T5 battleaxe 2H weapon
Power 70.0 - 105.0 Physical
Uses 40% Wil, 120% Str
Mastery Weapons Mastery
Acc+ +0.2% crit / acc
Apr +8
Crit +8.0%
Atk.spd 100%
Melee+ +50 fire
Dmg.conv 20% fire
While equipped:
dps ----------
Dmg.mod +20% fire
Res.pen +25% fire
----- def -----
Resists +20% fire
The wearer is treated as a demon.
Infernal Breath:
Level 3.0
Pwr.cost 35 out of 35/35.
Range melee/personal
Travel.spd instantaneous
Is a spell
Description: Exhale a wave of dark fire with radius 6. Any non demon caught in the area will take 188.16 fire damage, and flames will be left dealing a further 43.89 each turn. Demons will be healed for the same amount.
The damage will increase with your Strength Stat.
Blackened with soot and covered in spikes, this battleaxe roars with the flames of the Fearscape. Given by Urh'Rok himself to his general, this powerful weapon can burn even the most resilient of foes.
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T5 battleaxe 2H weapon
[Random Unique]
Power 56.0 - 84.0 Physical
Uses 40% Wil, 120% Str
Mastery Weapons Mastery
Acc+ +0.2% crit / acc
Apr +4
Crit +8.0%
Atk.spd 100%
Melee+ +16 blight +23 cold
On Hit: 10% Epidemic 5
On Hit:
* 24% chance to disease
* Slows global speed by 20%
* 25% chance to put talents on cooldown
While equipped:
Stats +3 Dex +3 Wil +3 Con
dps ----------
On Hit (Melee):
* Slows global speed by 15%
----- def -----
Resists +3% nature
Disease- +32%
Massive two-handed battleaxes.
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T5 staff 2H weapon
Reqs Mag 48
[Random Unique]
Power 30.0 - 36.0 Physical
Uses 80% Mag, 40% Wil
Mastery Staff Mastery
Acc+ +2.5% procs dam / acc
Apr +6
Crit +5.0%
Atk.spd 100%
While equipped:
dps ----------
Phys.crit +13.0%
Spell.crit +15%
Crit.mult +15.00%
Spell.pwr +29 (+9 eff.)
Dmg.mod +30% arcane
----- def -----
Defense +9 (+4 eff.)
Rng.Def +9 (+4 eff.)
Resists +6% lightning +9% fire
+15% arcane +6% temporal
---------- misc
Max.vim +10.00
Talents +1 Command Staff
Unleash an elemental blastwave, dealing 52.79 to 63.35 arcane damage in a radius 6 around the user
Puts all charms on 10 cooldown
Staves designed for wielders of magic, by the greats of the art.
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T3 head armor
While equipped:
Stats +6 Cun +8 Wil
dps ----------
Mind.pwr +16 (+4 eff.)
----- def -----
Defense +8 (+4 eff.)
Fear- +60%
---------- misc
+0.20 Cursed/Fears
Instill Fear:
Level 2.0
Pwr.cost 18 out of 45/45.
Range 8
Travel.spd instantaneous
Is a mind power
Description: Instill fear in your target, causing one of several possible fears that lasts for 8 turns. There is also a 25% chance of instilling fear in any foe in a radius of 2. The target can save versus Mindpower to resist the effect, and can be affected by multiple fears.
You gain 2 new fears: The Paranoid effect gives the target an 29% chance to physically attack a nearby creature, friend or foe. If hit, their target will be afflicted with Paranoia as well. The Despair effect reduces the target's resistance to all damage by 22%.
Fear effects improve with your Mindpower.
This mask appears to be carved out of the skull of a creature that never should have existed, malformed and distorted. You shiver as you look upon it, and it's hollow eye sockets seem to stare back into you.
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T4 head armor
Reqs Mag 16
While equipped:
Stats +5 Mag +3 Wil +4 Cun
dps ----------
Dmg.mod +20% blight
Res.pen +10% blight
Acc +10 (+3 eff.)
----- def -----
Armour +8
Defense +4 (+2 eff.)
Fatigue +6%
Resists +10% blight
Disease- +40%
---------- misc
See.Stealth +12
See.Invis +12
+0.10 Corruption/Vim
Level 3.0
Pwr.cost 25 out of 32/32.
Range melee/personal
Travel.spd instantaneous
Is a spell
Description: Feel the very existence of creatures around you for 6 turns, in a radius of 10.
The evil touch will reduce their blight resistance by 6%, but also make them aware of you.
The resistance reduction will improve with your Spellpower.
This helmet radiates a dark power. Its visor seems to twist and corrupt the vision of its wearer. You feel worried that if you were to lower it for long, the visions may affect your mind.
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T5 hands armor
While equipped:
Stats +5 Str +5 Mag
dps ----------
Dmg.mod +15% all
Res.pen +10% all
----- def -----
Armour +15
---------- misc
+0.10 Corruption/Wrath
+0.10 Corruption/Brutality
Unarmed combat:
Power 38.0 - 53.2 Physical
Uses 10% Mag, 40% Str, 40% Wil
40% Cun, 40% Dex
Acc+ +0.1% dam / acc
Apr +10
Crit +7.0%
Atk.spd 83%
On Hit: 20% Obliterating Smash 3
Your Obliterating Smash can destroy walls.
