T2 torque charm
While equipped:
Stats +4 Cun
dps ----------
Dmg.mod +10% mind +10% lightning
Your mind is attuned to electricity.
Any lightning damage you do that is more than 10% of the victim's maximum life will attempt to brainlock the target.
Upon taking lightning damage >10% of your max life, your mind fires back, dealing 30% of the original damage as mind and trying to brainlock the target.
Upon taking mind damage >10% of your max life, you reflexively trigger the jolt, sending an arc of dazing lightning toward the target (damage based on mindpower).
This item can have up to 2 charges, with each charge having 4 turn cooldown.
This torque feels tingly to the touch, but seems to enhance your thinking.
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T3 dagger 1H weapon
Reqs Dex 24
The moon shines alone in a starless sky.
Power 100% Range: 1.3x
Uses 20% Str, 20% Dex
Dmg Darkness
Acc+ +0.2% crit chance (max 25%)
Atk.spd 125%
On Hit:
* Deal 70 Darkness damage.
While equipped:
---------- misc
Light -1
A viciously curved blade that a folk story says is made from a material that originates from the moon. Devouring the light around it, it fades.
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T4 ring jewelry
It desires to be surrounded by undeath.
While equipped:
dps ----------
Spell.pwr +8 (+2 eff.)
Dmg.mod +10% darkness +10% cold
----- def -----
Resists +10% darkness +10% cold
Spell.save +8 (+2 eff.)
Poison- +25%
Cut- +25%
---------- misc
Max.souls +3.00
This ring is filled with an overwhelming, yet restrained, power. It lashes, grasps from its metal prison, searching for life to snuff out. You alone are unharmed.
Perhaps it feels all the death you will bring to others in the near future.
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T3 dagger 1H weapon
The star shines alone in a moonless sky.
Power 100% Range: 1.3x
Uses 40% Wil, 20% Dex, 50% Mag
20% Str
Dmg Light
Acc+ +0.2% crit chance (max 25%)
Atk.spd 125%
On Hit:
* Deal 70 Light damage.
While equipped:
---------- misc
Light +1
Legend tells of a blade, shining bright as a star. Forged from a material fallen from the skies, it glows.
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T3 greatsword 2H weapon
Power 160% Range: 1.6x
Uses 50% Mag, 130% Str
Dmg Physical
Mastery Weapons Mastery
Acc+ +0.4% crit mult (max 40%)
Apr +12
Crit +11.0%
Atk.spd 50%
While equipped:
Stats +7 Dex
dps ----------
Mov.spd +10%
Dmg.mod +7% lightning
----- def -----
Fatigue -12%
Resists +7% lightning
---------- misc
Max.enc +50
Avoid Pressure Traps
Attack speed improves with your strength and size category.
This intricate blade is impractically long and almost as wide as your body, yet contrary to its size and apparent girth it is not only light, but threatens to escape your grasp and fly away. You will need to be really strong to keep it grounded. Or really big.
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T5 arrow ammo
Power 174% Range: 1.4x
Uses 50% Dex, 50% Mag, 70% Str
Dmg Physical
Acc+ +0.2% crit chance (max 25%)
Apr +20
Crit +8.0%
Capacity 18
On Crit:
* pin the target to the nearest wall
These massive arrows are honed to a vicious sharpness, and appear to be nearly unbreakable. They seem more like spikes than any arrow you've ever seen.
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T4 feet armor
While equipped:
Stats +8 Mag +8 Wil
dps ----------
Spell.pwr +5 (+2 eff.)
----- def -----
Fatigue +3%
Knockbk- +100%
Each turn you spend not moving gain a buff for 2 defense and armour. Stacks up to 12 times.
Combine it with the Shoes of Moving Quickly.
Fast does not always win.
Rumoured to be able to combine with the Shoes of Moving Quickly.
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T2 lite
While equipped:
Stats +2 Str +1 Mag +1 Cun
dps ----------
Res.pen +6% fire
Melee Ret 5 fire burn
----- def -----
Resists +6% fire burn +6% fire
Def/telep +10
Res/telep +10%
Dur/telep +10%
---------- misc
Mana/s.crit +2.00
Light +3
Talents +1 Combust
Combust: When hitting a foe under the influence of a fire-based efect (such as burning), you have a 33% chance to cause it to erupt, inflicting 40 Fire damage in a radius of 1, and giving you a stack of Burning Consumption. This increases your Max Mana by 40.0% and life regen by 12.00 for 5 turns. The life regen effect has a maximum value of 50. These effects scale off of the Magic stat.
An ash caked iron brand, it burns with a vicious, hungry, red glow.
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T5 steamgun 2H weapon
Reqs Dex 40
Power 66% Range: 1.1x
Uses 50% Mag
Dmg Physical
Acc+ +0.2% base dam (max 20%)
Apr +10
Atk.spd 100%
Dmg.mult 125%
Range +10
Proj.spd +600%
Uses 4.0 Steam
When fired, shoots up to 4 extra shots at random foes with a radius 4 cone centered on the target.
This huge steamgun can be loaded with more than one bullet so that multiple shots can be fired in a nasty cone of death.
It also seems to have been carefully balanced to work like a dual gun set.
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T5 shot ammo
Power 144% Range: 1.2x
Uses 70% Dex, 50% Mag, 50% Cun
Dmg Physical
Acc+ +0.2% base dam (max 20%)
Apr +8
Crit +2.0%
Capacity 16
On Hit:
* a bolt of lightning strikes your target, dealing lightning damage to them and fire damage to those around them.
Through a combination of magic and airborne probes, these shots incite powerful bolts of lightning to strike your target from above, frying them and those around them!
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T5 steamtech tinker
Attachable to quiver
When attached:
---------- misc
Talents +5 Voltaic Shell
Tinkers can be attached to normal items to improve them with steam power!
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T5 demonic gem
While carried:
Melee Ret 34 healing
Mind.save -18 (-18 eff.)
HP.reg -2.00
Heal.mod -50%
Light -2
Item imbue powers:
Phys.pwr +12 (+2 eff.)
Spell.pwr +16 (+4 eff.)
Dmg.mod +9% all
Melee Ret 34 darkness
Heal.mod +50%
Infravis +3
See.Invis +14
Telepathy Demon/Major
Latent Damage Type: Shadowflame
A small rock that seems from beyond this world, vibrating with a fierce energy. It feels warped and terrible and evil... and yet oh so powerful.
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