Kaltor's Shop

From Tales of Maj'Eyal
Revision as of 16:23, 25 July 2021 by ScienceBall (Talk | contribs) (Store details. Category. Guardian name.)

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Kaltor's Shop
Boss Arch-Merchant Kaltor
Floors 1
Level Range 13 to 25
Item Level Range 3 to 3
Size 50x50
Zone Effect none

Kaltor runs a shop here with a good number of quality items. None of the NPCs start hostile to you. Kaltor also has a ton of stuff in chests lying around, but it's well-guarded. You can choose a dialogue option to start a fight with him; if you defeat him you'll get the key to the chests.

There is also a training room on the southern wall after you enter, behind a locked door. It's the same as the training room in the Sher'Tul Fortress of the main campaign. As of this writing (ToME version 1.5.10), you can no longer bypass the locked door by tunneling through the wall, as there are no diggable tiles. This previously did not aggro the guards.

Kaltor's store is restocked after the completion of the quests You Shall Pass!, The Deconstruction of Falling Stars, and Hunter, Quarry. It is stocked and restocked as follows:

When Level Material range
Character birth Zone base level (13-25?) 3-3
After 1 restock Zone base level (13-25?) 3-3
After 2 restocks Zone base level (13-25?) 3-3
After 3 restocks Zone base level (13-25?) 3-3