Battlefield management (category)

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Saw Wheels
Saw wheels.png
Game Version 1.4.6
Category Type Steamtech
Category Battlefield Management
Requirements Lvl (0,1,2,3,4) Cun (12,14,16,18,20)
Use Mode Sustained
Cost 5 Steam drain
Range Melee/Personal
Cooldown 7
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed Instant
Description Firmly plant your steamsaws in the ground, using them to propel yourself very quickly (+ ([50]320cTStmD+100%) movement speed).

Any foes on either side of your movement get wrecked by the saws, knocking them 3 tiles away from you.

Attacking or using any talent will break this effect.

When this effect is broken or cancelled the sudden change in motion deals 100–200%cTWD weapon damage to all foes around you. To do full damage you need to have moved at least 5 times, otherwise damage is lower (or null for no movement).

Grinding Shield
Grinding shield.png
Game Version 1.4.6
Category Type Steamtech
Category Battlefield Management
Requirements Lvl (4,5,6,7,8) Cun (20,22,24,26,28)
Use Mode Sustained
Cost 3 Steam drain
Range Melee/Personal
Cooldown 5
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed -
Description Spin your saws wildly around you to create a wall of steamy sawteeth.

All melee damage against you is reduced by 12–25%cTL:50%, you have 12–25%cTL:50% chance to evade projectiles and you can never take a blow that deals more than 100–70%cTL:50% of your max life.

Game Version 1.4.6
Category Type Steamtech
Category Battlefield Management
Requirements Lvl (8,9,10,11,12) Cun (28,30,32,34,36)
Use Mode Activated
Cost 30 Steam
Range Melee/Personal
Cooldown 10
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed Steamsaw speed
Description Slam your saws into your target, dealing 100% weapon damage + 10–30cTL:60% per physical, magical, or mental effect on them (up to 7 effects).

Sustains are not effects.

Battlefield veteran
Battlefield veteran.png
Game Version 1.4.6
Category Type Steamtech
Category Battlefield Management
Requirements Lvl (12,13,14,15,16) Cun (36,38,40,42,44)
Use Mode Passive
Cost -
Range -
Cooldown -
Travel Speed -
Use Speed -
Description You have lived through many battles, and your experience makes you a gritty veteran.

Saw Wheels end of effect attack increased by 10–30%cTS.

Grinding Shield lets you live below your normal limits, up to -60–250cTS life.

Punishment has a 30–85%cTS:100% chance to have its cooldown reduced by 1 for each effect.