrage dealing 80–160%cTS increased damage at your target.

Marked targets also lose [15]50cTStmD defense and cannot benefit from concealment or evasion.

The defense loss will increase with your Steampower.

Death From Above
Death from above.png
Game Version 1.7.6
Category Type Steamtech
Category Artillery
Requirements Lvl (22,23,24,25,26) Dex (46,48,50,52,54)
Use Mode Activated
Cost 30 Steam
Range Steamgun range
Cooldown 20
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed Steamtech
Description You use your rocket pods to launch yourself into the air for 3 turns, firing a radius 2 barrage of rockets that deal 120–250%cTWD steamgun damage as fire in radius 2.

While flying you gain 400–650%cTS:0.75P movement speed, 15–45%cTL:75 chance to evade melee and ranged attacks, and can reactivate this talent at will to repeat the rocket barrage.

Using any talent other than Rocket Barrage will end this effect immediately.

Note: "Rocket Barrage" is the name of this talent while active, which has the same damage and use speed but no cost.