Cunning / Tactical | 1.50 |
| 0/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: When you avoid a melee blow from an adjacent foe, you have a 0% chance to get a free, automatic attack against the attacker for 50% damage, up to 1.3 times per turn.
Unarmed fighters using it do consider it a strike for the purpose of stance damage bonuses (if they have any), and will have a damage bonus as a result.
Armed fighters get a normal physical attack.
The chance of countering and number of counter attacks increase with your Cunning. Counter Attack
| 0/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 12.7
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 12
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Increases Defense by 6 for 0 turns. When you avoid a melee blow, you set the target up, increasing the chance of you landing a critical strike on them by 6% and reducing their saving throws by 6.
The effects will scale with your Cunning. Set Up
| 0/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain stamina cost: 30
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 30
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Systematically find the weaknesses in your opponents' physical resists, at the cost of 10% of your physical damage. Each time you hit an opponent with a melee attack, you reduce their physical resistance by 5%, up to a maximum of -5%.
Exploit Weakness
| 0/5 |
Technique / Commando | 1.30 |
Effective talent level: 1.3
Use mode: Sustained
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 0
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Description: Your training has made you an expert archer as well as a master of combined melee and grappling attacks. You gain 13 Physical Power when using a bow, waraxe, longsword, or mace, your melee, barehand, and bow attacks deal 25% more damage, and your bow attacks use Cunning instead of Dexterity for bonus damage. These bonuses do not stack with other weapon mastery talents.
Knowing this talent also allows you to use grappling techniques with a one-handed weapon as long as your offhand is empty.
You can activate this sustain to automatically swap between your melee weapon and bow depending on distance from your enemies.
Your Worst Nightmare
| 1/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: You move with force and attack with precision, increasing your Stealth power by 1, your resistance to pinning effects by 2%, and your Accuracy and Physical Power by 1.
The stealth bonus and pin resistance increase with your Strength, and the Accuracy and Physical Power bonuses with your Cunning.
Combined Tactics
| 0/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Sustained
Stamina cost: 21.2
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 15
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Whenever you break stealth you make a show of it, dazing all foes in range 0 and reducing their resistance to stunning and pinning effects by 1% for 0 turns.
Additionally, your larger-than-life entrances are so intimidating, your foes perceive you as one size class larger than you really are, and your physical critical chance and critical damage modifier are increased by 0% of your Precision Strike bonus (currently 0%).
The chance of dazing foes increases with your Physical Power.
Explosive Entrance
| 0/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 25.4
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 32
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: You quietly treat your wounds, healing for 78 life and removing any cross-tier effects and up to 1 detrimental effects.
The amount healed increases with your Cunning.
This can not be used with enemies in sight unless you are stealthed.
Staunch Wounds
| 0/5 |
Technique / Tireless Combatant | 1.20 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: Any time you do not have an opponent in a square adjacent to you, you gain 0.0 Stamina regeneration. With the third talent point, you also gain an equal amount of life regen when Breathing Room is active. Breathing Room
| 0/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Sustained
Sustain stamina cost: 0
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Description: Control your movements to conserve your energy. While this talent is activated, you are globally slowed by 30.0%, and your fatigue is decreased by 0% (to a minimum of 0%). Pace Yourself
| 0/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: When the going gets tough, you get tougher. You gain 0.0 Stamina regen per enemy in sight, and beginning with the third talent point, you also gain 0.0 life regen per enemy. The bonuses cap at 4 enemies. Dauntless Challenger
| 0/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: For each turn you spend stamina, you gain 0.0% resist all and 0.0% all resistances cap for 3 turns. The buff stacks up to 5 times, and each new application refreshes the duration.
Additionally, at the fifth talent point, Breathing Room and Dauntless Challenger are 20% more effective. The Eternal Warrior
| 0/5 |
Cunning / Arrow priming | 1.30 |
| 0/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: Load your quiver with 0 arrows with special effects:
Level 1: Contact Arrows: Explode for physical damage and set off nearby Timed Arrows.
Level 3: Razortip Arrows: Pierce through targets, making them bleed.
Level 5: Barbed Arrows: Cripple their victims, slowing attack speed and removing beneficial effects.
Arrow Priming
| 0/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 17
Range: 6
Cooldown: 15
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: You attach a decoy to an arrow and fire it, creating a target that distracts enemies within 0 spaces for 1 turns.
Foes within range of the decoy's landing spot will have their ability to detect hidden creatures reduced by 5 for 1 turns by the piercing whistle it makes.
At level 3 of above, the decoy will explode when destroyed, releasing a cloud of sticky smoke that reduces vision range by 1 for 7 turns. Affected targets can never prevent you from entering stealth, even if their proximity would normally forbid it.
The detection penalty increases with your Cunning and the chance to cloud vision is based on the target's resistance to blindness.
This talent does not break stealth or consume primed arrows. Decoy Shot
| 0/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 25.4
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 24
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: You fire an arrow attached to a line, dealing 90% arrow damage and reeling in whatever it strikes.
If the target reaches you and Your Worst Nightmare is active, you will immediately break stealth, triggering Explosive Entrance if known, and swap to your melee weapon before attempting to grapple them. The grapple effects and duration will be based off your grappling talents.
