- Level 35
Powered by arcane forces
2.00 Encumbrance.
[Random Unique]
Type: armor / cloth ; tier 5
When wielded/worn:
Defense: +5 (+2 eff.)
Fatigue: -8%
Changes stats: +14 Mag / +6 Wil
Changes resistances penetration: +11% temporal / +15% mind / +12% physical
Changes damage: +9% temporal / +16% physical
Silence immunity: +39%
Mana each turn: +0.25
Spellpower on spell critical (stacks up to 3 times): +4
Maximum mana: +97.00
Spellpower: +32 (+8 eff.)
Spell crit. chance: +14%
See invisible: +3
Reduces paradox anomalies(equivalent to willpower): +15
A cloth vestment. It offers no intrinsic protection but can be enchanted.
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- Talent Heavy Armour Training
Infused by nature
14.00 Encumbrance.
Type: armor / heavy ; tier 5
When wielded/worn:
Armour: +14
Defense: +10 (+3 eff.)
Fatigue: +16%
Changes stats: +6 Str / +6 Wil / +4 Cun / +10 Lck
Changes resistances: +20% lightning / +20% physical / +20% fire / +20% cold / +20% acid
Grants telepathy: Dragon
Talents cooldown: Ice Breath (-3 turns) Lightning Breath (-3 turns) Sand Breath (-3 turns) Fire Breath (-3 turns) Corrosive Breath (-3 turns)
Blindness immunity: +50%
Stun/Freeze immunity: +25%
Knockback immunity: +50%
This dragon scale harness shines with multiple colors, quickly shifting through them in a seemingly chaotic manner.
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- Magic 48
Infused by nature
Crafted by a master
5.00 Encumbrance.
[Random Unique]
Type: weapon / staff ; tier 5
It must be held with both hands.
Base power: 30.0 - 36.0
Uses stat: 130% Mag
Damage type: Physical
Mastery: Staff Mastery
Accuracy bonus: +2.5% procs dam / acc
Armour Penetration: +6
Crit. chance: +5.0%
Attack speed: 100%
Damage (Melee): +8 nature
When wielded/worn:
Physical crit. chance: +13.0%
Defense: +10 (+5 eff.)
Effects on melee hit:
* 13% chance to blind
Changes stats: +6 Con
Changes resistances: +9% fire
Changes resistances penetration: +10% nature
Changes damage: +30% lightning / +9% fire / +12% nature
Talent granted: +1 Command Staff
Critical mult.: +18.00%
Life regen: +1.90
Spellpower: +23 (+7 eff.)
Spell crit. chance: +5%
Light radius: +5
Healing mod.: +21%
It can be used to activate talent Illuminate, placing all other charms into a 6 cooldown :
Effective talent level: 2.0
Power cost: 6 out of 6/6.
Range: melee/personal
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Is: a spell
Description: Creates a globe of pure light within a radius of 7 that illuminates the area.
At level 3, it also blinds all who see it (except the caster) for 3 turns.
At level 4, it also deals 103.79 light damage.
Staves designed for wielders of magic, by the greats of the art.
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T4 cloth armor
While equipped:
Stats +10 Mag +8 Wil +6 Cun
dps ----------
Spell.pwr +20 (+6 eff.)
Mov.spd +10%
Dmg.mod +25% lightning
Res.pen +15% lightning
----- def -----
Defense +15 (+7 eff.)
Resists +20% lightning +13% all
Proj.slow +15%
Your Lightning and Chain Lightning spells gain a 24% chance to daze, and your Thunderstorm spell gains a 12% chance to daze.
This green robe is engraved with icons showing clouds and swirling winds. Its original owner, a powerful mage named Proccala, was often revered for both his great benevolence and his intense power when it proved necessary.
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T4 cloak armor
While equipped:
Stats +6 Cun +5 Wil
dps ----------
Mind.pwr +6 (+1 eff.)
----- def -----
Defense +10 (+5 eff.)
Resists +15% mind
Phys.save +10 (+4 eff.)
Spell.save +10 (+3 eff.)
Mind.save +10 (+3 eff.)
---------- misc
+0.10 Psionic/Dreaming
+0.10 Psionic/Slumber
The wearer is asleep.
Lucid Dreamer: May act while sleeping
Level 4.5
Pwr.cost 10 out of 25/25.
Range 7
Travel.spd instantaneous
Is a mind power
Description: Puts the target into a deep sleep for 5 turns, rendering it unable to act. Every 97 points of damage the target suffers will reduce the effect duration by one turn.
When Slumber ends, the target will suffer from Insomnia for a number of turns equal to the amount of time it was asleep (up to ten turns max), granting it 20% sleep immunity for each turn of the Insomnia effect.
The damage threshold will scale with your Mindpower.
Touching this cloak of otherworldly fabric makes you feel both drowsy yet completely aware.
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T4 feet armor
Reqs Heavy armour training
While equipped:
dps ----------
Phys.pwr +12 (+4 eff.)
Apr +15
----- def -----
Armour +12
Defense +2 (+1 eff.)
Fatigue +8%
Spell.save +10 (+3 eff.)
