Null Tweaks v1

Game Addon: 

In this initial version:

Re-write of Cunning / Poisons:

- All Poisons are now instant-activation timed effects. Why? Three reasons:

1) Promote tactical use. You can't just run the same two poisons all the time, and neither can your opponents. Out-waiting an opponent's Poison is now a valid tactic.

2) Buff Shalore. Timeless is now great for Rogues, yay!

3) Allow more nuance, like how the low Stamina cost and quick Cooldown means you'll actually want to use Deadly Poison sometimes.

New Inscriptions (and removed some lame inscriptions):

- Rune: Reconstruction (was Infusion: Healing). Same inferior healing, now available to undead! Wyrmics who stay pro-magic now have an interesting choice.

- Rune: Clarity removes 2 Blindness or Confusion conditions, grants type-specific ESP, and each turn has a % chance to reduce the duration of any hostile Mental effect you are suffering, old or new. This is less reliable and thus less powerful than many other duration reductions, but I think it's tactically interesting.

- Infusion: Predator (was Infusion: Insidious Poison). Maps terrain and grants Infravision. Applies a type of poison to your weapons (melee or ranged, just like Cunning / Poisons would). Grants a +% damage bonus to one specific creature type.

- Infusion: Adaptation removes 2 Poison or Disease effects, grants Water Breathing, grants +% resist Fire & Cold, and each turn has a % chance to reduce the duration of any hostile Fire, Cold, Poison or Disease effect. Like the Clarity Rune, this duration reduction is less reliable and thus less powerful than most current effect cures. The water breathing ought to last long enough to do some digging.

Re-tuning of Spell / Temporal to make the two attack spells more usable.

- Congeal Time now inflicts global slow and a minor damage over time. The CD is reduced to 4, so it can sub for a tri-beam effect at very low levels (up to ~10 or so), but the damage doesn't scale well, so you'll mainly use it for the speed debuff at high levels.

- Time Prison now slows movement and projectiles after the freeze duration expires (or if the freeze effect is avoided). This 100-mana spell is now always useful against archers (or for running away).