Skeleton archer uses Reload.
Skeleton archer shoots!
Rook casts a protective shield just in time!
Your premonition allows you to raise a shield just in time!
Skeleton archer hits Rook for 33 physical, 4 nature damage (total 35.37).
Skeleton archer shoots!
Skeleton archer hits Rook for 35 physical, 5 nature damage (total 38.92).
Rook hits skeleton archer for 0 physical, 0 acid damage (total 0.00).
Skeleton archer uses Reload.
The shield around skeleton archer crumbles.
Skeleton archer is being stalked by Rook!
Rook hits skeleton archer for 139 physical, 10 acid damage (total 147.50).
Skeleton archer hits Rook for 8 physical damage.
Rook hits skeleton archer for 18 arcane, 7 light, 24 mind damage (total 47.06).
Skeleton archer is weakened by the gloom.
Rook performs a critical strike!
Skeleton archer is no longer being stalked by Rook.
You revel in attacking a weakened foe! (+2 hate)
Rook hits skeleton archer for 495 physical damage.
Rook killed skeleton archer!
Saving done.
Character control switched to lost man.