Module ...

Represents a level map, handles display and various low level map work


_M:addEffect (src, x, y, duration, damtype, dam, radius, dir, angle, overlay, update_fct, selffire, friendlyfire) Adds a zone (temporary) effect
_M:addEmote (e) Adds an existing emote to the map
_M:addObject (x, y, o) Object functions
_M:addParticleEmitter (e) Adds an existing particle emitter to the map
_M:addPathString (ps) Adds a "path string" to the map "Path strings" are strings defining what terrain an actor can cross.
_M:apply (x, y, v) Sets a grid as seen and remembered Used by FOV code
_M:applyESP (x, y, v) Sets a grid as seen if ESP'ed Used by FOV code
_M:applyExtraLite (x, y, v) Sets a grid as seen, lited and remembered, if it is in the current FOV Used by FOV code
_M:applyLite (x, y, v) Sets a grid as seen, lited and remembered Used by FOV code
_M:call (x, y, pos, e) Sets/gets a value from the map It is defined as the function metamethod, so one can simply do: mymap(x, y, Map.TERRAIN)
_M:centerViewAround (x, y) Sets the current view area with the given coords at the center
_M:checkAllEntities (x, y, what, ...) Check all entities of the grid for a property until it finds one/returns one This will stop at the first entity with the given property (or if the property is a function, the return of the function that is not false/nil).
_M:checkAllEntitiesCount (x, y, what, ...) Check all entities of the grid for a property, counting the results This will iterate over all entities without stopping.
_M:checkAllEntitiesLayersNoStop (x, y, what, ...) Check all entities of the grid for a property This will iterate over all entities without stopping.
_M:checkAllEntitiesNoStop (x, y, what, ...) Check all entities of the grid for a property This will iterate over all entities without stopping.
_M:checkEntity (x, y, pos, what, ...) Check specified entity position of the grid for a property
_M:checkMapViewBounded () Checks the map is bound to the screen (no "empty space" if the map is big enough)
_M:cleanFOV () Cleans the FOV infos (seens table)
_M:close () Closes things in the object to allow it to be garbage collected Map objects are NOT automatically garbage collected because they contain FOV C structure, which themselves have a reference to the map.
_M:display (x, y, nb_keyframe, always_show, nb_keyframes) Displays the map on screen
_M:displayEffects () Display the overlay effects, called by self:display()
_M:displayEmotes (nb_keyframes) Display the emotes, called by self:display()
_M:displayParticles (nb_keyframes) Display the particle emitters, called by self:display()
_M:getMouseTile (mx, my) Gets the tile under the mouse
_M:getScreenUpperCorner () Get the screen offset where to start drawing (upper corner)
_M:getTileToScreen (tx, ty) Get the screen position corresponding to a tile
_M:import (map, dx, dy, sx, sy, sw, sh) Import a map into the current one
_M:init (w, h) Creates a map
_M:isBound (x, y) Checks the given coords to see if they are in bound
_M:isOnScreen (x, y) Checks the given coords to see if they are displayed on screen
_M:liteAll (x, y, w, h, v) Lite all grids
_M:minimapDisplay (dx, dy, x, y, w, h, transp) Displays the minimap
_M:moveViewSurround (x, y, marginx, marginy, ignore_padding) Sets the current view area if x and y are out of bounds
_M:opaque (x, y) Sets checks if a grid lets sight pass through Used by FOV code
_M:opaqueESP (x, y) Sets checks if a grid lets ESP pass through Used by FOV ESP code
_M:overlay (map, dx, dy, sx, sy, sw, sh) Import a map into the current one as an overlay, only replacing defined entities
_M:particleEmitter (x, y, radius, def, args, shader) Add a new particle emitter
_M:processEffects () Process the overlay effects, call it from your tick function
_M:recreate () Recreate the internal map using new dimensions
_M:redisplay () Redisplays the map, storing seen information
_M:rememberAll (x, y, w, h, v) Remember all grids
_M:remove (x, y, pos) Removes an entity
_M:removeEmote (e) Removes an emote from the map
_M:removeParticleEmitter (e) Removes a particle emitter from the map
_M:resetTiles () Create the tile repositories
_M:save () Serialization
_M:scrollDir (dir) Scrolls the map in the given direction
_M:setBoundedPadding (left, right, top, bottom) Sets the map viewport padding, for scrolling purposes (defaults to 0) Static
_M:setObscure (r, g, b, a) Defines the "obscure" factor of unseen map By default it is 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6
_M:setShown (r, g, b, a) Defines the "shown" factor of seen map By default it is 1, 1, 1, 1
_M:setViewPort (x, y, w, h, tile_w, tile_h, fontname, fontsize, allow_backcolor) Sets the viewport size Static
_M:setViewerActor (player) Defines the actor that sees the map Usually this will be the player.
_M:setViewerFaction (faction) Defines the faction of the person seeing the map Usually this will be the player's faction.
_M:setZoom (zoom, tmx, tmy) Sets zoom level
_M:updateMap (x, y) Updates the map on the given spot This updates many things, from the C map object, the FOV caches, the minimap if it exists, ...


