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(Created page with "{{:Projection mastery (talent)}}{{:Charged aura (talent)}}{{:Thermal aura (talent)}}{{:Kinetic aura (talent)}}<noinclude>Category:Category</noinclude>")
(Updated category)
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{{:Projection mastery (talent)}}{{:Charged aura (talent)}}{{:Thermal aura (talent)}}{{:Kinetic aura (talent)}}<noinclude>[[Category:Category]]</noinclude>
{{:Kinetic aura (talent)}}
{{:Thermal aura (talent)}}
{{:Charged aura (talent)}}
{{:Frenzied focus (talent)}}

Latest revision as of 00:36, 7 August 2014

Kinetic Aura
Kinetic aura.png
Game Version -
Category Type Psionic
Category Projection
Requirements Level (0,1,2,3,4) Willpower (12,14,16,18,20)
Use Mode Sustained
Cost 10 Psi
Range Melee/Personal
Cooldown 10
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed -
Description Fills the air around you with reactive currents of force.

If you have a gem or mindstar in your psionically wielded slot, this will do [10]40cTMD Physical damage to all who approach.

All damage done by the aura will drain one point of energy per (9 + Talent Level) points of damage dealt.

If you have a conventional weapon in your psionically wielded slot, this will add [10]40cTMD Physical damage to its hits.

When deactivated, if you have at least 6.67 energy, a massive spike of kinetic energy is released as a range 6 beam, smashing targets for up to (10 * [10]40cTMD) physical damage and sending them flying.

Activating the aura takes no time but de-activating it does.

To turn off an aura without spiking it, deactivate it and target yourself. The damage will improve with your Mindpower.

Thermal Aura
Thermal aura.png
Game Version -
Category Type Psionic
Category Projection
Requirements Level (4,5,6,7,8) Willpower (20,22,24,26,28)
Use Mode Sustained
Cost 10 Psi
Range Melee/Personal
Cooldown 10
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed -
Description Fills the air around you with reactive currents of furnace-like heat.

If you have a gem or mindstar in your psionically wielded slot, this will do [10]40cTMD Fire damage to all who approach.

All damage done by the aura will drain one point of energy per (9 + Talent Level) points of damage dealt.

If you have a conventional weapon in your psionically wielded slot, this will add [10]40cTMD Fire damage to its hits.

When deactivated, if you have at least 6.67 energy, a massive spike of thermal energy is released as a conical blast (radius 6) of superheated air. Anybody caught in it will suffer up to (10 * [10]40cTMD) fire damage over 3 turns.

Activating the aura takes no time but de-activating it does.

To turn off an aura without spiking it, deactivate it and target yourself. The damage will improve with your Mindpower.

Charged Aura
Charged aura.png
Game Version -
Category Type Psionic
Category Projection
Requirements Level (8,9,10,11,12) Willpower (28,30,32,34,36)
Use Mode Sustained
Cost 10 Psi
Range Melee/Personal
Cooldown 10
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed -
Description Fills the air around you with crackling energy.

If you have a gem or mindstar in your psionically wielded slot, this will do [10]40cTMD Lightning damage to all who approach.

All damage done by the aura will drain one point of energy per (9 + Talent Level) points of damage dealt.

If you have a conventional weapon in your psionically wielded slot, this will add [10]40cTMD Lightning damage to its hits.

When deactivated, if you have at least 6.67 energy, a massive spike of thermal energy is released as a conical blast (radius 6) of superheated air. Anybody caught in it will suffer up to (10 * [10]40cTMD) fire damage over 3 turns.

When deactivated, if you have at least 6.67 energy, a massive spike of electrical energy jumps between up to (1 + 0.5 * Talent Level) nearby targets, doing up to (10 * [10]40cTMD) Lightning damage to each with a 50% chance of dazing them for 3 turns.

Activating the aura takes no time but de-activating it does.

To turn off an aura without spiking it, deactivate it and target yourself. The damage will improve with your Mindpower.

Frenzied Focus
Frenzied focus.png
Game Version -
Category Type Psionic
Category Projection
Requirements Level (12,13,14,15,16) Willpower (36,38,40,42,44)
Use Mode Activated
Cost 30 Psi
Range Melee/Personal
Cooldown 20
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed -
Description Overcharge your psionic focus with energy for 4–8cTS turns, producing a different effect depending on what it is.

A telekinetically wielded weapon enters a frenzy, striking up to 1–3cTS:log times every turn, also increases the radius by 1–3cTS:log.

A mindstar or a gem will fire an energy bolt at a random enemy in range 6, each turn for [10]200cTMD damage. The type is determined by the colour of the gem or mindstar base damage. Damage scales with Mindpower. The mindstar will stop its normal attacks.