Slubby hits mountain troll for 49 acid damage.
Ghoul hits Slubby for 16 blight damage.
Slubby hits black bear for 87 physical damage.
Black bear misses Slubby.
Orc soldier misses Slubby.
Slubby hits black bear for 108 physical damage.
Copperhead snake bites poison into Slubby.
Copperhead snake misses Slubby.
Slubby leeches life from its victim!
Mountain troll shrugs off the effect 'Corrode'!
Mountain troll has shook off the effects of their corrosion.
Slubby leeches life from its victim!
Rattlesnake is corroded.
Slubby hits rattlesnake for 49 acid damage.
Slubby hits orc soldier for 49 acid damage.
Slubby hits black bear for 49 acid damage.
Slubby hits copperhead snake for 49 acid damage.
Slubby hits copperhead snake for 49 acid damage.
Slubby hits copperhead snake for 49 acid damage.
Slubby hits copperhead snake for 49 acid damage.
Slubby hits mountain troll for 49 acid damage.
Ghoul hits Slubby for 16 blight damage.
You collect a new ingredient: bear paw.
Orc soldier slows down.
Slubby hits black bear for 85 physical damage.
Slubby killed black bear!
Slubby hits orc soldier for 9 lightning, 16 blight, 4 nature, 22 nature damage (total 50.07).
Orc soldier hits Slubby for 85 physical damage.
Saving done.
Character control switched to lost man.