Summoning (advanced) (category)

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Master Summoner
Master summoner.png
Game Version -
Category Type Wild-Gift
Category Summoning (Advanced)
Requirements Level (10,11,12,13,14) Willpower (22,24,26,28,30)
Use Mode Sustained
Cost 20 Equilibrium
Range 10
Cooldown 10
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed -
Description Reduces the cooldown of all summons by (6.67 * Raw Talent Level)%, up to a maximum of 30%.

Grand Arrival
Grand arrival.png
Game Version -
Category Type Wild-Gift
Category Summoning (Advanced)
Requirements Level (14,15,16,17,18) Willpower (14,16,18,20,22)
Use Mode Passive
Cost -
Range -
Cooldown -
Travel Speed -
Use Speed -
Description While Master Summoner is active, when a creature you summon appears in the world, it will trigger a wild effect:
  • Ritch Flamespitter: Reduce fire resistance of all foes in a radius by [15]70%cTMD
  • Hydra: Generates a cloud of lingering poison that deals [10]60cTMD damage per turn
  • Rimebark: Reduce cold resistance of all foes in a radius by [15]70%cTMD
  • Fire Drake: Appears with 0.3–2.7cTS:log fire drake hatchlingsmin 1. This effect does not check your summoning limit, but the hatchlings will still count against the limit once they appear. Hatchlings cannot be subject to Detonate.
  • War Hound: Reduce physical resistance of all foes in a radius by [15]70%cTMD
  • Jelly: Reduce nature resistance of all foes in a radius by [15]70%cTMD
  • Minotaur: Reduces movement speed of all foes in a radius by 10–47%cL:100% as [5]500cTMD varies from 0–369
  • Stone Golem: Dazes all foes in a radius
  • Turtle: Heals all friendly targets in a radius for (30 + [10]350cTMD)
  • Spider: The spider is so hideous that foes around it are brainlocked and repelled by (1 + Raw Talent Level) tiles

Radius for effects is 1.3–2.7cTS:log, and the duration of each lasting effect is 5–9cTS turns.

Nature's Cycle
Nature cycle.png
Game Version -
Category Type Wild-Gift
Category Summoning (Advanced)
Requirements Level (18,19,20,21,22) Willpower (38,40,42,44,46)
Use Mode Passive
Cost -
Range -
Cooldown -
Travel Speed -
Use Speed -
Description While Master Summoner is active, each new summon will reduce the remaining cooldown of Rage, Detonate and Wild Summon.

(30 + 15 * Talent Level)% chance to reduce them by 1–3.1cTL:5.

Wild Summon
Wild summon.png
Game Version 1.7.4
Category Type Wild-Gift
Category Summoning (Advanced)
Requirements Level (22,23,24,25,26) Willpower (46,48,50,52,54)
Use Mode Activated
Cost 9 Equilibrium
Range 10
Cooldown 25
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed Instant
Description For 3–7cTL:15 turn(s), you have 100% chance that your summons appear as a wild version.

The chance diminishes to 66% of its existing value each turn.

Wild creatures have one more talent/power than the base versions:

  • Ritch Flamespitter: Can fly in the air, spitting its Flamespit past creatures in the path of its target (replaces the normal Flamespit)
  • Hydra: Can concentrate its breath into spits when allies would be caught in a breath, instead spitting a bolt
    • Gains new talents Lightning Spit, Acid Spit, and Poison Spit, which are identical to their corresponding breaths except for targeting, and share their cooldowns with their corresponding breaths.
  • Rimebark: Winter's Grasp – Can grab foes, pulling them into range of its ice storm
  • Fire Drake: Antimagic Zone – Can emit a powerful roar to silence its foes
  • War Hound: Total Thuggery – Can rage, increasing its critical chance and armour penetration
  • Jelly: Mitotic Split – Can split into an additional jelly upon taking a large hit (jellies formed by splitting do not count against your summon cap)
  • Minotaur: Rush – Can rush toward its target
  • Stone Golem: Disarm – Can disarm its foes
  • Turtle: Battle Call – Can force all foes in a radius into melee range
  • Spider: Can use Infusion: Insidious Poison to deal (60 * Talent Level) nature damage over 7 turns at range 6, reducing healing by 60%, with a cooldown of 12 turns.
    • This uses the effective level of the Spider talent, not the raw talent level.

This talent requires Master Summoner to be active to be used.

For each type of wild creature, the level of the new talent(s) equals the raw level of the summon talent. The exception is the wild Spider, whose scaling is described above.