T5 shield armor
Reqs Shield usage training
When used to Attack:
Power 160% Range: 1.2x
Uses 100% Str
Dmg Ice
Acc+ +2.0% proc dam (max 200%)
Crit +8.0%
Block +150
On Hit: 15% Ice Shards 3
While equipped:
----- def -----
Armour +20
Defense +5 (+1 eff.)
Rng.Def +12 (+2 eff.)
Fatigue +10%
Resists +25% cold +25% fire
---------- misc
Talents +1 Shieldsmaiden Aura
+1 Block
Granted talent can block up to 1 instance of damage each 10 turns.
Myths tell of shieldsmaidens, a tribe of warrior women from the northern wastes of Maj'Eyal. Their martial prowess and beauty drew the fascination of swaths of admirers, yet all unrequited. So began the saying, that a shieldsmaiden's heart is as cold and unbreakable as her shield.
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T5 shield armor
Reqs Shield usage training
When used to Attack:
Power 164% Range: 1.2x
Uses 100% Str
Dmg Darkness
Acc+ +2.0% proc dam (max 200%)
Crit +4.5%
Block +200
While equipped:
dps ----------
Melee Ret 10 darkness
----- def -----
Armour +9
Defense +12 (+2 eff.)
Rng.Def +15 (+3 eff.)
Fatigue +28%
---------- misc
Talents +1 Block
+0.20 Technique/Shield defense
+0.20 Technique/Shield offense
+0.20 Corruption/Doom shield
ShadowPwr +5
Increases all resists by 0.4% for each point of your Shadow Power.
"With this, no one will ever harm you again."
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T4 cloth armor
While equipped:
Stats +15 Mag
dps ----------
Spell.crit +8%
Spell.pwr +15 (+4 eff.)
Mov.spd +32%
Dmg.mod +22% blight
----- def -----
Resists +13% all
Dmg.red +22 all
Carrion Feet:
Level 4.5
Pwr.cost 13 out of 20/20.
Range 9
Travel.spd instantaneous
Is a spell
Description: Your feet start to continuously produce carrion worms that are constantly crushed as you walk, passively increasing movement speed by 37%.
You can also activate this talent to instantly destroy more worms, letting you jump in range 9 to visible terrain.
Upon landing you crush more worms, creating a radius 2 cone of gore; any creatures caught inside deals 70% less damage for one turn.
If at least 1 enemy is effected by the cone you gain an additional 20 insanity.
This unusually thick robe constantly wriggles and squirms. Small worms sometimes pop out of it, dropping to the floor. The worms will cushion attacks against your person, but you somehow do not like the idea of having so many parasitic creatures so close to your vulnerable flesh.
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T5 cloak armor
While equipped:
Stats +10 Cun +10 Mag
dps ----------
Spell.pwr +20 (+5 eff.)
Dmg.mod +25% light
Melee Ret 30 blinding light
----- def -----
Defense +15 (+3 eff.)
Resists +30% light +30% darkness
Res.Cap +10% light
Talent.cat+ +0.20 Celestial
This pristine golden cloak flows with a wind that seems to be conjured from nowhere. Its inner surface is a completely plain white, but the outside shines with intense light.
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T5 battleaxe 2H weapon
Reqs Str 60
Power 184% Range: 1.5x
Uses 120% Str
Dmg Physical
Acc+ +0.2% crit chance (max 25%)
Apr +4
Crit +8.0%
Atk.spd 100%
Melee+ +50 acid +50 nature slow
On Crit:
* deal manaburn damage equal to your mindpower in a radius 3 cone
While equipped:
---------- misc
Cooldown Mana Clash -2
Ice Claw -1
Swallow -2
This huge granite battleaxe is as much mace as it is axe. The shaft is made of blackened wood tightly bound in drakeskin leather and the sharpened granite head glistens with a viscous green fluid.
