Game Statistics: Achievement

Ay ay captain! (Exploration mode)

Turn into a pirate!

Players that achieved it

AurionThoricVigoripAdept of Chromatic Heresy the Ogre Wyrmic level 42024-09-22 21:40:25
LudwigSailludwigvv,兽人盗贼,等级362024-09-22 17:19:54
StarfallMoirai the Shalore Temporal Warden level 62024-09-22 16:50:36
ObsDiTim the Shalore Archmage level 502024-09-22 16:00:26
kimeq3jint레벨 32 스켈레톤 궁수 dex2024-09-22 14:29:15
ndayPalomino the Shalore Sun Paladin level 142024-09-22 13:39:22
tiojeffTioSol2 the Yeek Solipsist level 182024-09-22 12:35:56
GRISHGODMandos' the Cornac Paradox Mage level 322024-09-22 12:10:49
inkog92Kardadem the Thalore Doomed level 232024-09-22 10:19:31
dipriestYnnowa,科纳克人末日使者,等级392024-09-22 07:29:36
TritusTayvan Foulstone the Shalore Corruptor level 112024-09-22 01:57:50
yutakasteamYutaka コーナック 竜化術師 レベル92024-09-21 22:58:50
TheloMivel the Halfling Skirmisher level 462024-09-21 20:28:08
ddm99Darven the Dwarf Writhing One level 502024-09-21 19:49:51
uiuilolo레벨 24 드워프 광전사 god2024-09-21 17:46:02
SugaryDrem Anorithil the Drem Anorithil level 142024-09-21 17:45:52
kyotukemoyo タローレ 狂戦士 レベル502024-09-21 17:36:10
ecarver5Morg the Thalore Summoner level 102024-09-21 15:53:15
ShoobMadhi the Ogre Sun Paladin level 262024-09-21 15:10:31
haplo9hoard dwarf the Hoardling Ascendant Harbinger leve2024-09-21 15:07:58
thyroidalrockaug the Dwarf Wyrmic level 82024-09-21 14:43:52
seiyahagomeDo'bahn the Dwarf Berserker level 252024-09-21 14:26:56
djboyyoyo1레벨 nayo3 스켈레톤 섬멸자 302024-09-21 14:12:28
ZareBob the builder the Ogre Possessor level 142024-09-21 13:47:58
fung011151Cursed007,克羅格被詛咒者,等級142024-09-21 12:26:05