
Main page | Ego-items

(current to 1.0.0)

General body armor ego-items

Name Power source Greater Rarity Special abilities
Of fire resistance Technique false 5 Increases fire resistance by (15-30)%
Of cold resistance Technique false 5 Increases cold resistance by (15-30)%
Of acid resistance Technique false 5 Increases acid resistance by (15-30)%
Of lightning resistance Technique false 5 Increases lightning resistance by (15-30)%
Of temporal resistance Arcane false 10 Increases temporal resistance by (15-30)%
Prismatic Arcane false 10 Increases light and darkness resistance by (10-20)%
Cleansing Nature false 10 Increases nature and blight resistance by (10-20)%
Of stability Technique false 7 Increases physical save by (10-25)
Of spell shielding Arcane false 7 Increases spell save by (10-25)
Of clarity Psionic false 7 Increases mental save by (10-25)
Spiked Technique false 6 Deals (10-20) physical damage when hit in melee
Rejuvenating Nature false 10 Increases stamina and life regeneration by (0.5-2)
Of resilience Nature false 9 Increases maximum life by (20-60)
Searing Arcane true 18 Deals (8-16) fire and acid damage when hit in melee
Melee attacks deal extra (8-16) fire and acid damage
Radiant Nature true 18 Deals (4-14) light damage when hit in melee
Increases blight and darkness resistance by (10-30)%
Increases willpower by (1-6)
Increases light radius by (1-2)
Of Eyal Nature true 16 Increases maximum life by (40-100)
Increases life regeneration by (0.5 - 1.5)
Increases healing factor by (10 - 20)%
Enlightening Psionic true 15 Increases willpower and cunning by (1-6)
Increases mental save by (10-25)
Of command Psionic true 20 Increases cunning by (1-6)
Increases mental save by (10-25)
Increases armor by (3-10)
Increases defense by (5-15)
Of delving Technique true 25 Increases strength by (4-10)
Activates for talent Track (level 2, cooldown 30)
Of the deep Nature true 90 Increases acid and cold resistance by (5-15)%
Increases armor by (1-6)
Water breathing
Of thunder Arcane true 40 Increases strength and magic by (3-10)
Increases physical and spell critical chance by (2-5)%
Increases physical power by (3-10)


Light armor ego-items

Name Power source Greater Rarity Special abilities
Troll-hide Nature true 12 Increases life regeneration by (1.5-6)
Nimble Technique true 22 Increases ranged defense by (2-10)
Increases movement speed
Increases dexterity by (2-5)
Marauder's Technique true 20 Increases strength and dexterity by (3-10)
Increases defense by (2-10)
Increases physical save by (5-20)
Of the sky Nature true 20 Increases lightning and cold resistance by (10-30)%
Increases dexterity by (2-8)
Increases defense and ranged defense by (2-10)
Of Toknor Technique true 16 Increases physical power by 5-10
Increases physical critical chance by (3-6)%
Increases critical multiplier by (10-20)%


Heavy armor ego-items

Name Power source Greater Rarity Special abilities
Impenetrable Technique false 8 Increases armor by (5-20)
Hardened Technique true 29 Increases acid, lightning, fire, cold and physical resistance by (5-13)%
Increases armor by (5-10)
Fearforged Arcane true 30 Increases fire and darkness resistance by (5-15)%
Decreases light resistance by (10-20)%
Increases constitution by (5-10)
Increases mental, physical and spell saves by (5-10)
Increases fatigue by (5-15)
Of implacability Technique true 16 Increases physical save by (5-15)
Increases armor by (4-10)
Decreases fatigue by (4-10)
Fortifying Technique true 18 Increases strength and constitution by (2-7)
Increases maximum life by (30-100)


Massive armor ego-items

Name Power source Greater Rarity Special abilities
Impenetrable Technique false 8 Increases armor by (5-20)
Of the dragon Nature true 20 Increases acid, lightning, fire, cold and physical resistance by (5-15)%
Increases constitution and strength by (1-6)
Increases stunning, knockback and disarming resistance by (20-40)%
Reduces cooldown of Rush by 5
Hardened Technique true 29 Increases acid, lightning, fire, cold and physical resistance by (5-13)%
Increases armor by (5-10)
Fearforged Arcane true 30 Increases fire and darkness resistance by (5-15)%
Decreases light resistance by (10-20)%
Increases constitution by (5-10)
Increases mental, physical and spell saves by (5-10)
Increases fatigue by (5-15)
Of implacability Technique true 16 Increases physical save by (5-15)
Increases armor by (4-10)
Decreases fatigue by (4-10)
Fortifying Technique true 18 Increases strength and constitution by (2-7)
Increases maximum life by (30-100)


