(current to b38)
Gloves ego-items
Name | Greater | Rarity | Special abilities |
Of disarming | false | 5 | Increases trap disarming power 10% chance of using talent Disarm, level 2 on unarmed attack |
Of criticals | false | 9 | Increases spell and physical critical chance Increased physical critical chance on unarmed attacks |
Of mighty criticals | true | 12 | Increases critical power Increased physical critical chance and damage on unarmed attacks 10% chance of using talent Haymaker, level 1 on unarmed attack |
Of attack | false | 5 | Increases combat attack Increased combat attack on unarmed attacks |
Of damage | false | 7 | Increases combat damage Increased combat damage on unarmed attacks |
Cinder | false | 3 | Increases resistance to fire Boosts fire damage Extra fire damage on unarmed attacks |
Polar | false | 3 | Increases resistance to cold Boosts cold damage Extra ice damage on unarmed attacks |
Corrosive | false | 3 | Increases resistance to acid Boosts acid damage Extra acid damage on unarmed attacks |
Charged | false | 3 | Increases resistance to lightning Boosts lightning damage Extra lightning damage on unarmed attacks |
Temporal | false | 3 | Increases resistance to temporal Boosts temporal damage Extra temporal damage on unarmed attacks |
Naturalist's | false | 3 | Increases resistance to nature Boosts nature damage Extra slime damage on unarmed attacks |
Blighted | false | 3 | Increases resistance to blight Boosts blight damage Extra blight damage on unarmed attacks |
Powerful | false | 3 | Boosts physical damage Extra physical damage on unarmed attacks |
Of strength | false | 6 | Increases strength Increased combat damage and extra physical damage on unarmed attacks |
Of dexterity | false | 6 | Increases dexterity Increased attack and physical critical chance on unarmed attacks |
Of magic | false | 6 | Increases magic Extra arcane damage on unarmed attacks |
Of iron grip | false | 9 | Increases strength Increases Grappling talent mastery Provides resistance to disarming 10% chance of using talent Maim, level 2 on unarmed attack |
Of protection | true | 15 | Increases mental, physical and spell saves and resistance to nature 10% chance of using talent Healing Nexus, level 1 on unarmed attack |
Of warmaking | true | 17 | Increases strength, dexterity and armor penetration Increased physical critical chance and extra physical damage on unarmed attacks 10% chance of using talent Battle Call, level 1 on unarmed attack |
Of regeneration | true | 18 | Increases life, mana and stamina regeneration 10% chance of using talent Second Wind, level 1 on unarmed attack |
Heroic | true | 20 | Increases armor, maximum life and resistance to fire and cold Increased attack and damage on unarmed attacks 10% chance of using talent Battle Shout, level 1 on unarmed attack |
Alchemist's | true | 17 | Increases magic and willpower Provides resistance to blindness and confusion Extra fire, ice, acid and lightning damage on unarmed attacks 10% chance of using talent Stone Touch, level 1 on unarmed attack |
Archer's | true | 17 | Increases dexterity, cunning and attack Increased attack and armor penetration on unarmed attacks |
Brawler's | true | 20 | Increases strength, dexterity and cunning Reduces cooldown of Double Strike by 1 Increased attack, physical critical chance and speed on unarmed attacks |
Of imperviousness | true | 40 | Increases constitution, armor and resistance to physical Decreases dexterity and attack 5% chance of using talent Untosppable, level 1 on unarmed attack |
Of dispersion | true | 35 | Increases magic and resistance to arcane Activates for talent Disperse Magic, level 3 (uses 80 power, max power 80, regen 1) Extra arcane damage on unarmed attacks 10% chance of using talent Manathrust, level 3 on unarmed attack |
Of butchering | true | 30 | Increases attack, combat damage and resistance to blight Provides resistance to poison and disease Extra slime and acid damage on unarmed attacks |
Of the juggernaut | true | 20 | Increases constitution, mental, physical and spell saves Activates for talent Juggernaut, level 4 (uses 80 power, max power 80, regen 1) Extra physical damage on unarmed attacks 10% chance of using talent Juggernaut, level 1 on unarmed attack |
Of the beastfinder | true | 40 | Increases dexterity and attack Activates for talent Track, level 2 (uses 80 power, max power 80, regen 1) Increased attack and physical critical chance on unarmed attacks Extra damage to animals on unarmed attacks |
Nightfighting | true | 20 | Increases cunning, infravision and resistance to darkness Provides resistance to blindness Extra darkness damage on unarmed attacks 10% chance of using talent Shadowstep, level 3 on unarmed attack |
Spellstreaming | true | 15 | Increases willpower, spell power and spell critical chance Extra arcane damage on unarmed attacks 10% chance of using talent Elemental Bolt, level 3 on unarmed attack |
Elemental | true | 50 | Extra acid, lightning, fire and cold damage on melee attacks (not only unarmed attacks) Extra acid, lightning, fire and cold damage on unarmed attacks (stacks with the previous bonus) |
Contortionist's | true | 30 | Increases dexterity Provides resistance to stunning, pinning and knockback Extra physical damage on unarmed attacks 10% chance of using talent Set Up, level 1 on unarmed attack |