Module core.display

T-Engine display API


FBOActive () Check if Frame Buffer Objects are active.
disableFBO () Disable Frame Buffer Objects.
drawQuad (x, y, w, h, r, g, b, a, txt) Draw a rectangle.
drawStringBlendedNewSurface (font, string, r, g, b) Creates a SDL surface of an anti-aliased string, if possible.
drawStringNewSurface (font, string, r, g, b) Create a SDL surface of a string.
forceRedraw () Forces redrawing of the T-Engine display.
fullscreen () Toggle fullscreen mode.
getModesList () Find potential window sizes.
getTextBlended () Get the anti-aliasing status of fonts.
loadImage (path) Creates a SDL surface from an image.
newFBO (width, height) Creates a new frame buffer object (FBO).
newFont (path, size) Load a TrueType font.
newSurface (width, height) Create a new SDL surface.
newTile (width, height, font, char, x, y, fr, fg, fb, br, bg, bb, alpha) Create a new SDL surface based on a tile.
setMouseCursor (ox, oy, surface_up, surface_down) Set images for the mouse cursor.
setTextBlended (status) Set the anti-aliasing status of fonts.
setWindowSize (width, height) Set the window dimensions.
setWindowTitle (title) Set the window's title.
size (width, height) Set the fullscreen dimensions.


FBOActive ()
Check if Frame Buffer Objects are active.

Return value:

Boolean, true if FBOs are active.
disableFBO ()
Disable Frame Buffer Objects.
drawQuad (x, y, w, h, r, g, b, a, txt)
Draw a rectangle.


  • x: Horizontal offset to start the rectangle (in pixels).
  • y: Vertical offset to start the rectangle (in pixels).
  • w: Width in pixels.
  • h: Height in pixels.
  • r: Red color (0-255).
  • g: Green color (0-255).
  • b: Blue color (0-255).
  • a: Alpha factor (0-1).
  • txt: Optional OpenGL texture userdata.
drawStringBlendedNewSurface (font, string, r, g, b)
Creates a SDL surface of an anti-aliased string, if possible.


  • font: TrueType font userdata.
  • string: String to put on the surface.
  • r: Red color of the font (0-255).
  • g: Green color of the font (0-255).
  • b: Blue color of the font (0-255).

Return value:

An SDL surface userdata.
drawStringNewSurface (font, string, r, g, b)
Create a SDL surface of a string.


  • font: TrueType font userdata.
  • string: String to put on the surface.
  • r: Red color of the font (0-255).
  • g: Green color of the font (0-255).
  • b: Blue color of the font (0-255).

Return value:

An SDL surface userdata.
forceRedraw ()
Forces redrawing of the T-Engine display.
fullscreen ()
Toggle fullscreen mode.
getModesList ()
Find potential window sizes.

Return value:

A table of tables containing {w=width, h=height}.
getTextBlended ()
Get the anti-aliasing status of fonts.
loadImage (path)
Creates a SDL surface from an image.


  • path: Image path relative to the module directory.

Return value:

An SDL surface.
newFBO (width, height)
Creates a new frame buffer object (FBO).


  • width: Width of the FBO (in pixels).
  • height: Height of the FBO (in pixels).

Return value:

The FBO userdata.
newFont (path, size)
Load a TrueType font.


  • path: Font file path relative to the module directory.
  • size: The font size.

Return value:

The font userdata.
newSurface (width, height)
Create a new SDL surface.


  • width: Surface width in pixels.
  • height: Surface height in pixels.

Return value:

An SDL surface userdata.
newTile (width, height, font, char, x, y, fr, fg, fb, br, bg, bb, alpha)
Create a new SDL surface based on a tile.


  • width: Surface width in pixels.
  • height: Surface height in pixels.
  • font: A TrueType font userdata.
  • char: An ASCII character to display in the tile.
  • x: Horizontal offset to draw the character on the tile (in pixels).
  • y: Vertical offset to draw the character on the tile (in pixels).
  • fr: Foreground red color (0-255).
  • fg: Foreground green color (0-255).
  • fb: Foreground blue color (0-255).
  • br: Background red color (0-255).
  • bg: Background green color (0-255).
  • bb: Background blue color (0-255).
  • alpha: Alpha factor (0-1).

Return value:

An SDL surface userdata.
setMouseCursor (ox, oy, surface_up, surface_down)
Set images for the mouse cursor.


  • ox: Veritcal offset (in pixels) of the surface relative to the cursor position.
  • oy:
  • surface_up: SDL surface to use when the mouse button is up.
  • surface_down: SDL surface to use when the mouse button is down.
setTextBlended (status)
Set the anti-aliasing status of fonts.


  • status: Enable anti-aliasing if true.
setWindowSize (width, height)
Set the window dimensions.


  • width: Width in pixels.
  • height: Height in pixels.
setWindowTitle (title)
Set the window's title.


  • title: The string to use as a title.
size (width, height)
Set the fullscreen dimensions.


  • width: Width in pixels.
  • height: Height in pixels.

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