A mod for Debuggers and Fun-lovers Alike!

NEW VERSION http://te4.org/blogs/toahero92/2011/03/development-log/updated-beta21

This is just a mod.
You probably won't appreciate this but I do not care.

This modifies the "Rogue" class.

 It gives +20 to all stats.
 It gives all powers. 
 You still have to learn individual powers but you can learn EVERY power.(this includes powers not normally available, including NPC powers) See Note 1
 Talent mastery is 10.
 All Talent Categories are known.
 It also gives you a "Rod of Recall" & an "Orb of Scrying" on birth. See Note 2
 You get 700 unused stats, 600 unused talents/generics, 150 unused talent types.
 You get an "Infusion: Wild" that has a cool-down of 1, lasts 900 turns, reduces damage taken by 900%, and Cures EVERYTHING. See Note 3
 You get a Life rating of 100, a Mana rating of 100, a Mana Regen of 900, and a Max Life of 500.

This mod also adds some files to the techniques folder because when I was digging I found that I was getting some errors because some files could not be found but were referenced in the default game.
NPCs could access these correctly but I could not.

So I fixed that.

The only files that this modifies are the files:


The files added are:

Installation (Place Step 0 wherever you like)
 0:Do nothing.

 1:Unzip the file using a program that can decompress 7zip (.7z) files.

 2:Then extract/copy the entire contents of the file to your T.o.M.E. installation directory.

 3:Overwrite anything it asks you to. [back ups of the original files I have already made and included in the install(as-of "version = {3,9,20}")]

 4:Start up the game and select whatever race you like. (I like to use Human/Cornac)

 5:Select the Rogue Class and Sub-class.

 6:Play the game.

 7:Have fun.

 8:Remember that all credit goes to Nicolas Casalini/"DarkGod" and that I just ctrl+c & ctrl+v really good.

Download Link

Note 1
Some NPC powers cause instant death and/or may not work/cannot be seen.
This is because I didn't add some tags to the rogue that the talent looks for.
For example, "Invoke Tentacle" may not work because I couldn't find a NPC with the tag "GRGGLCK_TENTACLE" and since I could not see the correct context to put the tag in, I didn't put it in.

Note 2
I did this because of a bug (that I could not figure out how to fix) from which you don't get the "Rod of Recall" drop.
I also did this because of a bug that when you birth as a Human Cornac Rogue (with the mod) you don't get a "Orb of Scrying" and have to drag your items to Elise.
I found that annoying.
So to fix them both I force the game to make you spawn with them.

Note 3
You also spawn with a default "Infusion: Wild" & a default "Infusion: Regeneration".
You can get rid of those by right clicking them on the "display talents quick page"


Playing such mods imho is an easiest method of losing interest to the game.

It had to be made.

It had to be made.

I'm working on updating this

I'm working on updating this now.


What is the point of this?