T3 staff 1H weapon
Power 24.0 - 28.8 Fire
Uses 175% Mag
Mastery Staff Mastery
Acc+ +2.0% proc dam (max 200%)
Apr +4
Atk.spd 100%
While equipped:
dps ----------
Spell.crit +7%
Spell.pwr +27 (+9 eff.)
Dmg.mod +20% blight +20% fire
Plaguefire detonates when its victim dies, spreading to other enemies up to two times.
Fire a bolt of plaguefire, dealing damage over time based on your magic stat.
Uses 15 power out of 15/15
The flames of Mal'Rok can be more stubborn than most. When they run out of fuel they have been known go out of their way to find more.
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T4 longsword 1H weapon
[Random Unique]
Power 33.5 - 46.9 Physical
Uses 50% Mag, 100% Str
Mastery Weapons Mastery
Acc+ +0.4% crit mult (max 40%)
Apr +5
Crit +6.5%
Atk.spd 100%
On Crit:
* Wound the target dealing 296 physical damage across 5 turns and reducing healing by 50%
While equipped:
Stats +9 Wil +18 Con
dps ----------
Phys.crit +12.0%
Phys.pwr +22 (+5 eff.)
Res.pen +13% physical
----- def -----
Resists +5% arcane +9% cold
Die.at -20.00 life
Max.HP +77.00
Disarm- +25%
---------- misc
Max.stam +20.00
Sharp, long, and deadly.
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T5 dagger 1H weapon
Power 40.0 - 52.0 Physical
Uses 30% Cun, 35% Str, 35% Dex
Acc+ +0.2% crit chance (max 25%)
Apr +12
Crit +22.0%
Atk.spd 100%
Dmg.conv 30% darkness
On Hit: 20% Poisonous Bite 3
On Crit:
* inflicts spydric poison dealing 200 damage over 3 turns and pinning the target
While equipped:
Stats +8 Cun +4 Dex
dps ----------
Dmg.mod +30% nature +20% darkness
----- def -----
Armour +15
Poison- +100%
---------- misc
Light -2
Talents +5 Toxic Death
This obsidian-crafted, curved blade is studded with the deadly fangs of the Ungolmor. It seems to drain light from the world around it.
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T4 amulet jewelry
While equipped:
dps ----------
Spell.crit +5%
Spell.pwr +8 (+2 eff.)
Dmg.mod +8% light +8% darkness
Res.pen +15% light +15% darkness
----- def -----
Resists +10% light +10% darkness
Res.Cap +5% light +5% darkness
All your damage is converted and split into light and darkness.
Circle of Sanctity: (Instant)
Level 4.5
Pwr.cost 30 out of 60/60.
Range melee/personal
Travel.spd instantaneous
Is a spell
Description: Creates a circle of radius 4 at your feet; the circle protects you from silence effects while you remain in its radius while silencing and dealing 6 light damage to everyone else who enters. The circle lasts 5 turns.
This small pendant depicts a hematite moon eclipsing a golden sun and according to legend was worn by one of the Sunwall's founders.
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T2 amulet jewelry
While equipped:
Stats +10 Cun -5 Wil
----- def -----
Resists +15% blight +15% darkness
+15% acid
Phys.save +15 (+4 eff.)
Spell.save +15 (+4 eff.)
Mind.save -7 (-1 eff.)
Max.HP +20.00
Try to not die...
This strange creature seems to melt around your neck, keeping its mouth open just wide enough so that its teeth do not touch you. You suspect that in the case your head somehow goes missing, the creature is going to make itself at home in your neck stump.
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T5 shield armor
Reqs Shield usage training
Learn shield attack talent or enable 'Always show shield combat' to see combat stats.
While equipped:
dps ----------
Spell.pwr +12 (+3 eff.)
----- def -----
Armour +4
Defense +8 (+3 eff.)
Rng.Def +10 (+4 eff.)
Resists +30% temporal
Dmg.red +20 all
Spell.save +20 (+5 eff.)
Proj.slow +50%
---------- misc
Talents +1 Block
Some mad Chronomancer appears to have affixed a handle to this hole in spacetime. It looks highly effective, in its own strange way.
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T3 tentacle weird
While equipped:
Stats +3 Str +3 Dex +3 Mag
-3 Wil +3 Con
Fully Charged!
Reduce the duration of all detrimental effects.
Uses 10 power out of 10/10
Activation is instant.
A tiny tentacle. It is rather cute and squishy.
Each time you are afflicted with a detrimental effect you instinctively squish the tentacle a little, powering it up. (once per turn)
When at full charge (10 effects applied) you can activate the tentacle to release its internal fluids all over you, halfing the remaining duration of any detrimental effects on you.
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