Game Statistics: Achievement

Players that achieved it

assatyytPalatea,Sunwalker太阳骑士,等级292025-03-22 22:55:27
PaarthurnaxGarupa,永恆精靈龍戰士,等級272025-03-22 13:49:49
6tyaryu タローレ 竜化術師 レベル392025-03-22 11:56:17
LifekeeperIusel the Halfling Archmage level 262025-03-22 09:54:46
WorldsDeadliestIdiotLvicel the Higher Necromancer level 272025-03-22 05:29:41
aldrad17Allee the Dwarf Cursed level 272025-03-22 01:24:31
TimTheDreamerTimThe5th the Dwarf Writhing One level 262025-03-21 23:48:31
mrcapnsirPoison Rain the Thalore Archer level 282025-03-21 23:47:37
LaerteVanilla the Thalore Wyrmic level 332025-03-21 23:42:21
stasloStaslo the Dwarf Berserker level 262025-03-21 20:05:55
GenericValueVerrat the Shalore Archmage level 312025-03-21 17:45:56
psj999레벨 35 드렘 파멸의 사도 psj232025-03-21 17:39:17
fuimadragonGandalf the Higher Archmage level 262025-03-21 14:27:18
viuzviufiuzRoderick the Dwarf Cursed level 272025-03-21 09:30:10
rus23pShadi the Shalore Shadowblade level 262025-03-21 08:28:39
The ArcanianAlkanar the Shalore Arcane Blade level 272025-03-21 03:17:53
KaihlarCooltrainer Alexa the Shalore Summoner level 272025-03-21 01:06:03
Albertg44Coonn the Cornac Archmage level 262025-03-21 00:08:33
careazyFahann the Dwarf Oozemancer level 272025-03-20 23:45:50
BryzzWindProf. When the Cornac Paradox Mage level 292025-03-20 21:07:39
zegoslarnDeathless the Cornac Adventurer level 302025-03-20 20:09:50
regio1RRRR the Cornac Arcane Blade level 262025-03-20 18:30:41
chrysailisGrimfang the Thalore Wyrmic level 262025-03-20 16:31:50
jefkindreamzor the Yeek Solipsist level 262025-03-20 14:46:09
SevardKavalorn the Thalore Brawler level 282025-03-20 14:38:15