
Classes | Races


Stat Modifier
Strength 0
Dexterity 0
Constitution 0
Magic +5
Willpower +3
Cunning +1
Starting Life 90
Life per Level -4


Starting Equipment/Talents

Elm Staff
Linen Robe
Manasurge Rune

Arcane Power
Phase Door
Teleport Angolwen

Talent Trees

  • Cunning
    • Survival (0.9 mastery, locked)
  • Spells
    • Arcane (1.3 mastery)
    • Aether (1.3 mastery, locked, requires achievement)
    • Fire (1.3 mastery)
    • Wildfire (1.3 mastery, locked, requires achievement)
    • Earth (1.3 mastery)
    • Stone (1.3 mastery, locked, requires achievement)
    • Water (1.3 mastery)
    • Ice (1.3 mastery, locked, requires achievement)
    • Air (1.3 mastery)
    • Storm (1.3 mastery, locked, requires achievement)
    • Meta (1.3 mastery, locked)
    • Temporal (1.3 mastery, locked)
    • Phantasm (1.3 mastery)
    • Conveyance (1.3 mastery)
    • Divination (1.3 mastery)
    • Nature (1.3 mastery)


Phase Door vs. Teleport vs. Probability Travel (outdated)

Via Patryn (for the beta versions up to beta 12).

The point is, that they behave differently. Actually your first guess about TP replacing PD is not correct, its (in my experience) exactly the opposite. I used PD quite often and TP maybe something like... 2 times during the whole life of my mage.

But let's first look at how the spells behave:

Phase Door (PD)

It teleports you in a small range. With high levels (I assume >5 effective spell level), you can choose the target area within a radius of 1 (0 would mean exact choice).
In addition it allows you to teleport *others* away with that precision!

Teleport (TP)

It teleports you a large range. Analogously to PD it will allow you to choose an target area and teleport others. However, the target area you can specify is huge! This reduces the use of TP to basically nil except absolute emergency "I gotta get out of this place - no matter where!" situations. And this only applies if you are in such a situation AND PD is on cooldown. Otherwise a PD in safety is usually the better choice.

Probability Travel (PT)

Now, that's something entirely different!

First: it is sustained. That means, you activate it and while it is active (in theory infinitely) your maximum mana gets reduced by its cost (200 mana for PT). That may sound expensive but it's worth it!

Second: It doesn't teleport you around, it makes you pop right through walls. That means: If you walk against a wall (or tree or whatever non-monster obstacle) and within the spell radius in a straight line is a free spot (room, passage, whatever) you will appear there the next turn.

Combined with the fact that it is sustained that means you can hop in and out of situations as you wish without being bound by a cooldown as with PD. In addition, it makes you *fast* in terms of movement, because you can move many grids in one round if wall is in between. In short: it gives you ultimate mobility.


IMHO Teleport is not really that useful if you don't mess up severely. PD at level 4/5 or 5/5 is absolutely necessary because its utility will not only save your butt several times but also allows for advanced tactics and can save the butt of others (e.g. escort quest if the guy goes suicidal again, phase door him behind you and seal the passage. That stops him from running in certain death). PD is a must have for any character that has access to the skill!
PT in short just rocks. With it you can avoid hard situations, can get away quickly, can hop through obstacles that break LoS while a tough monster (e.g. a boss) has to walk around it etc etc. As a mage I usually try to get it as soon as possible. With my winner I started to keep it permanently active since level 18-19 - what meant that I had only ~100 maximum mana left in my manapool. That hurts but can be compensated with clever tactics - and PT allows you access to
tons of clever tactics.

Phase Door in beta 13

In beta 13, Phase Door was nerfed twice:
  • If the target is not in line of sight there is a 35% chance that the spell fizzles.
  • The radius of the target area is now (7 - raw talent level), i.e., at least 2.

Therefore, PD is not anymore a safe escape spell, and the precision is lowered. The tactics mentioned above must be adapted to the new situation.