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T4 longsword 1H weapon
Reqs Str 44
Power 150% Range: 1.4x
Uses 20% Mag, 90% Str
Dmg Physical
Acc+ +0.4% crit mult (max 40%)
Apr +40
Crit +8.0%
Atk.spd 100%
Dmg.conv 20% temporal
On Hit:
* deals 55 temporal damage and slows enemies in radius 6 of the target by 65% based on Magic
While equipped:
dps ----------
Dmg.mod +30% temporal +30% physical
----- def -----
Def/telep +20
Res/telep +20%
Dur/telep +20%
Blink Blade:
Level 5.5
Pwr.cost 9 out of 10/10.
Range 9
Travel.spd instantaneous
Is a spell
Description: Teleport to the target and attack with your melee weapons for 103% damage. Then teleport next to a second random enemy, attacking for 103% damage.
Blink Blade can hit the same target multiple times.
The remnants of a damaged timeline, this blade shifts and fades at random.
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T5 light armor
With a better grip it would be the destroyer of your enemies.
While equipped:
Stats +3 Cun +9 Mag
dps ----------
Spell.pwr +10 (+2 eff.)
Melee+ 25 vim draining blight
Melee Ret 25 vim draining blight
----- def -----
Phys.save +10 (+5 eff.)
Spell.save +10 (+5 eff.)
Mind.save +10 (+4 eff.)
Disease- +100%
---------- misc
Max.vim +25.00
+0.20 Corruption/Sanguisuge
+0.20 Corruption/Blood
Reduces all damage by 7% of current vim or 50% of the damage, whichever is lower; but at the cost of vim equal to 5% of the damage blocked.
Current Bonus: 0
Blood Grasp:
Level 6.5
Pwr.cost 10 out of 12/12.
Range 10
Travel.spd 2000% of base
Is a spell
Description: Project a bolt of corrupted blood, doing 54.32 blight damage and healing you for 20% the damage dealt.
50% of the damage dealt will be gained as maximum life for 7 turns (before the healing).
The damage will increase with your Spellpower.
Stolen flesh,
Stolen pain,
To give it up,
Is to live again.
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T5 staff 2H weapon
Reqs Mag 50
It desires to be surrounded by undeath.
Power 150% Range: 1.2x
Uses 80% Mag
Dmg Physical
Mastery Staff Mastery
Acc+ +2.0% proc dam (max 200%)
Apr +12
Atk.spd 100%
While equipped:
dps ----------
Spell.crit +15%
Spell.pwr +40 (+6 eff.)
Dmg.mod +35% darkness
---------- misc
+0.20 Spell/Animus
+0.20 Spell/Master of flesh
+0.20 Spell/Master necromancer
+0.20 Spell/Master of bones
This sceptre, carved of ancient, blackened bone, holds a single gem of deep obsidian. You feel a dark power from deep within, looking to get out.
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T4 mindstar 1H weapon
Power 113% Range: 1.1x
Uses 50% Wil, 20% Str, 10% Cun
Dmg Physical
Mastery Psiblades
Acc+ +0.2% crit chance (max 25%)
Acc uses Wil
Apr +24
Crit +2.5%
Atk.spd 100%
Dmg.conv 20% acid 20% physical 20% cold
20% fire 20% lightning
While equipped:
dps ----------
Phys.crit +5.0%
Mind.crit +5%
Phys.pwr +10 (+3 eff.)
Mind.pwr +10 (+3 eff.)
Dmg.mod +12% lightning +12% physical
+12% fire +12% cold +12% acid
----- def -----
Resists +10% acid +10% physical
+10% fire +10% cold
+10% lightning
---------- misc
+0.30 Wild-gift/Venom drake aspect
+0.30 Wild-gift/Cold drake aspect
+0.30 Wild-gift/Fire drake aspect
+0.30 Wild-gift/Storm drake aspect
+0.30 Wild-gift/Sand drake aspect
The breath attack has a chance to shift randomly between Fire, Ice, Lightning, Acid, and Sand each turn.
Fire Breath:
Level 5.5
Pwr.cost 25 out of 30/30.
