Oozing blades (category)

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Game Version 1.7.4
Category Type Wild-Gift
Category Oozing Blades
Requirements Level (10,11,12,13,14) Willpower (22,24,26,28,30)
Use Mode Activated
Cost 4 Equilibrium
Range 10
Cooldown 3
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed Mind
Description Channel slime through your psiblades, extending their reach to create a beam doing [20]290cTMD Slime damage.

The damage increases with your Mindpower.

Note: this talent will not damage friendly units

Natural Acid
Natural acid.png
Game Version 1.7.4
Category Type Wild-Gift
Category Oozing Blades
Requirements Level (14,15,16,17,18) Willpower (14,16,18,20,22)
Use Mode Passive
Cost -
Range -
Cooldown -
Travel Speed -
Use Speed -
Description You gain [10]40%cTMD Nature resistance.

When you deal Acid damage to a creature, you gain a bonus to Nature damage for 2–5cTS:log turns.

This damage bonus can stack up to 5 times. The stack grows by at most 1 per turn whenever you deal acid damage to the target.

The total damage bonus is equal to (0.45 * 5–15cTS:0.75P * √ Stack Level)%.

The resistance and damage increase improve with your Mindpower.

Mind Parasite
Mind parasite.png
Game Version 1.7.4
Category Type Wild-Gift
Category Oozing Blades
Requirements Level (18,19,20,21,22) Willpower (38,40,42,44,46)
Use Mode Activated
Cost 12 Equilibrium
Range 6
Cooldown 15
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed Mind
Description You use your psiblades to fire a small worm at a foe.

When it hits, it will burrow into the target's brain and stay there for 6 turns, interfering with its ability to use talents.

The chance for interference to occur is 39–86%cL:100% as [10]70cTMD varies from 9–56.

Each time a talent is interfered with, 0.9–3.1cTL:4 other talents are placed on a 3–6.5cTL:10 turn cooldown.

The interference chance will increase with your Mindpower.

Unstoppable Nature
Unstoppable nature.png
Game Version 1.7.4
Category Type Wild-Gift
Category Oozing Blades
Requirements Level (22,23,24,25,26) Willpower (46,48,50,52,54)
Use Mode Sustained
Cost 15 Equilibrium
Range Melee/Personal
Cooldown 30
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed Mind
Description Surround yourself with natural forces, ignoring 20–50%cTL:100% nature resistance of your targets.

In addition, any time you deal damage with a Wild-Gift there is a 25–55%cTL:70% chance that one of your mucus oozes will spit at the target as a free action.