Heavy weapons expertise (talent)

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Heavy Weapons Expertise
Heavy weapons expertise.png
Game Version 1.7.6
Category Type Steamtech
Category Heavy Weapons
Requirements Lvl (4,5,6,7,8) Cun (20,22,24,26,28)
Use Mode Activated
Cost 15 Steam
Range Steamgun range
Cooldown 7
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed Steamtech
Description Your advanced training unlocks specialised techniques, triggering an effect based on your current heavy weapon at the cost of 1 heavy weapon ammunition.

Flamethrower: Sweep your flamethrower across the ground, dealing 120–150%cTL:200 of your flamethrower's damage as Fire and raising a length 7 wall of fire for 5 turns. Those inside the wall take [10]90cTStmD Fire damage and have their Fire resistance reduced by 15–35%cTL:50 for 2 turns.

Shockstaff: Slam your staff into the target, creating a radius 3 shockwave that deals 120–150%cTL:200 of your shockstaff's damage as Lightning and stuns those within for 3–5cTS turns (no more than 9).

Boltgun: Fire 4 boltgun shots dealing 48–60%cTL:80 of your boltgun's damage as Acid and disarming the target for 5 turns.

The damage dealt by the fire wall and the chance to apply effects will increase with your Steampower.

Note: The shockstaff attack seems to do much less damage than I was expecting. I'm not sure if I'm reading the code wrong or if it's bugged.