Mind.save +10 (+3 eff.)
Max.HP +80.00
Stun/Frz- +40%
---------- misc
+0.20 Cursed/Endless hunt
+0.20 Cunning/Trapping
+0.20 Cursed/Predator
Boost movement speed by 300% for up to 5 turns (or until you perform a non-movement action).
Uses 32 power out of 32/32
Activation is instant.
These cracked boots are caked with a thick layer of mud. It isn't clear who they previously belonged to, but they've clearly seen extensive use.
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T5 light armor
[Random Unique]
While equipped:
Stats +4 Dex +6 Wil +10 Cun
dps ----------
Dmg.mod +9% mind
----- def -----
Armour +13
Defense +13 (+6 eff.)
Fatigue +8%
Resists +8% physical
Phys.save +18 (+7 eff.)
Mind.save +48 (+13 eff.)
---------- misc
Psi/ret +0.08
Telepathy Dragon
A suit of armour made of leather.
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T4 mindstar 1H weapon
Power 16.0 - 17.6 Physical
Uses 50% Wil, 10% Cun, 20% Str
Mastery Psiblades
Acc+ +0.2% crit chance (max 25%)
Acc uses Wil
Apr +24
Crit +2.5%
Atk.spd 100%
Dmg.conv 20% acid 20% physical
20% fire 20% lightning
20% cold
While equipped:
dps ----------
Phys.crit +5.0%
Mind.crit +5%
Phys.pwr +10 (+4 eff.)
Mind.pwr +10 (+2 eff.)
Dmg.mod +12% lightning
+12% physical +12% cold
+12% acid +12% fire
----- def -----
Resists +10% acid +10% physical
+10% cold +10% lightning
+10% fire
---------- misc
+0.30 Wild-gift/Venom drake aspect
+0.30 Wild-gift/Cold drake aspect
+0.30 Wild-gift/Fire drake aspect
+0.30 Wild-gift/Storm drake aspect
+0.30 Wild-gift/Sand drake aspect
The breath attack has a chance to shift randomly between Fire, Ice, Lightning, Acid, and Sand each turn.
Ice Breath:
Level 6.6
Pwr.cost 30 out of 30/30.
Range melee/personal
Travel.spd instantaneous
Is a mind power
a nature gift
Description: You breathe ice in a frontal cone of radius 10. Any target caught in the area will take 184.44 cold damage and be frozen for 3 turns.
The damage will increase with your Strength, the critical chance is based on your Mental crit rate, and the Freeze apply power is based on your Mindpower.
Each point in cold drake talents also increases your cold resistance by 1%.
A black iris cuts through the core of this mindstar, which shifts with myriad colours. It darts around, as if searching for something.
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T5 hands armor
Reqs Heavy armour training
While equipped:
Stats +6 Str +6 Mag
dps ----------
Phys.crit +10.0%
Spell.crit +10%
Crit.mult +50.00%
Dmg.mod +10% physical
----- def -----
Armour +6
Learn an unarmed attack talent or enable 'Always show glove combat' to see combat stats.
Fashioned by Grand Smith Dakhtun in the Age of Allure, these dwarven-steel gauntlets have been etched with golden arcane runes and are said to grant the wearer unparalleled physical and magical might.
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T5 greatsword 2H weapon
Power 70.0 - 112.0 Physical
Uses 10% Mag, 130% Str
Acc+ +0.4% crit mult (max 40%)
Apr +18
Crit +20.0%
Atk.spd 100%
HP.leech +5%
On Hit:
* Increases all damage dealt, and reduces all damage taken, by 1%, stacking up to 10 times. Resets after 10 turns without attacking.
While equipped:
Stats +10 Str +8 Mag +5 Con
---------- misc
Cooldown Draining Assault -1
Abduction -1
Detonating Charge -1
+0.10 Corruption/Torture
+0.20 Corruption/Brutality
+0.20 Corruption/Wrath
Grushgore the Destroyer was as famous for his incredible brutality as he was for his childlike intelligence. He wasn't known for his subtlety of naming, but there's no denying the power of his massive sword.
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T5 greatmaul 2H weapon
Power 70.0 - 105.0 Physical
Uses 40% Wil, 130% Str
Acc+ +0.2% base dam (max 20%)
Apr +15
Crit +2.0%
Atk.spd 100%
On Hit: 10% Obliterating Smash 3
While equipped:
dps ----------
Phys.pwr +12 (+3 eff.)
Acc +20 (+6 eff.)
---------- misc
+0.20 Technique/Two-handed assault
+0.20 Corruption/Brutality
ShadowPwr +10
Increases all damage by 1% for each point of your Shadow Power.
Reckless Strike:
Level 4.5
Pwr.cost 25 out of 25/25.
Range melee/personal
Travel.spd instantaneous
Is a spell
Description: Hits the target doing 290% weapon damage. This attack cannot miss, and ignores all armor and resistances on the target. However, you take damage equal to 25% of the damage dealt, or 30% of your current HP, whichever is lower.
"A fitting weapon for the Champion."
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T5 heavy armor
Reqs Heavy armour training
While equipped:
Stats +6 Str +6 Wil +4 Cun
+10 Lck
----- def -----
Armour +14
Defense +10 (+3 eff.)
