Game Statistics: Achievement

Players that achieved it

workcatmakus,自然精灵龙战士,等级252025-02-01 21:15:26
jinuate레벨 39 코르낙 용인 Iusgil2025-02-01 13:43:02
ZiemBonekeeper the Krog Mindslayer level 492025-02-01 13:33:54
hyds4DARKWYRMIC,矮人龙战士,等级262025-01-31 13:03:57
knifebuttonlil dragon the Yeek Wyrmic level 292025-01-30 17:56:54
hughmunguskrogcurse the Krog Cursed level 402025-01-29 19:47:17
wtsai89uberelder the Shalore Wyrmic level 202025-01-28 17:13:38
Bibzuda7InfiniteTrash the Cornac Adventurer level 5812025-01-27 17:18:16
kuugun-repyhMaonei the Cornac Wyrmic level 372025-01-27 14:20:20
jiaoyuanaaaafsd,矮人龙战士,等级502025-01-26 22:10:40
chuanshuopigInell,科纳克人龙战士,等级362025-01-26 19:49:35
noteventhechairFalad the Krog Adventurer level 502025-01-23 14:51:11
jjormang레벨 22 코르낙 용인 Wyrmman42025-01-23 13:03:52
bananadineLeor the Drem Wanderer level 182025-01-23 05:15:09
masayuu1 haku ドワーフ 竜化術師 レベル412025-01-22 22:49:21
.......Gusano the Cornac Wyrmic level 322025-01-22 20:19:49
luka189Rawr the Kruk Yeti Wyrmic level 362025-01-21 18:11:02
tamanegicatOnion Wyr Ins Rl コーナック 竜化術師 レベル212025-01-19 22:08:56
GusTheKovacikCuddlefluff the Cornac Adventurer level 462025-01-18 17:28:41
garumadoway ドワーフ 竜化術師 レベル292025-01-18 07:43:58
ExerienZyv the Dwarf Wyrmic level 292025-01-16 21:56:36
mjlee225레벨 22 드렘 용인 Axicmun2025-01-16 21:43:45
qjdmvgasd the Dwarf Bulwark level 502025-01-15 15:27:35
centurionxDragos the Higher Wyrmic level 502025-01-13 20:22:07
Banana_HavocWyhr the Dwarf Wyrmic level 302025-01-13 17:26:51