Game Statistics: Achievement

Santassacre! (Madness (Adventure) difficulty)

Killed the little helper elves after saving them!

Players that achieved it

空织wanle,矮人冒险家,等级362021-12-25 13:17:28
TinyPeanutsThe Orc Side of the Moon the Orc Adventurer level 2021-12-20 17:54:24
hjcstillmyturn,高等人類冒險家,等級502021-12-19 12:13:11
chaoslight宝宝,食人魔冒险家,等级1242021-12-17 16:00:17
muttsurini7673Void Arbiter the Lich Adventurer level 382021-12-15 15:55:38
MasquerineVerdaina the Halfling Skirmisher level 82021-12-14 21:08:09
FlorenceFlo the Higher Doombringer level 502021-10-27 07:18:04
PenthaligonVail the Higher Shadowblade level 272020-12-30 13:40:02
RommmmyRommeabmr the Shalore Adventurer level 502020-12-27 10:46:29
goodbyehnEmberRage the Doomelf Adventurer level 342020-12-25 14:22:30
dragonsdemesneA Christmas Miracle the Skeleton Adventurer level 2020-12-24 17:10:05
ogrebattlemasterunwise the Yeek Adventurer level 422020-12-14 22:09:47
HenryExPretender the Orc Oozemancer level 502020-01-31 20:15:47
Jon the RedKral the Ogre Doombringer level 442020-01-01 17:36:22
LokarinCombat Tester the Higher Rogue level 362019-12-31 07:08:59
Jaybee616JB the Homosuperior Temporal Warden level 182019-12-29 18:33:20
hunterxyzSpell-Blaze-Reborn the Skeleton Adventurer level 92019-12-15 09:30:59
repli:^) the Whitehoof Adventurer level 502019-10-18 00:38:21
Alice_in_WonderlandJohn the Lich Adventurer level 502019-10-12 19:39:12
taylorbroBoss Man the Orc Adventurer level 502019-02-25 14:20:17 the Hulk Marauder level 502018-12-19 14:11:25
yanghanHan the Cornac Adventurer level 502017-12-31 00:21:05
TerrabrandDeep Thoughts the Dwarf Possessor level 322017-12-29 23:59:16
bagelsmithLaser Bones the Skeleton Adventurer level 152017-12-27 16:18:45
blackazazelTyrfing the Cornac Sawbutcher level 252017-12-20 17:13:12