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(Created page with "{{:Static field (talent)}}{{:Lightning speed (talent)}}{{:Lightning breath (talent)}}{{:Tornado (talent)}}<noinclude>Category:Category</noinclude>")
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{{:Static field (talent)}}{{:Lightning speed (talent)}}{{:Lightning breath (talent)}}{{:Tornado (talent)}}<noinclude>[[Category:Category]]</noinclude>
{{:Lightning speed (talent)}}{{:Static field (talent)}}{{:Tornado (talent)}}{{:Lightning breath (talent)}}<noinclude>[[Category:Category]]</noinclude>

Latest revision as of 20:58, 9 June 2013

Lightning Speed
Lightning speed.png
Game Version -
Category Type Wild-Gift
Category Storm Drake Aspect
Requirements Level (0,1,2,3,4) Willpower (12,14,16,18,20)
Use Mode Activated
Cost 10 Equilibrium
Range 10
Cooldown 26
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed Instant
Description You transform into pure lightning, moving 496–837%cTS faster for 2–4cTS game turns.

Also provides 30% physical damage resistance and 100% lightning resistance.

Any actions other than moving will stop this effect.

Note: since you will be moving very fast, game turns will pass very slowly.

Levels in Lightning Speed additionally raise your movement speed by 11–50%cTS, passively

Each point in storm drake talents also increases your lightning resistance by 1%.

Static Field
Static field.png
Game Version -
Category Type Wild-Gift
Category Storm Drake Aspect
Requirements Level (4,5,6,7,8) Willpower (20,22,24,26,28)
Use Mode Activated
Cost 20 Equilibrium
Range Melee/Personal
Cooldown 20
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed -
Description Generate an electrical field around you in a radius of 1. Any creature caught inside will lose a percentage of its current life. This effect cannot kill creatures.

The percentage loss is equal to 0–31%cL:90% as [10]45cTMD varies from 0–31.

Creatures of higher rank take reduced damage from this talent:

  • Rares and Elites: Divide damage by 1.5
  • Normal Bosses and Uniques: Divide damage by 2
  • Elite Bosses: Divide damage by 3

Each point in storm drake talents also increases your lightning resistance by 1%.

Game Version -
Category Type Wild-Gift
Category Storm Drake Aspect
Requirements Level (8,9,10,11,12) Willpower (28,30,32,34,36)
Use Mode Activated
Cost 14 Equilibrium
Range 5–9cTS
Cooldown 15
Travel Speed 2
Use Speed -
Description Summons a tornado that moves slowly toward its target, following it if it changes position.

Any foe caught in its path takes [10]110cTMD lightning damage.

When it reaches its target, it explodes in a radius of 1 for [15]190cTMD lightning damage and [15]190cTMD physical damage. All affected creatures will be knocked back, and the targeted creature will be stunned for 4 turns.

The tornado will last for 5–9cTS turns, or until it reaches its target.

Damage will increase with your Mindpower.

Each point in storm drake talents also increases your lightning resistance by 1%.

Lightning Breath
Lightning breath.png
Game Version -
Category Type Wild-Gift
Category Storm Drake Aspect
Requirements Level (12,13,14,15,16) Willpower (36,38,40,42,44)
Use Mode Activated
Cost 12 Equilibrium
Range Melee/Personal
Cooldown 12
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed -
Description You breathe lightning in a frontal cone of radius 5–10cTS. Any target caught in the area will take ([30]500cTStD:Str / 3) to [30]500cTStD:Str lightning damage, and can be dazed for 3 turns.

The damage will increase with your Strength, and the critical chance is based on your Mental crit rate.

Each point in storm drake talents also increases your lightning resistance by 1%.