Range melee/personal
Travel.spd instantaneous
Is a mind power
a nature gift
Description: You breathe fire in a frontal cone of radius 9. Any target caught in the area will take 183.18 fire damage over 3 turns.
The damage will increase with your Strength and the critical chance is based on your Mental crit rate.
Each point in fire drake talents also increases your fire resistance by 1%.
A black iris cuts through the core of this mindstar, which shifts with myriad colours. It darts around, as if searching for something.
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T5 mindstar 1H weapon
Power 127% Range: 1.1x
Uses 60% Wil, 20% Cun
Dmg Dreamforge
Mastery Psiblades
Acc+ +0.2% crit chance (max 25%)
Acc uses Wil
Apr +40
Crit +5.0%
Atk.spd 100%
While equipped:
Stats +4 Cun +6 Wil
dps ----------
Mind.crit +8%
Phys.pwr +10 (+3 eff.)
Mind.pwr +16 (+5 eff.)
Melee+ 30 dreamforge
Dmg.mod +10% physical +10% mind
+10% fire
Res.pen +10% mind +10% physical
Acc +10 (+3 eff.)
----- def -----
Resists +5% physical +5% mind +15% fire
---------- misc
+0.20 Psionic/Dream Forge
+0.20 Psionic/Dream Smith
Forge Bellows:
Level 4.5
Pwr.cost 20 out of 30/30.
Range melee/personal
Travel.spd instantaneous
Is a mind power
Description: Release the bellows of the forge upon your surroundings, inflicting 27.85 mind damage, 27.85 burning damage, and knocking back your enemies in a radius 5 cone.
Empty terrain may be changed (50% chance) for 4 turns into forge walls, which block movement and inflict 2.27 mind and 2.27 fire damage on nearby enemies.
The damage and knockback chance will scale with your Mindpower.
This blazing hot mindstar beats rhythmically, releasing a burst of heat with each strike.
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T5 light armor
While equipped:
Stats +5 Dex +5 Cun +5 Mag
dps ----------
Crit.mult +20.00%
Spell.pwr +10 (+2 eff.)
Dmg.mod +20% darkness +20% cold
Melee Ret 15 darkness 15 cold
----- def -----
Armour +18
Hardiness +15%
Defense +18 (+4 eff.)
Resists +30% temporal +30% darkness
+30% cold
Stealth +10
---------- misc
+0.10 Spell/Phantasm
+0.10 Spell/Dreadmaster
+0.10 Cunning/Stealth
Turn yourself invisible (power 30, based on Cunning and Magic) for 10 turns.
Uses 41 power out of 50/50
This deep black leather armor, wrapped with thick silk, is icy cold to the touch.
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T4 mindstar 1H weapon
Power 111% Range: 1.1x
Uses 50% Wil, 30% Cun
Dmg Mind
Mastery Psiblades
Acc+ +0.2% crit chance (max 25%)
Acc uses Wil
Apr +26
Crit +6.0%
Atk.spd 100%
While equipped:
Stats +8 Wil
dps ----------
Mind.crit +7%
Mind.pwr +14 (+4 eff.)
----- def -----
Resists +15% mind
Mind.save +25 (+7 eff.)
---------- misc
Max.psi +20.00
+0.30 Psionic/Focus
+0.30 Psionic/Absorption
Reduce damage from attackers more than 3 tiles away by 25%
This bright violet gem exudes a calming, focusing force. Holding it, you feel protected against outside forces.
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T4 dagger 1H weapon
Power 144% Range: 1.3x
Uses 55% Dex, 45% Str
Dmg Physical
Acc+ +0.2% crit chance (max 25%)
Apr +9
Crit +15.0%
Atk.spd 100%
On Hit:
* deals 60 physical damage increased by 1% for each 1% life the target has lost
While equipped:
Stats +6 Str +6 Dex
dps ----------
Crit.mult +20.00%
This dagger was used by a nameless healer during the Age of Dusk. The plagues that ravaged his town were beyond the ability of mortal man to treat, so he took to using his dagger to as an act of mercy when faced with hopeless patients. Despite his good intentions, it is now cursed with dark power, letting it kill in a single stroke against those already weakened.
