
A mod for Debuggers and Fun-lovers Alike!


This is just a mod.
You probably won't appreciate this but I do not care.

This modifies the "Rogue" class.

 It gives +20 to all stats.
 It gives all powers. 
 You still have to learn individual powers but you can learn EVERY power.(this includes powers not normally available, including NPC powers) See Note 1
 Talent mastery is 10.
 All Talent Categories are known.
 It also gives you a "Rod of Recall" & an "Orb of Scrying" on birth. See Note 2
 You get 700 unused stats, 600 unused talents/generics, 150 unused talent types.
 You get an "Infusion: Wild" that has a cool-down of 1, lasts 900 turns, reduces damage taken by 900%, and Cures EVERYTHING. See Note 3
 You get a Life rating of 100, a Mana rating of 100, a Mana Regen of 900, and a Max Life of 500.

This mod also adds some files to the techniques folder because when I was digging I found that I was getting some errors because some files could not be found but were referenced in the default game.
NPCs could access these correctly but I could not.

So I fixed that.

The only files that this modifies are the files:


The files added are:

Installation (Place Step 0 wherever you like)
 0:Do nothing.

 1:Unzip the file using a program that can decompress 7zip (.7z) files.

 2:Then extract/copy the entire contents of the file to your T.o.M.E. installation directory.

 3:Overwrite anything it asks you to. [back ups of the original files I have already made and included in the install(as-of "version = {3,9,20}")]

 4:Start up the game and select whatever race you like. (I like to use Human/Cornac)

 5:Select the Rogue Class and Sub-class.

 6:Play the game.

 7:Have fun.

 8:Remember that all credit goes to Nicolas Casalini/"DarkGod" and that I just ctrl+c & ctrl+v really good.

Download Link

Note 1
Some NPC powers cause instant death and/or may not work/cannot be seen.
This is because I didn't add some tags to the rogue that the talent looks for.
For example, "Invoke Tentacle" may not work because I couldn't find a NPC with the tag "GRGGLCK_TENTACLE" and since I could not see the correct context to put the tag in, I didn't put it in.

Note 2
I did this because of a bug (that I could not figure out how to fix) from which you don't get the "Rod of Recall" drop.
I also did this because of a bug that when you birth as a Human Cornac Rogue (with the mod) you don't get a "Orb of Scrying" and have to drag your items to Elise.
I found that annoying.
So to fix them both I force the game to make you spawn with them.

Note 3
You also spawn with a default "Infusion: Wild" & a default "Infusion: Regeneration".
You can get rid of those by right clicking them on the "display talents quick page"

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