_M:addEffect (src, x, y, duration, damtype, dam, radius, dir, angle, overlay, update_fct, selffire, friendlyfire)
Adds a zone (temporary) effect


  • src: the source actor
  • x: the epicenter coords
  • y: the epicenter coords
  • duration: the number of turns to persist
  • damtype: the DamageType to apply
  • dam:
  • radius: the radius of the effect
  • dir: the numpad direction of the effect, 5 for a ball effect
  • angle:
  • overlay: either a simple display entity to draw upon the map or a Particle class
  • update_fct: optional function that will be called each time the effect is updated with the effect itself as parameter. Use it to change radius, move around ....
  • selffire: percent chance to damage the source actor (default 100)
  • friendlyfire: percent chance to damage friendly actors (default 100)
_M:addEmote (e)
Adds an existing emote to the map


  • e:
_M:addObject (x, y, o)
Object functions


  • x:
  • y:
  • o:
_M:addParticleEmitter (e)
Adds an existing particle emitter to the map


  • e:
_M:addPathString (ps)
Adds a "path string" to the map "Path strings" are strings defining what terrain an actor can cross. Their format is left to the module to decide (by overloading Actor:getPathString() )
They are totally optional as they re only used to compute A* paths and the likes and even then the algorithms still work without them, only slower
If you use them the block_move function of your Grid class must be able to handle either an actor or a "path string" as their third argument


  • ps:
_M:apply (x, y, v)
Sets a grid as seen and remembered Used by FOV code


  • x:
  • y:
  • v:
_M:applyESP (x, y, v)
Sets a grid as seen if ESP'ed Used by FOV code


  • x:
  • y:
  • v:
_M:applyExtraLite (x, y, v)
Sets a grid as seen, lited and remembered, if it is in the current FOV Used by FOV code


  • x:
  • y:
  • v:
_M:applyLite (x, y, v)
Sets a grid as seen, lited and remembered Used by FOV code


  • x:
  • y:
  • v:
_M:call (x, y, pos, e)
Sets/gets a value from the map It is defined as the function metamethod, so one can simply do: mymap(x, y, Map.TERRAIN)


  • x: position
  • y: position
  • pos: what kind of entity to set(Map.TERRAIN, Map.OBJECT, Map.ACTOR)
  • e: the entity to set, if null it will return the current one
_M:centerViewAround (x, y)
Sets the current view area with the given coords at the center


  • x:
  • y:
_M:checkAllEntities (x, y, what, ...)
Check all entities of the grid for a property until it finds one/returns one This will stop at the first entity with the given property (or if the property is a function, the return of the function that is not false/nil). No guaranty is given about the iteration order


  • x: position
  • y: position
  • what: property to check
  • ...:
_M:checkAllEntitiesCount (x, y, what, ...)
Check all entities of the grid for a property, counting the results This will iterate over all entities without stopping. No guaranty is given about the iteration order


  • x: position
  • y: position
  • what: property to check
  • ...:

Return value:

the number of times the property returned a non false value
_M:checkAllEntitiesLayersNoStop (x, y, what, ...)
Check all entities of the grid for a property This will iterate over all entities without stopping. No guaranty is given about the iteration order


  • x: position
  • y: position
  • what: property to check
  • ...:

Return value:

a table containing all return values, indexed by a list of {layer, entity}
_M:checkAllEntitiesNoStop (x, y, what, ...)
Check all entities of the grid for a property This will iterate over all entities without stopping. No guaranty is given about the iteration order


  • x: position
  • y: position
  • what: property to check
  • ...:

Return value:

a table containing all return values, indexed by the entities
_M:checkEntity (x, y, pos, what, ...)
Check specified entity position of the grid for a property


  • x: position
  • y: position
  • pos: entity position in the grid
  • what: property to check
  • ...:
_M:checkMapViewBounded ()
Checks the map is bound to the screen (no "empty space" if the map is big enough)
_M:cleanFOV ()
Cleans the FOV infos (seens table)
_M:close ()
Closes things in the object to allow it to be garbage collected Map objects are NOT automatically garbage collected because they contain FOV C structure, which themselves have a reference to the map. Cyclic references! BAD BAD BAD !
The closing should be handled automatically by the Zone class so no bother for authors
_M:display (x, y, nb_keyframe, always_show, nb_keyframes)
Displays the map on screen


  • x: the coord where to start drawing, if null it uses self.display_x
  • y: the coord where to start drawing, if null it uses self.display_y
  • nb_keyframe:
  • always_show: tell the map code to force display unseed entities as remembered (used for smooth FOV shading)
  • nb_keyframes: the number of keyframes elapsed since last draw
_M:displayEffects ()
Display the overlay effects, called by self:display()
_M:displayEmotes (nb_keyframes)
Display the emotes, called by self:display()


  • nb_keyframes:
_M:displayParticles (nb_keyframes)
Display the particle emitters, called by self:display()


