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This template is designed to match item effects descriptions and their lua code, to ensure consistency, intuitive conversion, and keep the wording in line with their in-game description. Source:game/modules/mod/class/Object.lua

Damage Types: Increases, Resistances and So Forth

Supported damage types:

  • all
  • acid
  • arcane
  • blight
  • cold
  • darkness
  • fire
  • light
  • lightning
  • mind
  • nature
  • physical
  • temporal


The lua code specifying an ego's effect on, e.g. fire resistance, looks like

resists={[DamageType.FIRE] = resolvers.mbonus_material(15, 15)}

Convert it with this template as


To produces the following text: Changes resistances: + (15-30)% Fire

Resistance Penetration

The lua code specifying an ego that allows you to penetrate the target's , e.g. physical resistance, looks like

resists_pen = {[DamageType.PHYSICAL] = resolvers.mbonus_material(15, 5)}

Convert it with this template as


To produces the following text: Changes resistances penetration: + (5-20)% Physical


The lua code specifying an ego that increases, e.g. physical damage, looks like

inc_damage = {[DamageType.PHYSICAL] = resolvers.mbonus_material(20, 5)}

Convert it with this template as


To produces the following text: Changes damage: + (5-25)% Physical

Effects on Hit

The lua code specifying an ego's dealing physical damage when the wearer is hit looks like

on_melee_hit={[DamageType.PHYSICAL] = resolvers.mbonus_material(10, 10)}

Convert it with this template as


To produces the following text: Damage when hit (Melee): + (10-20) Physical

Melee and Ranged Attacks with Extra Flat Damage

The lua code specifying an ego's effect on wearer's melee attacks dealing extra fire damage looks like

melee_project={[DamageType.FIRE] = resolvers.mbonus_material(15, 8),}

Convert it with this template as


To produces the following text: Damage (Melee): + (8-23) Fire

Combat Attributes


  • Armour penetration (combat_apr)
  • Physical, spell and mental critical powers (combat_dam, combat_spellpower, combat_mindpower)
  • Physical, spell and mental critical chances (combat_physcrit, combat_spellcrit, combat_mindcrit)
  • Armour (combat_armor)
  • Defense (combat_def) and ranged defense (combat_def_ranged)
  • Critical multiplier (combat_critical_power)
  • Spell cooldown (spell_cooldown_reduction)

The lua code for an ego increasing armour value looks like

combat_armor = resolvers.mbonus_material(7, 3)

Convert it with this template as


To produces the following text: Armour: + (3-10)

Spell Cooldown

The lua code for an ego that reduce spell cooldowns looks like

spell_cooldown_reduction = 0.1

Convert it with this template as


To produces the following text: Lowers spell cool-downs by: 10%


The lua code for an ego's effect on wearer's fatigue looks like

fatigue = resolvers.mbonus_material(6, 4, function(e, v) return 0, -v end)

Convert it with this template as


To produces the following text: Fatigue: - (4-10)%

Maximum Encumberance

The lua code for an ego's that let its wearer carry more weight looks like

max_encumber = resolvers.mbonus_material(40, 20)

Convert it with this template as


To produces the following text: Maximum encumbrance: + (20-60)



  • Strength (str)
  • Dexterity (dex)
  • Constitution (con)
  • Magic (mag)
  • Willpower (wil)
  • Cunning (cun)
  • Luck (lck)

The lua code for an ego's effect on increasing willpower looks like

inc_stats = {[Stats.STAT_WIL] = resolvers.mbonus_material(5, 1)}

Convert it with this template as


To produces the following text: Changes stats: + (1-6) Willpower

Reduced Damage from Specific Creature Types

The lua code for an ego that protects the wearer from, say unnatural creatures, looks like:

resists_actor_type = {unnatural=resolvers.mbonus_material(10, 5)},

Convert it with this template as


To produces the following text: Reduced damage from unnatural creatures: (5-15)%

Rouge-ish Utilities


The lua code for an ego that provides bonus for stealth looks like

inc_stealth = resolvers.mbonus_material(10, 5)

Convert it with this template as


To produces the following text: Stealth bonus: + (5-15)

Trap Disarm

The lua code for an ego that makes it easier to disarm traps looks like

disarm_bonus = resolvers.mbonus_material(25, 5)