Robe ego-items

Name Power source Greater Rarity Special abilities
Of fire Nature false 6 Increases fire damage by (10-20)%
Increases fire resistance by (15-30)%
Of frost Nature false 6 Increases frost damage by (10-20)%
Increases frost resistance by (15-30)%
Of nature Nature false 6 Increases nature damage by (10-20)%
Increases nature resistance by (15-30)%
Of lightning Nature false 6 Increases lightning damage by (10-20)%
Increases lightning resistance by (15-30)%
Of light Arcane false 6 Increases light damage by (10-20)%
Increases light resistance by (15-30)%
Of darkness Arcane false 6 Increases darkness damage by (10-20)%
Increases darkness resistance by (15-30)%
Of corrosion Natue false 6 Increases acid damage by (10-20)%
Increases acid resistance by (15-30)%
Of blight Arcane false 24 Increases blight damage by (10-20)%
Increases blight resistance by (10-20)%
Of the mountain Nature false 24 Increases physical damage by (10-20)%
Increases physical resistance by (10-20)%
Of the mind Psionic false 24 Increases mind damage by (10-20)%
Increases mind resistance by (10-20)%
Of time Arcane false 24 Increases temporal damage by (10-20)%
Increases temporal resistance by (10-20)%
Shimmering Arcane false 12 Increases arcane damage by (10-20)%
Increases maximum mana by (10-110)
Of stability Technique false 7 Increases physical save by (15-30)
Of spell shielding Arcane false 7 Increases spell save by (15-30)
Of clarity Psionic false 7 Increases mental save by (15-30)
Spellwoven Arcane false 7 Increases spellpower and spell critical chance by (2-6)
Mindwoven Psionic false 7 Increases mindpower and mental critical chance by (2-6)
Slimy Antimagic false 7 Deals (3-10) slime damage when hit in melee
Focusing Psionic false 10 Increases mana and psi regeneration by (0.1-0.3)
Dreamer's Psionic true 30 Increases physical and spell save by (10-20)
Increases mental save by (20-40)
Dispeller's Arcane true 30 Increases physical and mental save by (10-20)
Increases spell save by (20-40)
Of retribution Arcane true 20 Deals (5-15) acid, lightning, fire and cold damage when hit in melee
Of Linaniil Arcane true 20 Increases spellpower and spell critical chance by (3-6)
Increases maximum mana by (40-100)
Increases mana regeneration by (0.1-0.3)
Of Angolwen Arcane true 20 Increases magic and willpower by (2-6)
Increases spellpower by (5-10)
Stargazer's Arcane true 15 Increases cunning by (1-6)
Increases light and darkness damage by (5-20)%
Increases spellpower by (5-10)
Ancient Arcane true 40 Increases magic by (1-10)
Increases temporal damage by (5-20)%
Increases temporal resistance by (5-15)%
Of power Arcane true 18 Increases arcane, fire, cold, acid, lightning, nature, blight and physical damage by (5-20)%
Increases spellpower by (5-10)
Of chaos Arcane true 20 Increases fire, blight and physical resistance by (5-15)%
Decreases cold, nature and arcane resistance by (5-15)%
Penetrates fire, blight and physical resistance by (5-20)%
Sunsealed Arcane true 30 Increases light and darkness resistance by (5-15)%
Increases light damage by (5-20)%
Increases magic by (3-10)
Increases light radius by 1
Of life Nature true 20 Increases maximum life by (40-100)
Increases life regeneration by (0.5-2)
Increases healing factor by (10-30)%
Stormlord's Nature true 16 Increases cold and lightning resistance by (5-15)%
Increases willpower by (4-8)
Increases cold and lightning damage by (5-20)%
Verdant Nature true 15 Increases constitution by (1-6)
Increases life regeneration by (0.5-3.5)
Increases nature damage by (5-20)%
Tormentor's Psionic true 30 Increases cunning by (1-10)
Increases mental critical chance by (1-5)%
Increases critical multiplier by (10-40)%
Fearwoven Psionic true 40 Increases darkness damage by (5-20)%
Increases maximum hate by (5-15)
Increases mindpower by (5-10)
Increases mental critical chance by (1-5)%
Psion's Psionic true 40 Increases mind damage by (5-20)%
Increases maximum psi by (10-40)
Increases mindpower by (5-10)
Increases mental critical chance by (1-5)%