This item has been sent to the Item's Vault.

T5 head armor
[Random Unique]
While equipped:
Stats +16 Cun +13 Wil
dps ----------
Mind.crit +7%
Mind.pwr +5 (+1 eff.)
Res.pen +10% darkness
On Hit (Melee):
* 10% chance to slow global speed by 55%
On Melee Ret:
* 37% chance to reduce strength, dexterity, and constitution by 5
* 41% chance to reduce damage dealt by 23%
----- def -----
Defense +3 (+1 eff.)
Resists +12% lightning +15% temporal
+9% light +6% fire
+3% darkness
Spell.save +3 (+2 eff.)
Mind.save +25 (+7 eff.)
Hateful Whisper:
Puts all charms on 13 cooldown
Level 4.5
Pwr.cost 13 out of 15/15.
Range 5
Travel.spd instantaneous
Is a mind power
Description: Infect a target's mind with a virulent whisper that deals 156 Mind damage and spreads amongst your foes, dealing damage and feeding you 4.6 Hate for each new victim. Each turn for 3 turns, the initial victim will spread the whisper to a new target within 3 tiles if one is available; beyond this, all affected targets have a 32% chance of spreading the effect each turn for 4 turns.
Targets damaged by this ability have a 25% chance of suffering Brainlock.
The damage increases with your Mindpower.
A pointy cloth hat, very wizardly...
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T4 head armor
Reqs Heavy armour training
While equipped:
Stats +8 Mag +4 Wil +8 Cun
dps ----------
Dmg.mod +20% blight
Res.pen +10% blight
Acc +10 (+2 eff.)
----- def -----
Armour +8
Defense +4 (+1 eff.)
Fatigue +6%
Resists +20% blight
Disease- +50%
---------- misc
See.Stealth +12
See.Invis +12
+0.30 Corruption/Vim
On Spell Hit: 10% Vimsense 3
This helmet radiates a dark power. Its visor seems to twist and corrupt the vision of its wearer. You feel worried that if you were to lower it for long, the visions may affect your mind.
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T4 blue gem
While equipped:
Stats +8 Cun +8 Dex
Mov.spd +20%
Dmg.mod +20% lightning
Ignore.dmg +8%
Affinity +20% lightning
Item imbue powers:
Stats +8 Cun +8 Dex
Mov.spd +15%
Dmg.mod +20% lightning
Ignore.dmg +8%
Affinity +20% lightning
Latent Damage Type: Lightning
Air currents swirl around this bright blue jewel.
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T3 mindstar 1H weapon
Reqs Wil 30
Power 111% Range: 1.1x
Uses 50% Wil, 30% Cun
Dmg Darkness
Mastery Psiblades
Acc+ +0.2% crit chance (max 25%)
Acc uses Wil
Apr +20
Crit +2.0%
Atk.spd 100%
While equipped:
Stats +4 Cun +2 Wil
dps ----------
Mind.crit +3%
Mind.pwr +15 (+8 eff.)
Dmg.mod +10% mind +10% darkness
---------- misc
+0.20 Psionic/Nightmare
+0.20 Cursed/Fears
Waking Nightmare:
Level 3.5
Pwr.cost 33 out of 40/40.
Range 7
Travel.spd instantaneous
Is a mind power
Description: Inflicts 17.75 darkness damage each turn for 7 turns, and has a 24% chance to randomly cause blindness, stun, or confusion (lasting 3 turns).
If the target is sleeping, the chance of avoiding a negative effect will be halved and fear immunity will be ignored.
The damage will scale with your Mindpower.
Whispers seem to ceaselessly emanate from this writhing mass of black tentacles, murmuring unspeakable horrors into the ears of any unfortunate enough to hear them.
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T5 massive armor
Reqs Massive armour training
While equipped:
Stats +10 Str +10 Con
dps ----------
Phys.pwr +10 (+2 eff.)
