Talent Stealth is ready to use.
BillyBob activates Stealth.
There is a way to the next level here (press '' or right click to use).
You gain 25.00 gold from the transmogrification of Squalortreason.
There is a way to the previous level here (press '' or right click to use).
Grizzly bear has seen you!
BillyBob performs a critical strike!
Grizzly bear starts to bleed.
Grizzly bear is disabled.
Grizzly bear is crippled.
BillyBob performs a critical strike!
You collect a new ingredient: bear paw.
BillyBob hits grizzly bear for 244 physical, 6 darkness, 263 physical damage (total 512.01).
BillyBob killed grizzly bear!
Resting starts...
Rested for 46 turns (stop reason: all resources and life at maximum).
Resting starts...
Rested for 0 turns (stop reason: all resources and life at maximum).
There is a way to the previous level here (press '' or right click to use).
Saving done.
Character control switched to lost man.
BillyBob deactivates Stealth.