Obliterating Smash:
Level 3.0
Pwr.cost 25 out of 25/25.
Range 3
Travel.spd instantaneous
Is a spell
Description: Swing your weapon with incredible force, striking all enemies in a radius 3 semicircle, dealing 145% weapon damage to all targets.
Starting from talent level 5, all targets hit will have their armour and saves reduced by 16.
This attack can not miss.
These massive gauntlets once belonged to a very powerful demon named Ul'Gruth. The behemoth was said to be able to level entire buildings with a single swing of his hands.
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T4 cloak armor
While equipped:
Stats +6 Cun +5 Wil
dps ----------
Mind.pwr +6 (+2 eff.)
----- def -----
Defense +10 (+5 eff.)
Resists +15% mind
Phys.save +10 (+3 eff.)
Spell.save +10 (+4 eff.)
Mind.save +10 (+3 eff.)
---------- misc
+0.10 Psionic/Dreaming
+0.10 Psionic/Slumber
The wearer is asleep.
Lucid Dreamer: May act while sleeping
Level 3.0
Pwr.cost 10 out of 25/25.
Range 7
Travel.spd instantaneous
Is a mind power
Description: Puts the target into a deep sleep for 4 turns, rendering it unable to act. Every 67 points of damage the target suffers will reduce the effect duration by one turn.
When Slumber ends, the target will suffer from Insomnia for a number of turns equal to the amount of time it was asleep (up to ten turns max), granting it 50% sleep immunity for each turn of the Insomnia effect.
The damage threshold will scale with your Mindpower.
Touching this cloak of otherworldly fabric makes you feel both drowsy yet completely aware.
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T4 belt armor
While equipped:
Stats +12 Dex +10 Cun +8 Lck
----- def -----
Rng.Def +20 (+8 eff.)
Proj.evade +15%
Proj.slow +30%
Evasion: (Instant)
Level 4.0
Pwr.cost 30 out of 30/30.
Range melee/personal
Travel.spd instantaneous
Description: Your quick wit and reflexes allow you to anticipate attacks against you, granting you a 30% chance to evade melee and ranged attacks and 24 increased defense for 4 turns.
The chance to evade and defense bonus increase with your Dexterity.
Said to have belonged to a master of avoiding attacks, this gilded steel emblem symbolizes his talent.
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T5 dagger 1H weapon
Reqs Dex 48
[Random Unique]
Power 38.0 - 49.4 Physical
Uses 50% Dex, 50% Str
Acc+ +0.2% crit chance (max 25%)
Apr +9
Crit +10.0%
Atk.spd 100%
Melee+ +8 acid
On Hit:
* 25% chance for lightning to strike from the target to a second target dealing 15 damage
While equipped:
Stats +11 Str
dps ----------
Dmg.mod +21% physical
Acc +43 (+13 eff.)
----- def -----
Defense +24 (+11 eff.)
Disarm- +36%
Sharp, short and deadly.
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T5 staff 2H weapon
Reqs Mag 48
[Random Unique]
Power 41.0 - 49.2 Physical
Uses 80% Mag
Mastery Staff Mastery
Acc+ +2.0% proc dam (max 200%)
Apr +6
Crit +5.0%
Atk.spd 100%
While equipped:
dps ----------
Spell.crit +5%
Spell.pwr +31 (+21 eff.)
S.pwr/crit +9
Dmg.mod +12% acid +41% temporal
Res.pen +5% acid
On Hit (Melee):
* 10% chance to reduce armor by 13%
----- def -----
Resists +3% acid
---------- misc
Max.P.En +5.00
Max.N.En +5.00
Talents +1 Command Staff
Staves designed for wielders of magic, by the greats of the art.
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T3 head armor
While equipped:
Stats +6 Cun +8 Wil
dps ----------
Mind.pwr +16 (+4 eff.)
----- def -----
Defense +8 (+4 eff.)
Fear- +60%
---------- misc
+0.20 Cursed/Fears
Instill Fear:
Level 3.5
Pwr.cost 18 out of 45/45.
Range 8
Travel.spd instantaneous
Is a mind power
Description: Instill fear in your foes within 2 radius of a target location dealing 31.35 mind and 28.05 darkness damage and causing one of 4 possible fears that last for 8 turns.
The targets can save vs your Mindpower to resist the effect.
Fear effects improve with your Mindpower.
Possible fears are:
Paranoid: Gives the target an 30% chance to physically attack a nearby creature, friend or foe. If hit, their target will be afflicted with Paranoia as well.
Despair: Reduces mind resist, mindsave, armour and defence by 29.
Terrified: Deals 7.41 mind and 6.63 darkness damage per turn and increases cooldowns by 46%.
Haunted: Causes the target to suffer 12.24 mind and 10.95 darkness damage for each detrimental mental effect every turn.
This mask appears to be carved out of the skull of a creature that never should have existed, malformed and distorted. You shiver as you look upon it, and its hollow eye sockets seem to stare back into you.
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T3 ring jewelry
While equipped:
Stats +6 Cun +6 Mag
dps ----------
Dmg.mod +25% lightning +25% fire
+25% arcane +25% cold
Res.pen +25% lightning +25% fire
+25% arcane +25% cold
All your damage is converted and split into arcane, fire, cold and lightning.
This ring shines with many colors.
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