Lost wife hits lost man for 3 blight damage.
Lost man hits lost wife for 11 physical damage.
You touch the dreamstone and it disappears. You feel better.
Lost wife hits lost man for 9 physical damage.
Lost wife hits lost man for 3 blight damage.
Lost man hits lost wife for 12 physical damage.
Lost wife hits lost man for 3 blight damage.
Lost man hits lost wife for 11 physical damage.
Lost wife misses lost man.
Lost wife hits lost man for 3 blight damage.
Lost man hits lost wife for 12 physical damage.
Lost wife hits lost man for 3 blight damage.
Lost man hits lost wife for 12 physical damage.
You collect a new ingredient: orc heart.
Lost wife hits lost man for 3 blight damage.
Lost man hits lost wife for 12 physical damage.
Lost man killed lost wife!
Character control switched to Rook.
There is a way to the previous level here (press '' or right click to use).
Saving done.
Character control switched to lost man.