  • nb_keyframes:
_M:getMouseTile (mx, my)
Gets the tile under the mouse


  • mx:
  • my:
_M:getScreenUpperCorner ()
Get the screen offset where to start drawing (upper corner)
_M:getTileToScreen (tx, ty)
Get the screen position corresponding to a tile


  • tx:
  • ty:
_M:import (map, dx, dy, sx, sy, sw, sh)
Import a map into the current one


  • map: the map to import
  • dx: coordinate where to import it in the current map
  • dy: coordinate where to import it in the current map
  • sx: coordinate where to start importing the map, defaults to 0
  • sy: coordinate where to start importing the map, defaults to 0
  • sw: size of the imported map to get, defaults to map size
  • sh: size of the imported map to get, defaults to map size
_M:init (w, h)
Creates a map


  • w: width (in grids)
  • h: height (in grids)
_M:isBound (x, y)
Checks the given coords to see if they are in bound


  • x:
  • y:
_M:isOnScreen (x, y)
Checks the given coords to see if they are displayed on screen


  • x:
  • y:
_M:liteAll (x, y, w, h, v)
Lite all grids


  • x:
  • y:
  • w:
  • h:
  • v:
_M:minimapDisplay (dx, dy, x, y, w, h, transp)
Displays the minimap


  • dx:
  • dy:
  • x:
  • y:
  • w:
  • h:
  • transp:

Return value:

a surface containing the drawn map
_M:moveViewSurround (x, y, marginx, marginy, ignore_padding)
Sets the current view area if x and y are out of bounds


  • x:
  • y:
  • marginx:
  • marginy:
  • ignore_padding:
_M:opaque (x, y)
Sets checks if a grid lets sight pass through Used by FOV code


  • x:
  • y:
_M:opaqueESP (x, y)
Sets checks if a grid lets ESP pass through Used by FOV ESP code


  • x:
  • y:
_M:overlay (map, dx, dy, sx, sy, sw, sh)
Import a map into the current one as an overlay, only replacing defined entities


  • map: the map to import
  • dx: coordinate where to import it in the current map
  • dy: coordinate where to import it in the current map
  • sx: coordinate where to start importing the map, defaults to 0
  • sy: coordinate where to start importing the map, defaults to 0
  • sw: size of the imported map to get, defaults to map size
  • sh: size of the imported map to get, defaults to map size
_M:particleEmitter (x, y, radius, def, args, shader)
Add a new particle emitter


  • x:
  • y:
  • radius:
  • def:
  • args:
  • shader:
_M:processEffects ()
Process the overlay effects, call it from your tick function
_M:recreate ()
Recreate the internal map using new dimensions
_M:redisplay ()
Redisplays the map, storing seen information
_M:rememberAll (x, y, w, h, v)
Remember all grids


  • x:
  • y:
  • w:
  • h:
  • v:
_M:remove (x, y, pos)
Removes an entity


  • x: position
  • y: position
  • pos: what kind of entity to set(Map.TERRAIN, Map.OBJECT, Map.ACTOR)
_M:removeEmote (e)
Removes an emote from the map


  • e:
_M:removeParticleEmitter (e)
Removes a particle emitter from the map


  • e:
_M:resetTiles ()
Create the tile repositories
_M:save ()
_M:scrollDir (dir)
Scrolls the map in the given direction


  • dir:
_M:setBoundedPadding (left, right, top, bottom)
Sets the map viewport padding, for scrolling purposes (defaults to 0) Static


  • left: left padding
  • right: right padding
  • top: top padding
  • bottom: bottom padding
_M:setObscure (r, g, b, a)
Defines the "obscure" factor of unseen map By default it is 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6


  • r:
  • g:
  • b:
  • a:
_M:setShown (r, g, b, a)
Defines the "shown" factor of seen map By default it is 1, 1, 1, 1


  • r:
  • g:
  • b:
  • a:
_M:setViewPort (x, y, w, h, tile_w, tile_h, fontname, fontsize, allow_backcolor)
Sets the viewport size Static


  • x: screen coordinate where the map will be displayed (this has no impact on the real display). This is used to compute mouse clicks
  • y: screen coordinate where the map will be displayed (this has no impact on the real display). This is used to compute mouse clicks
  • w: width
  • h: height
  • tile_w: width of a single tile
  • tile_h: height of a single tile
  • fontname: font parameters, can be nil
  • fontsize: font parameters, can be nil
  • allow_backcolor:
_M:setViewerActor (player)
Defines the actor that sees the map Usually this will be the player. This is used to determine invisibility/...


  • player:
_M:setViewerFaction (faction)
Defines the faction of the person seeing the map Usually this will be the player's faction. If you do not want to use tactical display, dont use it


  • faction:
_M:setZoom (zoom, tmx, tmy)
Sets zoom level


  • zoom: nil to reset to default, otherwise a number to increment the zoom with
  • tmx: make sure this coords are visible after zoom (can be nil)
  • tmy: make sure this coords are visible after zoom (can be nil)
_M:updateMap (x, y)
Updates the map on the given spot This updates many things, from the C map object, the FOV caches, the minimap if it exists, ...


  • x:
  • y:

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