The range increases with talent investment and the quality of your bow. Reel Shot
| 0/5 |
Technique / Grappling | 1.20 |
Effective talent level: 1.2
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 5.3
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 6
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Make a melee attack for 100% barehand damage and then attempt to grapple a target up to one size category larger then yourself for 3 turns. A grappled opponent will be unable to move, take 14 damage each turn, and 7% of the damage you receive from any source will be redirected to them. Any movement from the target or you will break the grapple. Maintaining a grapple drains 6 stamina per turn.
You may only grapple a single target at a time, and using any targeted unarmed talent on a target that you're not grappling will break the grapple.
You will automatically break stealth before attempting to grapple your target, triggering Explosive Entrance if known.
| 1/5 |
| 0/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 15.9
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: Rushes forward and attempts to take the target to the ground, making a barehand attack for 10% damage then attempting to grapple them. If you're already grappling the target you'll instead slam them into the ground creating a radius 5 shockwave for 15 physical damage and breaking your grapple.
The grapple effects and duration will be based off your grapple talent, if you have it, and the damage will scale with your Physical Power.
You will automatically break stealth once you reach your target, triggering Explosive Entrance if known. Take Down
| 0/5 |
| 0/5 |
Cunning / Subterfuge | 1.30 |
Effective talent level: 1.3
Use mode: Sustained
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Description: Enters stealth mode (power 21, based on Cunning), making you harder to detect.
If successful (re-checked each turn), enemies will not know exactly where you are, or may not notice you at all.
When performing unstealthy actions (attacking, using objects, ...) you have a chance of remaining hidden based on 0.57 times your stealth power (currently 12) compared against the detection (reduced by 10% per tile distance) of all enemies that have a clear line of sight to you, and is affected by your luck.
Your chance of successfully remaining hidden is currently 66%.
Subterfuge reduces your light radius to 0, and will not work with massive armours.
You cannot enter stealth if there are foes in sight within range 9. Subterfuge
| 1/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Passive
Description: When striking from stealth, the attack is automatically critical if the target does not notice you just before you land it.
Precision strikes do +0.00% damage versus a normal critical hit up to 3 grids away and then disminishes to 0% at distance 10.
These bonuses are guaranteed for spell and mind crits even if the target can see you before it hits. Precision Strike
| 0/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 21.2
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 40
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: instant
Description: You work swiftly under cover, increasing movement speed by 0% while stealthed. Your speed protects you from direct hits, causing you to take 0 less damage from all sources while Subterfuge is active.
You have also learned how to be stealthy even when in plain sight of your foes. You may attempt to enter stealth regardless of how close you are to your enemies, but success is more likely against fewer opponents that are farther away.
Your chance to succeed is determined by comparing 0.00 times your stealth power (currently 0) to the stealth detection of all enemies (reduced by 10% per tile distance) that have a clear line of sight to you.
Your chance of success is currently 26%.
If successful, all creatures currently following you will lose track of your position.
This also resets the cooldown of your Subterfuge talent. Undercover Operations
| 0/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 21.2
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 10
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: You sneak up behind an enemy and attempt to break their neck from behind, comparing 0.00 times your stealth power (currently 0) to the stealth detection of all enemies (reduced by 10% per tile distance) that have a clear line of sight to you. If the target fails a physical save, they will be killed instantly, otherwise they will take 20.92 physical damage.
Your chance of success is currently 26%.
This talent must be performed from stealth and does not check physical save if the victim is not targetting you.
Damage done increases with stealth power, character level, your Strength, and your physical damage bonuses. Neck Snap
| 0/5 |
Technique / Close quarters combat | 1.30 |
Effective talent level: 1.3
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 15.9
Range: 5
Cooldown: 15
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: You rush at a distant enemy, striking them with your melee weapon for 66% weapon damage and following up with a grab for 50% barehand damage, attempting to grapple them.
You will automatically break stealth once you reach your target, triggering Explosive Entrance if known, and the grapple effects and duration will be based off your grappling talents.
All Close Quarter Combat techniques require a one-handed melee weapon and an empty offhand in your active equipment or quickslot. Charging Chop
| 1/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 12.7
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 8
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: You throw your foe to the ground, dealing 50% barehand damage and stunning them for 0 turns. You then strike them with your melee weapon for 65% weapon damage as you drag them back to their feet.
If the target is grappled the performed attacks cannot miss and the stun is applied without checking their Physical Save. Otherwise, the chance of stunning the target increases with your Physical Power. Takedown Slash
| 0/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 17
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 6
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: You slam your knee into your foe's face (or most facelike area) to stagger them, dealing 60% barehand damage. With your target momentarily off guard, you follow up with two automatic critical hits with your melee weapon for 78% weapon damage.
If the target is grappled the performed attacks cannot miss. Stagger Knee
| 0/5 |
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Stamina cost: 25.4
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 14
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: 1 turn
Description: You pull a stunned foe close and headbutt them repeatedly, dealing 12% barehand damage and putting a talent in cooldown for each turn of stun or daze duration on them (max 0 attacks.) Afterward you strike them with your melee weapon for 20% weapon damage, stunning them again for 0 turns if it connects.
The stun effect can not be resisted or saved against, and the headbutt damage increases with the quality of your headgear. Pounding Headache
| 0/5 |