Convert it with this template as


To produces the following text: Trap disarming bonus: + (5-30)

Trap Detection

The lua code for an ego that makes it easier to detect traps looks like

trap_detect_power = resolvers.mbonus_material(25, 5)

Convert it with this template as


To produces the following text: Trap detection power: + (5-30)

Saving Throws


  • physresist (physical save)
  • spellresist (spell save)
  • mentalresist (mental save)

The lua code for an ego's effect on physical save looks like

combat_physresist = resolvers.mbonus_material(15, 10)

Convert it with this template as


To produces the following text: Physical save: + (10-25)

Status Immunities


  • blind
  • poison
  • disease
  • cut
  • silence
  • disarm
  • confusion
  • sleep
  • pin
  • stun
  • fear
  • knockback
  • teleport

The lua code for an ego that provides disease immunity looks like

disease_immune = resolvers.mbonus_material(30, 20, function(e, v) return 0, v/100 end)

Convert it with this template as


To produces the following text: Disease immunity: + (20-50)%

Life and Resources


  • life (regen & max)
  • mana (regen & max)
  • stamina (regen & max)
  • hate (regen & max)
  • psi (regen & max)
  • vim (max)
  • positive energy (max)
  • negative energy (max)
  • paradox (reduce_anomalies)


The lua code for an ego's effect on mana regeneration looks like

mana_regen = resolvers.mbonus_material(30, 10, function(e, v) v=v/100 return 0, v end)

(the divider value for v should be ignored when you use this template. There are different dividers for v in the source code, which is hard-coded in this template for the time being.)

Convert it with this template as


To produces the following text: Mana each turn: + (0.1-0.4)

Maximum Amount

The lua code for an ego's effect on wearer's maximum life looks like

max_life=resolvers.mbonus_material(60, 40)

Convert it with this template as


To produces the following text: Maximum life: + (40-100)

Reduces Paradox Anomalies

The lua code for an ego that reduce paradox anomalies looks like

paradox_reduce_anomalies = resolvers.mbonus_material(10, 10)

Convert it with this template as


To produces the following text: Reduces paradox anomalies (equivalent to willpower): + (10-20)


Light Radius

The lua code for an ego's effect on light radius looks like

lite = resolvers.mbonus_material(1, 2)

Convert it with this template as


To produces the following text: Light radius: + (2-3)


The lua code for an ego that grants infravision range looks like

infravision = resolvers.mbonus_material(3, 2)

Convert it with this template as


To produces the following text: Infravision radius: + (2-5)


The lua code for an ego that increases movement speed looks like

movement_speed = 0.2

Convert it with this template as


To produces the following text: Movement speed: + 20%

Healing Mod.

The lua code for an ego's effect on healing efficiency looks like

healing_factor = resolvers.mbonus_material(20, 10, function(e, v) v=v/100 return 0, v end)

Convert it with this template as


To produces the following text: Healing modification: + (10-30)%

Aftere-teleport perks


  • Defense (defense_on_teleport)
  • Resist all (resist_all_on_teleport)
  • Effects duration (effect_reduction_on_teleport)

The lua code for an ego's that grants defense after teleport looks like

defense_on_teleport = resolvers.mbonus_material(20, 10)

Convert it with this template as


To produces the following text: Defense after a teleport: + (10-30)

Various States Effects

Size Category

The lua code for an ego that increases the wearer's body size looks like

size_category = 1

Convert it with this template as


To produces the following text: Size category: + 1

As Undead

The lua code for an ego that makes the wearer to be treated as an undead looks like

undead = 1

Convert it with this template as


To produces the following text: The wearer is treated as an undead.


The lua code for an ego that allows its wearer breathe in water looks like

can_breath = {water=1}

Convert it with this template as


To produces the following text: Allows you to breathe in: water


The lua code for an ego that makes the wearer no longer needs to breathe looks like

no_breath = 1

Convert it with this template as


To produces the following text: The wearer no longer has to breathe.

An Object's Usable Power


The lua code for an ego's that can be used to activate a talent looks like

resolvers.charmt(Talents.T_TRACK, 2, 30)

Convert it with this template as


To produces the following text: It can be used to activate talent track (level 2, costing 30 power)