
From Tales of Maj'Eyal
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Antimagic is way of life, espoused by the Ziguranth, and adopted by many citizens of the lands of Maj'Eyal. Practitioners of Antimagic take a vow never to use "unnatural" magic of any kind. In exchange for this vow, they gain access to special Antimagic talents.

Choosing whether to become a Zigur follower is an important choice most non-arcane classes must choose.

Note: Undead are unnatural creatures, and may not choose to pursue Antimagic.

How It Works

Quest: The Curse of Magic

In addition to the vow, a small test is required of potential Antimagicians, before the secrets will be revealed. The test takes the form of a trial by combat -- the character is placed into the town's arena, and must face several randomly chosen magical opponents, ending with a (non-random) orc corruptor. Characters may not engage in this trial until reaching level 10. Realistically, the orc corruptor is considerably stronger than a level 10 character, so waiting even longer is advised. The difficulty of the trial will scale with


Being a Zigur follower has several advantages:

It also has some disadvantages:

  • You may not use runes.
  • You may not wield/wear any arcane-powered items.
  • You may not use any talents that are classified as spells (the description says "is: Spell").
  • You may not complete the An apprentice task quest chain. If started, the Apprentice will run away forever when you next speak to him. The quest will still be marked 'Active' and cannot be completed.

To get the most of the Antimagic talent tree, you should have a high Willpower and be prepared to spend a fair number of generic points. Talents that allow faster Equilibrium regeneration will also be helpful in keeping Antimagic Shield up.

Characters who have passed the arena challenge may learn (or improve their knowledge of) the Fungus talents by defeating Urkis on Tempest Peak, and then returning to Protector Myssil in Zigur.


The choice of becoming anti-magic can be a tough decision for some. It is important to consider:

  • Do you have enough generic points to spend?
  • Can you do without arcane-powered items?
  • Is your willpower high enough to make it worth it?