Fatigue +16%
Resists +20% lightning
+20% physical +20% fire
+20% acid +20% cold
Blind- +50%
Stun/Frz- +25%
Knockbk- +50%
---------- misc
Telepathy Dragon
Cooldown Ice Breath -3
Lightning Breath -3
Sand Breath -3
Corrosive Breath -3
Fire Breath -3
This dragon scale harness shines with multiple colors, quickly shifting through them in a seemingly chaotic manner.
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T4 mindstar 1H weapon
Power 16.0 - 17.6 Physical
Uses 90% Wil, 10% Cun, 20% Str
Mastery Psiblades
Acc+ +0.2% crit chance (max 25%)
Acc uses Wil
Apr +24
Crit +2.5%
Atk.spd 100%
Dmg.conv 20% acid 20% physical
20% cold 20% lightning
20% fire
While equipped:
dps ----------
Phys.crit +5.0%
Mind.crit +5%
Phys.pwr +10 (+2 eff.)
Mind.pwr +10 (+2 eff.)
Dmg.mod +12% lightning
+12% physical +12% fire
+12% acid +12% cold
----- def -----
Resists +10% acid +10% physical
+10% fire +10% lightning
+10% cold
---------- misc
+0.30 Wild-gift/Venom drake aspect
+0.30 Wild-gift/Cold drake aspect
+0.30 Wild-gift/Fire drake aspect
+0.30 Wild-gift/Storm drake aspect
+0.30 Wild-gift/Sand drake aspect
The breath attack has a chance to shift randomly between Fire, Ice, Lightning, Acid, and Sand each turn.
Corrosive Breath:
Level 5.5
Pwr.cost 30 out of 30/30.
Range melee/personal
Travel.spd instantaneous
Is a mind power
a nature gift
Description: You breathe acid in a frontal cone of radius 9. Any target caught in the area will take 300.52 acid damage.
Enemies caught in the acid are disarmed for 3 turns.
The damage will increase with your Strength, the critical chance is based on your Mental crit rate, and the Disarm apply power is based on your Mindpower.
Each point in acid drake talents also increases your acid resistance by 1%.
A black iris cuts through the core of this mindstar, which shifts with myriad colours. It darts around, as if searching for something.
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T5 hands armor
Only the masochistic can unlock its full power.
While equipped:
Stats +9 Str +9 Mag +3 Cun
----- def -----
Defense +8 (+2 eff.)
Stun/Frz- +20%
---------- misc
Max.vim +25.00
+0.20 Corruption/Shadowflame
+0.20 Corruption/Vim
Learn an unarmed attack talent or enable 'Always show glove combat' to see combat stats.
Increases all damage by 4% of current vim
Current Bonus: 0%
Level 6.5
Pwr.cost 12 out of 12/12.
Range 6
Travel.spd 400% of base
Is a spell
Description: Conjures up a bolt of shadowflame that moves toward the target and explodes into a flash of darkness and fire, doing 47.07 fire damage and 47.85 darkness damage in a radius of 7.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower.
These fell looking gloves glow with untold power.
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T5 massive armor
Reqs Massive armour training
[Random Unique]
While equipped:
dps ----------
Dmg.mod +9% acid +27% fire
----- def -----
Armour +16
Fatigue +22%
Resists +22% acid +29% physical
+26% fire +23% lightning
+25% cold
Phys.save +15 (+3 eff.)
Disarm- +63%
Stun/Frz- +66%
Knockbk- +64%
---------- misc
Cooldown Rush -10
A suit of armour made of metal plates.
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T5 greatsword 2H weapon
[Random Unique]
Power 63.5 - 101.6 Physical
Uses 40% Wil, 120% Str
Acc+ +0.4% crit mult (max 40%)
Apr +4
Crit +5.0%
Atk.spd 100%
Melee+ +40 cold +35 mind
On Hit.r1 +12 temporal
On Hit:
* 49% chance to reduce all saves and defense by 52
On Crit:
* Cripple the target reducing mind, spell, and combat action speeds by 30%
While equipped:
Stats +4 Str +3 Mag +7 Wil
+12 Cun
dps ----------
Phys.crit +21.0%
Dmg.mod +9% arcane
----- def -----
Resists +9% light
---------- misc
Light +1
Massive two-handed swords.
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T5 massive armor
Reqs Massive armour training
Str 48
While equipped:
Stats +6 Wil +4 Cun +3 Con
----- def -----
Armour +35
Defense +25 (+6 eff.)
Fatigue +15%
Resists +15% acid +20% darkness
+15% blight +25% fire
+20% cold
Phys.save +15 (+5 eff.)
Spell.save +25 (+9 eff.)
Confus- +100%
Fear- +100%
---------- misc
Light -2
Infravis +3
+0.20 Corruption/Doom covenant
+0.20 Corruption/Infernal combat
+0.20 Corruption/Oppression
+0.20 Corruption/Wrath
ShadowPwr +10
Grants physical power equal to your Shadow Power.
"Wreckage all about you. Is there anything left inside?"
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