Melee Ret 30 physical
----- def -----
Armour +30
Fatigue +25%
Resists +20% physical
Phys.save +15 (+5 eff.)
Blood Charges: 0
Drain blood from all creatures within range 5, causing them to bleed for 192.00 physical damage over 4 turns (based on your Physicalpower). For each creature drained (up to 10), the armor gains strength, which fades over 10 turns if it is not fed.
Uses 25 power out of 25/25
Worn by a villain long forgotten, this armor was powered by the blood of thousands of innocents. Decrepit and old, the dark lord died in solitude, his dominion crumbled, his subjects gone. Only this cuirass remained, dying to finally taste fresh blood again.
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T5 massive armor
Reqs Massive armour training
While equipped:
Stats +6 Wil +4 Cun +3 Con
----- def -----
Armour +35
Defense +25 (+9 eff.)
Fatigue +15%
Resists +15% acid +20% darkness
+15% blight +25% fire
+20% cold
Phys.save +15 (+5 eff.)
Spell.save +25 (+8 eff.)
Confus- +100%
Fear- +100%
---------- misc
Light -2
Infravis +3
+0.20 Corruption/Doom covenant
+0.20 Corruption/Wrath
+0.20 Corruption/Infernal combat
+0.20 Corruption/Oppression
ShadowPwr +10
Grants physical power equal to your Shadow Power.
"Wreckage all about you. Is there anything left inside?"
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T4 shield armor
Reqs Shield usage training
When used to Attack:
Power 170% Range: 1.2x
Uses 100% Str
Dmg Fire
Acc+ +2.0% proc dam (max 200%)
Crit +4.5%
Block +220
While equipped:
dps ----------
On shield block:
* 30% chance that you'll breathe fire in a cone at the attacker (if within range 6). This can only occur up to 4 times per turn.
Melee Ret 17 fire
----- def -----
Armour +9
Defense +16 (+6 eff.)
Rng.Def +15 (+5 eff.)
Fatigue +20%
Resists +35% fire
Affinity +15% fire
---------- misc
Talents +1 Block
On block: 30% chance that you'll breathe fire in a cone at the attacker (if within range 6). This can only occur up to 4 times per turn.
This large shield was made using scales of many fire drakes from the lost land of Tar'Eyal.
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T5 arrow ammo
Power 180% Range: 1.4x
Uses 70% Str, 50% Dex
Dmg Physical
Acc+ +0.2% crit chance (max 25%)
Apr +100
Crit +10.0%
Capacity 14
25% of all damage splashes in a radius of 1 around the target.
These titanic double-helical arrows seem to have been designed more for knocking down towers than for use in regular combat. They'll no doubt make short work of most foes.
This item has been sent to the Item's Vault.

T5 mindstar 1H weapon
Power 124% Range: 1.1x
Uses 60% Wil, 20% Cun
Dmg Mind
Mastery Psiblades
Acc+ +0.2% crit chance (max 25%)
Acc uses Wil
Apr +40
Crit +5.0%
Atk.spd 100%
While equipped:
Stats +3 Cun +6 Wil
dps ----------
Mind.crit +9%
Mind.pwr +18 (+5 eff.)
Dmg.mod +20% mind
Res.pen +20% mind
----- def -----
Resists +20% mind
Confus- +30%
Wayist: (Instant)
Level 2.5
Pwr.cost 60 out of 60/60.
Range 4
Travel.spd instantaneous
Is a mind power
Description: Reach through the collective psionic gestalt of the yeeks, the Way, to call for immediate help.
Summons up to 3 yeek mindslayers to your side for 6 turns.
All their primary stats will be set to 78 (based on your Willpower and Talent Level).
Your increased damage, damage penetration, and many other stats will be inherited.
The vast psionic force of the Way reverberates through this gemstone. With a single touch, you can sense overwhelming power, and hear countless thoughts.
