Infinite dungeon history
the hunter and the hunted chapter 1
Branzir was the mightiest of the Sher'Tul hunters, and his fame was known at every Farportal. He could run for days without rest, cross terrain no others would dare to pass, and had senses more keen than all the wildest animals of Eyal. It was for this reason that Caldizar came to him at his forest keep and beseeched him to join in the Godhunt. At first Branzir refused, for he said he was not one to meddle in such mighty affairs, and he wanted but peace to hunt and fend for his family. But Caldizar convinced him that this life of peace was not possible whilst the schemes and machinations of the gods continued. And so reluctantly Branzir accepted, and took in his hands the great sword Madrath, and upon his shoulders was laid the title "Godslayer".
In the great Godhunt that followed Branzir became the most fervent of the Godslayers, and would not sleep nor rest whilst a hunt was on. He it was that chased the troll-spawner Ugg'matho through the snow-capped mountains of Pertolias and broke his body on the highest peak. He it was that tracked the blight-weaver Xadoch through the howling vales of Anvion and trapped him and throttled him and cut him into seven pieces to be cast into the Glonglum lake. And he it was that was tasked with finding and killing Ralkur the Deceptor, god of charms and illusions, who had taken hiding amongst the lesser races.
the hunter and the hunted chapter 2
Thus began the greatest hunt there ever was. Branzir used forceful coercion and the spilling of blood to uncover the secret of his enemy's hiding place. He tracked Ralkur down to the primitive settlement where he had taken the form of one of the lesser races. Branzir rooted him out, and came upon him with Madrath in hand. But Ralkur seeing the wrath of the hunter and the terrible sword became frightful, and he took on the form of an antelope and fled across the Harloe Plains. But Branzir ran after and ran swifter and nigh caught him before they reached the Woods of Darmin. There Ralkur assumed the form of a monkey and took to the trees. But Branzir tracked him and followed close, overcoming the traps his foe left behind. Then the forest fell away and they came to the Azure Sea, and Ralkur took the form of a gull and flew over the waters cawing with prideful glee. But Branzir was unfazed and leapt into the water, swimming after the cowardly god with all his strength. Twenty days and nights he followed through the ocean, feeding off fish he could catch near the surface, whilst Ralkur beat his wings on the winds above. Not once did Branzir lose sight of his target, and with each passing day Ralkur became more and more filled with fright.
Finally they came to the far shore of Tar'Eyal, and Ralkur fell onto the sandy beach bereft of strength. Depleted of all energy he reverted to his natural form, short and squat, and stumbled across the sand before falling down exhausted. Branzir arose from the water behind, and in spite of his trials he stood tall and fierce, and marched with purpose towards the cowering god. He drew out the fell blade Madrath from its sheath and held it to the throat of his prey.
But Ralkur, in a last desperate effort, took on a pathetic and piteous form, and wailing and crying he begged Branzir for mercy, promising to leave all Eyal and never return. And Branzir, looking on the divine form sunk to such depths, was moved in his heart, and agreed. But he said in a solemn tone, "Get thee then from this world, which we mortals now claim for our own. Remove thyself from all influence in Eyal, and never dare thee to return. But if thou doest break my trust, let thee be afeared. For then not a breath shalt thou take that it will not be a gasp, and not a step shalt thou take that it will not be in flight, and each beat of thy traitorous heart shalt be a pounding of terror. For I shalt come for thee and I shalt find thee and even to the depths of Infinity I shalt hunt thee without rest till my hands are on thy throat and thy life is crushed to dust." And when he spake the wind fell silent and the sky turned black, for when a Sher'Tul speaks so his words become Words of Power, and they can change the world forever. And Ralkur hearing those words was filled with a dread beyond conception, and forgetting all exhaustion he immediately took the form of a swallow and flew high into the sky beyond all sight.]],
the hunter and the hunted chapter 3
Branzir returned to his people, and continued the hunt for the other gods, till but one god remained: Amakthel. Then the last great Godhunt began, as the Sher'Tul fought to overcome their maker and master. And this was no easy feat, for Amakthel was by far the strongest of all the gods, and many Sher'Tul were still loyal to their creator. Much blood was spilled before ever the assault on his throne could begin, and much blood would spill still after.
Now Ralkur had fled into the heavens with the full intent of passing beyond all reach of mortals forever more, such was the fear laid on him by the solemn words of Branzir. But as he soared higher and the fear faded, he came to change his mind, for he was a prideful god and moreso a vengeful one. Thoughts and schemes began to build in his mind for how he could gain retribution on the Sher'Tul that had brought him to shame. So he took on the form of an eagle and flew above the highest volcano in Eyal, and there he stretched his wings and glided high on the rising heat, watching all that happened in the lands below and biding his time for vengeance.
He watched with joy as he saw the Sher'Tul armies fall before the forces of Amakthel's fortress. He watched with anxiety as he saw the Sher'Tul finally break through the defences and come upon the great god himself. He watched with awe as he saw the nine Godslayers do battle with their creator, and several broken before his almighty wrath. And then he watched with utter terror as he saw the mightiest of all gods felled, and maimed and mutilated and bound, and cast into the darkest depths of the world.
the hunter and the hunted chapter 4
Seeing the full powers of the Sher'Tul Ralkur felt paralysed with fear, and thought his quest for vengeance hopeless. But he bided his time still, and his patience was rewarded as he saw dissention begin to arise in the great race. When Caldizar disappeared and the Godslayers separated he felt his time was ripe, and he came upon the forest keep of Branzir under a storm of wrath. He flew down screeching, and spreading his wings he let loose spikes of steel that rained down on the keep, cutting through wood and stone and flesh. All who were in the keep were killed, and the air was filled with Ralkur's cackling laughter as he flew away.
But the vengeful god had been hasty at the last, for Branzir was out hunting at the time. Coming back the next day he saw his home in ruins, and all his family and servants butchered, and sorrow and torment filled every corner of his being. On hearing reports of what happened he knew well the perpetrator and his fury was incandescent. He sought the aid of the other Godhunters in scouring out the stray god, but they were all divided, and each engaged in the politics that would lay the seeds for war. Perhaps if they had aided him then the popular Branzir could have helped unify the people and stop the madness that was to come. But Caldizar was gone, reportedly aggrieved and repentant at their acts, and the remaining Godslayers thought only of their own powers and making gods of themselves.
the hunter and the hunted chapter 5
So Branzir set out alone, with Madrath in his sheath. It did not take long to find his prey, who had now stopped all attempts at hiding. He came upon the god in a settlement of lesser creatures who worshipped him, and he ruthlessly cut down the pathetic wretches that tried to protect their new deity. Ralkur fled at the sight of Branzir and his dark blade, filled with all-encompassing fright. But Branzir was not to be lost, and chased him into some nearby ruins. There Ralkur laid traps and summoned enemies and fled deeper into the darkness. But Branzir overcame them all and came on faster, till they reached the depths of the dungeons. And being out of space the god created new space and fled further, and kept on fleeing. And Branzir carried on chasing, not letting up for a second as the pursued god continued to delve deeper into the ground.
And so the chase continues. Over centuries beyond count Branzir has never stopped to rest or sleep as he pursues his prey through the ravages of infinity. And though death would be a welcome reprieve he thinks only of the hunt and of vanquishing the cowardly god. Ralkur continues to run, and he does not take a breath that it is not a gasp, and he does not take a step that it is not in flight, and every beat of his traitorous heart is a pounding of terror as he flees deeper and deeper till the ends of time.