Paunchy throws two quick punches.
Paunchy performs a critical strike!
Paunchy hits fox for 53 nature, 128 physical damage (total 180.46).
Paunchy killed fox!
Talent Double Strike is ready to use.
Faeros slows down.
Faeros hits Paunchy for 8 fire damage.
Paunchy hits faeros for 4 nature, 24 nature damage (total 27.07).
Paunchy throws two quick punches.
You collect a new ingredient: pouch of faeros ash.
Paunchy hits faeros for 39 nature, 86 physical, 14 mind, 11 nature, 4 light, 39 nature, 86 physical, 14 mind, 11 nature, 4 light damage (total 303.67).
Paunchy killed faeros!
Faeros hits Paunchy for 9 fire, 9 fire damage (total 17.78).
The protective shield of Paunchy disappears.
Talent Double Strike is ready to use.
Brown mold misses Paunchy.
Paunchy throws two quick punches.
Paunchy uses Perfect Control.
Paunchy performs a critical strike!
Paunchy hits brown mold for 33 nature, 82 physical, 14 mind, 11 nature, 4 light, 47 nature, 119 physical damage (total 307.05).
Paunchy killed brown mold!
Talent Double Strike is ready to use.
Character control switched to frail mouse.