Online Event

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Tales of Maj'Eyal features a number of optional online events that can be sent out from the server to players' games.

Online events are disabled during the Tutorial.


There is a setting "Allow online events" that can be used to control whether or not you receive online events.

It has the following options:

  • All: Allow all server events (bonus zones, random events, ...)
  • Technical help only: Allow administrator to help in case of bugs or weirdness and allows website services (data reset, steam achievements push, ...) to work.
  • Disabled: Disallow all.

The "Disable all connectivity" setting will also prevent you from receiving online events.

Event Zones

The following events add extra zones to the game. If the zone already exists, nothing happens.

Only some campaigns support event zones, and the possible locations of the zone entrances differ between campaigns.

After visiting an online event zone, its entrance portal will remain on the map but become inactive, therefore online event zones can only be visited once.

Apart from the usual times when these events are sent out, DarkGod can also send them out as he pleases.


Sent out by the server at random, or a player can pay to send it out to all online players.

Lost land of Poosh

Sent out by the server at random, or a player can pay to send it out to all online players.


Sent out by the server every 10 minutes around Easter.


Sent out by the server every 10 minutes around Christmas (from December 15th to January 1st).


Sent out by the server every 10 minutes around Halloween.

A portal to the Hallowed Fields will immediately appear on the world map, but it cannot be entered immediately. When this event is active, one Hallowed Ghost will spawn in each level that the player visits, even if they were previously cleared levels. (Only one will ever spawn on each level. They do not spawn in zones where the Rod of Recall cannot be used. Ghosts will only spawn if the player is at least level 15.) Defeating the first ghost will start the quest: Hunt for the legendary Plumpkin!

The player will find a clue with each ghost they defeat. Once four clues are found, no more ghosts will spawn, and the portal to the Hallowed Fields can be entered.

Gift Items

These events simply show a message and give the player an item. If the event has already been applied to the game, nothing happens.

Demonic Soul

Item that is sent out by the server around the anniversary of the release of Ashes of Urh'Rok (October 27th). If you don't own Ashes of Urh'Rok, it will prompt you if you want to purchase it.

The Cog

Item that is sent out by the server around the anniversary of the release of Embers of Rage (February 23rd). If you don't own Embers of Rage, it will prompt you if you want to purchase it.

It Which Writhes

Item that is sent out by the server around the anniversary of the release of Forbidden Cults (May 16th). If you don't own Forbidden Cults, it will prompt you if you want to purchase it.

New Year's Little Gems

Item that is sent out by the server around New Year's Eve/Day. The item's actual name is "X Little Gems", where X is the number of the new year. Each new year's event uses a different variable to check whether the event has already been received, so 2 different years' gems could be delivered in a single game.

Other One-Time Events

If the event has already been applied to the game, nothing happens.

A Great Disturbance

Event that is sent out by the server on May 4th. Gives you a quest to defeat Stormtroopers.

Santascape Gifts

Event that is sent out by the server around Christmas (shorter period of time than for the Santascape zone). Gives the player 3 presents on the ground: one containing a random unique item (a fixedart), one containing a randomly-generated artifact (a randart), and one containing a prodigy point. The location of these presents depends on the campaign.

Pirate Day

Event that is sent out by the server every 10 minutes around International Talk Like a Pirate Day (September 19), and can also be sent out by DarkGod at other times. Grants the player the talent Yarrrr!!. While this talent is sustained, the player character's appearance is replaced with an image of a pirate, and the player character says pirate lines when the talent is activated, deactivated, or when they kill an enemy. Every tenth enemy killed with this talent sustained, the player gains 2 gold. (Additionally, anything else that calls gainExp can trigger it, e.g. losing experience from regressive blight damage.) When the talent is first activated, the player gains the achievement Ay ay captain!.

Warning: If you save and close the game while Yarrrr!! is active, your character will be invisible when you next load the saved game. This can be avoided by disabling it before you quit and enabling it when you restart. If it does happen, it can be fixed by disabling Yarrrr!!, saving, and reloading.

Sheer Badassery

Event that is sent out by DarkGod sometimes. Grants the player the talent Sheer Badassery, which inflicts the detrimental effect Awed by Badassery on nearby enemies. Killing 100 enemies while they are awed will grant the player the achievement Sheer Badassery!

Aporia Fold Lys

Quest that is sent out by the server on April Fools' Day (April 1st). To complete the quest, the player must enter the third floor of the Old Forest within 40 real-time minutes, and find the titular plant. If they do so, they will be rewarded with a chest containing a useless but awesome rock as a pet rock, as well as the achievement April's Fool!.

Repeatable Events

These events can be applied multiple times to a single game, if they are sent out multiple times.


Sent out by DarkGod sometimes. Makes the player effectively invulnerable for a limited duration, by granting them an extremely large damage shield effect. Needs verification

666K Gold

Sent out by DarkGod sometimes. Gives the player 666,666 gold.

Vorpal Bunny

Sent out by DarkGod sometimes. Gives the player the buff Bunnyficated!, which gives them a 5% chance to turn into a vorpal bunny each time they deal damage. (Duration?) This increases their critical chance by 10% and makes them look like a bunny. Needs verification