Game Statistics: Achievement

Players that achieved it

juiceBrel the Halfling Brawler level 492015-09-20 18:47:41
therandomfoxTREEMAN the Cornac Adventurer level 202015-09-07 17:40:05
SigsArcol the Superhuman Warrior Hero level 622015-08-18 21:52:29
ZentarisCrystar the Sentient Crystal Archmage level 72015-08-17 23:32:24
kitsuneroEahna the Homosuperior Temporal Warden level 492015-06-25 04:47:08
StarKeepHettozilarain the Ghoul Anorithil level 282015-06-11 06:31:50
badboy1111The Strongest Weeaboo the Superhuman Adventurer le2015-06-10 06:25:50
amo_zRavel the Skeleton Doombringer level 862015-05-29 10:56:02
magicismylemurBritlanis the Superhuman Dualist level 2002015-05-27 13:26:54
Hippo-kunNaughty, Rude Hedgehog the Xorn Adventurer level 52015-04-27 08:50:15
BarhandarHettesin the Skeleton Forge Knight level 392015-03-22 00:50:29
LordRahlRahlingtonTwo the Skeleton Doombringer level 392015-02-13 12:31:18
daed4taneknowin the Superhuman Doombringer level 502015-02-05 23:26:20
thephantom032Anirala the Thalore Bulwark level 442015-02-04 17:58:51