
Talents >> Techniques

Talent Type/Cost Scales With Description
Greater Weapon Focus 25 Stamina
20 cooldown
Dexterity Each strike has a chance to happen again (nonrecursive).
Step Up Passive -- After killing a foe, (rawTalentLevel * 20%) chance to gain 1000% movement speed for 1 turn.
Bleeding Edge 24 Stamina
12 cooldown
Accuracy Attack with multiplier, inflict bleeding for 7 turns, reduce healing.
True Grit Sustained
70 Stamina
30 cooldown
-- Gain all resist + all resist cap based on how injured you are. Drains (variable) stamina per turn.

Math/code for 1.0:

Greater Weapon Focus
chance = combatTalentStatDamage(t, "dex", 10, 90)
duration = floor(4 + getTalentLevel(t) * 1.3)

Bleeding Edge
multiplier = combatTalentWeaponDamage(t, 1, 1.7)
bleed_multiplier = combatTalentWeaponDamage(t, 2, 3.2) -- spread over 7 turns
heal_factor = getTalentLevel(t) * 10
apply_power = combatAttack()

True Grit
perc = (1 - (life / max_life)) * 10 * 5
resists = perc
resists_cap = perc/2
stamina = -16 + 2 * getTalentLevelRaw(t)