Game Statistics: Achievement

Merry wintertide!

Finish the Santascape event and free the little helper elves.

Players that achieved it

KoumeDeea コーナック 盗賊 レベル142024-12-20 01:25:11
fxfighterGimmeDrem the Cornac Writhing One level 182024-12-20 00:41:02
vercuchi레벨 50 리치 강령술사 Procedural Generation 02024-12-20 00:27:04
lch0926T13,矮人被诅咒者,等级492024-12-20 00:16:25
wooseok레벨 27 둠엘프 척후병 Eroudi2024-12-19 23:18:32
nuruhachi4989NuRu_Archmage スケルトン 魔導士 レベル242024-12-19 23:00:08
soullesspuppetSol the Cornac Adventurer level 222024-12-19 22:32:35
gosolineBhaigi,科纳克人元素法师,等级152024-12-19 22:09:34
Just STARmomo5,科纳克人死灵法师,等级162024-12-19 22:02:08
Ccat上帝之血,科纳克人苦痛者,等级122024-12-19 21:05:20
tehultimatebadassgarbaje the Cornac Corruptor level 292024-12-19 20:36:16
dadaderpEyoi the Cornac Cursed level 272024-12-19 18:59:52
Han junseong레벨 19 코르낙 마도사 Magician H2024-12-19 17:03:57
talas777Malk the Skeleton Reaver level 242024-12-19 16:46:08
luobu1188Jaol,半身人元素法师,等级112024-12-19 16:37:54
BeSTiAORKAMADONNA the Orc Sawbutcher level 252024-12-19 14:23:18
DDACKDDACKDA레벨 50 하플링 톱 도살자 Trump2024-12-19 13:38:48
Templar Praising SunEleyna the Shalore Archmage level 172024-12-19 13:03:59
PCatMoo the Cornac Bulwark level 232024-12-19 12:36:09
hn4669레벨 17 크로그 저주받은 자 Benzs2024-12-19 12:04:54
gerokoOvergrowth the Cornac Oozemancer level 502024-12-19 11:54:37
darkgwalchmeiTrump Won the Higher Necromancer level 212024-12-19 11:42:42
umid18Anssni the Cornac Brawler level 202024-12-19 11:22:30
Natural 20Sir Wriggles the Shalore Adventurer level 322024-12-19 11:16:06
GusTheKovacikEnhcanced Cunning the Cornac Adventurer level 592024-12-19 11:06:32