Game Statistics: Achievement

Players that achieved it

Tectonix레벨 50 탈로레 광전사 LOCK2025-03-05 23:06:39
diosalex123Doomer the Thalore Doomed level 502025-03-05 20:57:02
solerAfflicler the Yeek Doomed level 502025-03-05 18:25:09
skipaeusSaya the Doomelf Cultist of Entropy level 502025-03-05 14:58:17
hobigaDariaodi the Engineered Arcane Blade level 502025-03-05 14:26:49
scorpio462003Tempest the Higher Archmage level 502025-03-05 13:20:08
IkurusHannik the Enraged the Krog Cursed level 432025-03-05 10:57:31
santinhoutitan ドワーフ Discordant レベル432025-03-05 00:47:03
cfmakerawFa the Shalore Skirmisher level 502025-03-04 23:53:53
abysstemplar2레벨 47 스켈레톤 모험가 birdshell2025-03-04 23:02:54
ChiefBigFeatherLanhhiri the Shalore Archmage level 502025-03-04 22:22:12
Faber레벨 49 탈로레 소환사 이피게니아 2025-03-04 20:33:55
ravenmagusAsha the Higher Doombringer level 492025-03-04 20:15:48
Folie à deuxSharchmage the Shalore Archmage level 502025-03-04 19:28:25
zegoslarnLuddus the Krog Mindslayer level 502025-03-04 16:03:41
esiaRianai the Dwarf Anorithil level 502025-03-04 13:30:21
sadman44bob 168 the Yeek Temporal Warden level 462025-03-04 12:44:22
XenorosthGreh the Ghoul Bulwark level 502025-03-04 11:25:35
SheilaGoshujin-sama the Yeek Corruptor level 502025-03-04 01:18:52
polarbear1211Lyli the Dwarf Cursed level 462025-03-03 22:58:54
gerokoSprout the Thalore Summoner level 502025-03-03 11:01:04
AlderVadderAlderVadder the Krog Cursed level 502025-03-03 02:34:03
CyalpCyalp the Dwarf Solipsist level 492025-03-03 00:15:07
Zhaen1Rhae the Yeek Solipsist level 502025-03-03 00:06:41
rohan407Pissboi The Ninth the Dwarf Berserker level 502025-03-03 00:02:04