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T5 mindstar 1H weapon
Power 124% Range: 1.1x
Uses 60% Wil, 20% Cun
Dmg Nature
Mastery Psiblades
Acc+ +0.2% crit chance (max 25%)
Acc uses Wil
Apr +40
Crit +5.0%
Atk.spd 100%
While equipped:
Stats +10 Wil
dps ----------
Mind.crit +9%
Mind.pwr +18 (+5 eff.)
Dmg.mod +20% nature +10% acid
Res.pen +20% nature +10% acid
----- def -----
Resists +25% blight +15% nature
---------- misc
Talents +3 Ooze Spit
+0.10 Wild-gift/Mindstar mastery
Slime Wave:
Level 4.5
Pwr.cost 30 out of 30/30.
Range melee/personal
Travel.spd instantaneous
Description: A wall of slime oozes out from the caster with radius 1, increasing once every two turns to a maximum eventual radius of 8, doing 72.29 slime damage for 14 turns.
The damage and duration will increase with your Mindpower.
This smooth green crystal flows with a light green slime in its core. Droplets occasionally form on its surface, tufts of grass growing quickly on the ground where they fall.
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T5 amulet jewelry
While equipped:
dps ----------
Spell.crit +4%
Spell.pwr +9 (+3 eff.)
Spell.spd +15%
----- def -----
Silence- +100%
---------- misc
Max.mana +50.00
Max.vim +50.00
See.Invis +20
No force can hope to silence the wearer of this amulet.
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T5 mace 1H weapon
What would happen if more of Ureslak's remains were reunited?
Power 164% Range: 1.4x
Uses 100% Str
Dmg Physical
Mastery Weapons Mastery
Acc+ +0.2% base dam (max 20%)
Apr +5
Crit +2.5%
Atk.spd 100%
On Hit:
* 10% chance to shimmer to a different hue and gain powers
A shortened femur of the mighty prismatic dragon Ureslak, this erratic club still resonates with his volatile nature.
This item has been sent to the Item's Vault.

T4 cloak armor
While equipped:
Stats +8 Mag
dps ----------
Spell.crit +6%
S.pwr/crit +5
Dmg.mod +15% arcane +15% darkness
----- def -----
Defense +10 (+4 eff.)
Resists +12% arcane +12% darkness
Shield.dur +1
Shield.pwr +15%
---------- misc
+0.10 Spell/Aether
+0.20 Spell/Arcane
+0.20 Spell/Nightfall
Damage shields have +1 duration and +15% power
Aether Breach:
Level 3.5
Pwr.cost 28 out of 28/28.
Range 7
Travel.spd instantaneous
Is a spell
usable during Aether Avatar
Description: Rupture reality to temporarily open a passage to the aether, triggering 4 random arcane explosions in the target area.
Each explosion does 41.34 arcane damage in radius 2, and will each trigger at one turn intervals.
Subsequent casts will stack but the explosions will still only occur once per turn and will be centered at the last area targeted.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower.
This cloak waves and bends with shimmering light, reflecting the depths of space and the heart of the Aether.
This item has been sent to the Item's Vault.

T4 feet armor
While equipped:
Stats +8 Cun +8 Mag
dps ----------
Spell.pwr +15 (+4 eff.)
Dmg.mod +25% arcane
----- def -----
Defense +6 (+2 eff.)
Fatigue +1%
Resists +25% arcane
Def/telep +20
Res/telep +20%
Dur/telep +20%
Creates an arcane explosion dealing 77 arcane damage based on magic in a radius of 3 around the user after any teleport.
Phase door up to range 6, within radius 2 of the target location.
Uses 24 power out of 24/24
A wispy purple aura surrounds these translucent black boots.
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T4 shot ammo
Power 147% Range: 1.2x
Uses 10% Wil, 70% Dex, 50% Cun
Dmg Physical
Acc+ +0.2% base dam (max 20%)
Apr +15
Crit +10.0%
Capacity 20
Ranged+ +25 mind +30 mind slow
On Hit:
* 50% chance to reload 1 ammo
You find yourself constantly fighting an urge to handle this strange pouch of shot.
This item has been sent to the Item's Vault.